Man Eat's His 4 Year Old Son's Eyes

I wish I hadn't of read this.

What the hell is wrong with these people. This is just getting crazy now.
... wth man
I dont even know what to say. Dust is no joke

In a 1980 special issue on PCP, the Journal of Psychedelic Drugs reported that, on the one hand, (1) some stories about PCP-induced dementia were demonstrably embroidered or otherwise unreliable--for example, Baltimore college dropout Charles Innes blinded himself while in jail after swallowing a canister of drugs, but there was no proof the stuff was PCP; (2) the vast majority of PCP experiences were nonviolent; (3) you could find eye gougings, superhuman strength, and whatnot attributed to drugs ranging from LSD to ergot; (4) PCP users took gobs of other drugs too; and (5) the one recreational drug indisputably linked to crime was alcohol. On the other hand, the Journal's contributors went on to say, PCP had played a role in plenty of stunningly senseless violence: (1) a 17-year-old boy made a sexual advance on a 14-year-old girl after both had smoked "superweed" (here meaning marijuana dosed with PCP); when she resisted, he concluded he was being attacked by a wild animal and strangled her; (2) a man cut off one of his partner's testicles at the latter's request while both were high on PCP; (3) one chronic PCP user "branded himself by burning a cross on his chest"; (4) a 38-year-old man smoked superweed, cut off the head of his dog, and attacked a stranger on the street with a razor; (5) high on PCP, a man waved down a car, shot and killed a passenger, then frolicked on the freeway firing in the air before being subdued; and (6) a 29-year-old man smoked a PCP "crystal joint," entered a pregnant woman's home, stabbed her, killing the fetus, killed her two-year-old child, and when found was running down the street with a knife, naked and bloody, yelling, "Hallelujah, I'm Jesus!"
I can't even bring myself to finish the video, that's so sad, I hope that boy has a good and prosperous life and I'll pray for him.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

They're from Bakersfield, so that explains a lot.

Disgusting news.
Don't mean to offend anyone, but why are people from there always weird?
So disgusting, over here we aint got sherm sticks, i have of angel dust but that was ages ago and they probably didnt even mean PCP. But honestly that stuff ismessed up, what could honestly possess someone to smoke it?? why would u even bother?? whats wrong with weed if u want to get high?? terrible..

so i got curious an typed sherm stick in youtube and found this song
i would of thought that PCP was like crack if it makes u do crazy stuff like
I hate people, what the hell is wrong with us??? Why must we do all these ridicilous things? Murder, rape, torture, eating your feakin' kids eyesout.......what the eff? I had it with people, we suck.
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