Man Shot Outside Hollywood Club - TMZ & Worldstar There to Capture It All - WSHH Encouraging Reckles

You guys say "white people shoot up schools, malls, and theaters" like its a regular occurrence.
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why because he's squinting? because he's black?

Dude looks normal as hell.
He just murdered someone and shot another in cold blood in the middle of a crowd. Scowlin' in his mugshot now. Doesn't exactly look like the most remorseful dude. If I had to guess between goon and non-goon, I'm going with goon.
the statement was "looks" like a goon.  Not he is a goon. 

Nothing about that picture says goon.  He's just not smiling....its a mugshot.  You see more "goon" pictures for athlete profile pics....

Remorse? His mugshot is supposed to convey remorse? 

So again I ask why does he look like a goon?
not sure if sarcasm

Omg you my dude but its pretty regular.

Wait you dudes think malls, schools, and churches getting shot up by white dudes is more common than black on black violence within the city limits? :lol:

Or did I completely misunderstand?

How many murders did Chicago alone have in 2012? 400+? You think the mass shooting death toll reaches anywhere near that number per year? :smh:

It doesn't even matter though, because murder is murder. Neither is a "better" motive. It's wrong, period. No circumstances make one warranted as opposed to the other. My opinion.
Wait you dudes think malls, schools, and churches getting shot up by white dudes is more common than black on black violence within the city limits? :lol:

Or did I completely misunderstand?

How many murders did Chicago alone have in 2012? 400+? You think the mass shooting death toll reaches anywhere near that number per year? :smh:

It doesn't even matter though, because murder is murder. Neither is a "better" motive. It's wrong, period. No circumstances make one warranted as opposed to the other. My opinion.

you're right murder is always "wrong" but in my mind it's worse to murder a 6 year old than a 25 year old. i don't know why but i feel like children are supposed to be untouchable.

Dude disappeared after this.

Yo my mans you really want me to response to something from damn near 10 years ago? It's not even worth it, bc I'm not buying that ********. It basically boils down to people with common sense, money, people with careers and decent jobs . People that fall in these categories don't have time for this type of nonsense. No matter what the color of the skin may be. I simply don't like that some people sit behind a computer screen and throw out weak jabs at people culture or nationally. Cowardly and very ***** made. Specially the self hatred dudes.
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can you post the research in which you found this info?

we minorities will wait...

View media item 220207


Dude disappeared after this.

Let me just state that this list isn't accurate to say the least. I've done reports and presentations on gun control & blacks in the justice system several times, and this list isnt correct. Just my 00.2
Let me just state that this list isn't accurate to say the least. I've done reports and presentations on gun control & blacks in the justice system several times, and this list isnt correct. Just my 00.2

Yeah you're probably a more reliable source than the U.S. Dept. of Justice BJS :rofl:

I have a B.S. in Criminal Justice, studied homicide and took a seminar in homicide. I can attest that there's not much deviation in those statistics over the past 20+ years. What exactly are you trying to say? Caucasians are responsible for the majority of gun violence in this country?

View media item 224662
yall throwing shots at blacks fighting at clubs but lets talk about white people loving to shoot up schools filled w/ innocent thing I can say about black violence is that it usually isn't random and the victim knows the shooter......y'all will kill anybody...even your own ******g parents......

i love white people i swear i do but yall race baiting ones are some of the stupidest ************* walking around this god damn country/world

ignorance doesn't have a color....while some may be different than others it's still ignorant 

but ftr I do avoid hood clubs.....prefer a mixed crowd
i wanted to say this exact same thing in the sandy hook thread but i didn't want to sound ignorant.

in my mind, urban violence usually has more of a "reason" than suburban violence. obviously there are exceptions to this as there are everything but white people are off their rockers shooting up malls, schools, churches, everything.

as a white 25 year old man, i am statistically more likely to shoot up a place of worship than my black, asian, or hispanic counterparts, and (white) america has failed to realize that.

if i were a minority i'd start staying away from white people.
I mean... there's a quantifiable reason...

Minorities are more likely to come from low income/single parent backgrounds.  A lot of the violence acted out by minorities is more likely to be for a come up (robbery, etc.) or gang related because minorities are more prevalent in the communities that perpetuate this as compared to whites.

It doesn't mean White people don't rob, steal, and shoot people from rival sets.  They do.  It just means on a purely numbers basis there are less white people living in poor hoods who feel the need to rob, steal, or join a gang to survive.  So the violence that goes hand in hand with those decisions is typically gonna be Black on Black.

Isolate in certain communities as opposed to nationally and you'll see that the statistics are a lot closer together, racially, the poorer the community as a whole is.

The violence and crime on all those statistical graphs people are quoting isn't just showing ethnicity, it's really showing caste.
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not sure if sarcasm

Omg you my dude but its pretty regular.

Wait you dudes think malls, schools, and churches getting shot up by white dudes is more common than black on black violence within the city limits? :lol:

Or did I completely misunderstand?

How many murders did Chicago alone have in 2012? 400+? You think the mass shooting death toll reaches anywhere near that number per year? :smh:

It doesn't even matter though, because murder is murder. Neither is a "better" motive. It's wrong, period. No circumstances make one warranted as opposed to the other. My opinion.
you say that like all 400+ murders were by blacks though
Let me just state that this list isn't accurate to say the least. I've done reports and presentations on gun control & blacks in the justice system several times, and this list isnt correct. Just my 00.2

Yeah you're probably a more reliable source than the U.S. Dept. of Justice BJS :rofl:

I have a B.S. in Criminal Justice, studied homicide and took a seminar in homicide. I can attest that there's not much deviation in those statistics over the past 20+ years. What exactly are you trying to say? Caucasians are responsible for the majority of gun violence in this country?

View media item 224662
idk what that face is coming from, im not saying they are, but 7x% of the US is white, not only are they more likely to have more guns than minorities (because there are more of them than all of the minorities combined) but the chances of me chillin at lunch and then deciding im going to murk the table next to me and them being white, is better than me shooting any minority (much more black because hispanics are beginning to outnumber blacks)
idk what that face is coming from, im not saying they are, but 7x% of the US is white, not only are they more likely to have more guns than minorities (because there are more of them than all of the minorities combined) but the chances of me chillin at lunch and then deciding im going to murk the table next to me and them being white, is better than me shooting any minority (much more black because hispanics are beginning to outnumber blacks)

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why because he's squinting? because he's black?

Dude looks normal as hell.
im saying...looking at him without knowledge of who he is, yo would never guess murderer.

look like any young dude i see walking around my city...i probably see a million young dudes that look like that a day...

but because hes black...and hes scowling, in a mugshot...hes a goon..

martha stewart mean mugged her mug she a goon???
why because he's squinting? because he's black?

Dude looks normal as hell.
im saying...looking at him without knowledge of who he is, yo would never guess murderer.

look like any young dude i see walking around my city...i probably see a million young dudes that look like that a day...

but because hes black...and hes scowling, in a mugshot...hes a goon..

martha stewart mean mugged her mug she a goon???

If I see a young brother with a negative demeanor and neck tats...i think goon until proven otherwise....I don't know where you from, but being able to assess people from a distance = a survival instinct in south central

as far as martha stewart mean mugging...

View media item 226483
Doesn't look goonish to me.
This thread has turned into nothing but a childish sneak-diss wwe rumble of nothing but stereo-typical stereotypes being slung back and forth.
What it all boils down to is this,you have a bunch of guy's in here who had a incident,heard about an incident,know of an incident and have solely based all of that off of those minor incident's.Then you have guy's in here talking about goon's,thug's,black club's,this,that,and the third.They don't know what in the hell their talking about because if they did they would know that 'street people' don't have a color,race or ethnicity ,'street people' don't have boundarys they go where they want too,'street people' don't lable themselve's by a name such a 'goon' and last,'street people' are everywhere,they live on your street,in your area,work at the stores where you shop at and in some cases they might even be friend's of your family.
Now you say,well what are 'street people',well to me 'street people' are people who have adopted a certain indoctrination that no matter what,no matter how,their alway's going to try to beat the system,cheat,get over or under something for their own personal gain.Yes I know that,those are common and that those characteristics doesn't make them'street people',which I know but what does is when you add 'by any means necessary' mentality to that way of thinking.That right there,seperates them from just your average greedy American.
From that point on you can add sub-lable's to 'street people',you know you have your robber's,drug dealer's,pimp & *****'s,drug abuser's,wallstreet hustler,white collar criminal,your shooter's,murder's...ect.No matter what,Their 'street people' and they speak a language only they can truelly understand while some like me maybe be able to
decipher some of it here and there but I can't do it because I haven't taken that oath 'by any means necessary',there are alot of thing's I just won't do for the almighty dollar,to get over or under.

Now as far as playing it safe,please do just that,I recommend it because I do it.We profile,we judge and it's even harder to do it now in 2013 because hiphop/urban/grungy/skatboard/drug user./tough guy culture which has spread faster than cancer in the last 33yr's,make's alot of people have a certain demeanor, look alike and in some cases even act alike.Continue to do it because I know that 9 times out of 10,what's going to get you and me is something that's not even on our radar,something we wasn't watching out for and someone we wouldn't expect.This is why in the future we'er going to have more prison's than college's because you'er not expecting your bestfriend since 2nd grade to break into your house but he was just waiting for the opportunity of someone to announce that they were leaving for vacation on Facebook .....:lol:'street people'
I think it's the neck tattoos, serious mean mug, and... the fact that he's in a mugshot photo...

all goon stereotypes.  if it wasn't for the fact that he's standing in front of a police camera i don't know that most people's minds would jump to "he's a murderer""
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