Man dies on subway as photographer takes a picture for NY POST, Update: Photographer speaks (P. 4)

TL;DR - He didn't save the guy, but he made sure to get paid for the pictures.


and i don't know what i'd do in that situation.....of course we'd say that we would jump in there and save him....hopefully i'll never have to deal with it
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SMH at nobody helping.

its nyc man, like the guy on the last page said ppl here mind their own damn business and rarely help in any situation. If there is a mugging or fight going on no one in their right mind is going to try and stop it if you dont know the people involved.
What about the guy who pushed the dude into the tracks though...

Pushes a guy into the tracks and lets him die.

What the ****?
Yes, cameras have zoom but he claims he didn't change any settings and was running towards the man taking pictures only for the flash. And yet the picture is not blurry, square with the ground, the man is right in the center, etc... Something in his story doesn't add up and it doesn't take much to realize it...
Aren't there security cameras in most subways? The truth will come out eventually... I hope I am wrong and he really did try to help but there's just too much pointing in the other direction...
I havent seen any security cameras in the subway.

Even if there was, what does it matter? He cant get charged for anything for not trying to help. Morally? Thats another story, but the everyones so concerned about this guy that the fact that someone got pushed into the subway and died isnt even the main story anymore.
What he did was morally wrong but he didn't break any laws, plus he wasn't the only person on the platform. He did what he could without putting his own life in danger.
22 seconds elapsed.

How far away from the guy do y'all think the photographer was? (In feet)

IMO, seems like the train was significantly further away from the guy than the photographer was.

I'm curious to know how fast those trains go as well. (mph)

the photographer looks like an old man doubt he can be running 4.0 40 yard dash.

if he says he was farther than all the other people than he was pretty dam far.

dude looks like hes telling the truth, but know one but him will ever know his true intentions but him

none of u were there therefore u cant make these accusations against him
I don't know why everybody's grilling the photographer, I'm pretty sure there were enough people at that station (that could fill up every pump at 4 or more hess stations)everybody could have tooken the blame,

The real guy everybody should be charged for this is the D bag who pushed the guy on the tracks in the first place.

Let me tell you it's not like everyones life was immediatly in danger, the guy left i'm sure after the push, and people were still standing there like this :nerd:
it's no way people in here that from NY could get mad, Cause none of ya would had tried to help him either and neither would i so save that heroic stuff for the movies.
It's everyman for himself on these trains and you should know that
Its the sad truth.
People are blaming the photographer because they don't realize that he wasn't the closest one to the victim and they think he used his camera for the sole reason of selling the pictures. He did sell them which I think is disgusting. The image of the guy's last seconds of life are everywhere now. If I was his family member I would find him and punch him a few times.
According to the victims wife, he was drinking and had got into an argument with her prior to leaving the house. Although I don't believe in what the suspect did, his charge may be dropped to a lesser charge if it turns out that the victim was actually instigating the argument and provoking the suspect. Sad situation all around. This is one of those situations where you just have to be the bigger man and walk away before things get as bad as this.:smh:
was the guy that threw the victim onto the track sane? Last I read, he was described as a panhandler and was making a scene prior the victim confronting him. But the photographer is looking pathetic by making up excuses. If he admitted it was a mistake, people wouldn't be so angry at him. The worse is actually the newspaper for posting the pic.

With that said, I don't think the cameraman would have been able to help the victim by himself. Cameraman looks to be pretty old. The victim was described as dazed or injured, so it probably would have been hard for him to be pulled up unless someone in better shape than the photographer was doing the pulling.
That's a harsh general statement, a war photojournalist wouldn't be able to perform in a wedding just like a wedding photographer wouldn't be able to last out on the field in the mist of gun powder, it's photography, just very different types of photography.
That too is a general statement because one of my friends dad is a very good professional photographer, and he's shot wars, political conflict, poverty but also does weddings these days.

IMO a war photojournalist has more than enough skill to cover a wedding or any type of event coverage. Photojournalist not only have the "eye" for photography and moments, but they also have the bravery to go out and get a curtain shot.
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According to the victims wife, he was drinking and had got into an argument with her prior to leaving the house. Although I don't believe in what the suspect did, his charge may be dropped to a lesser charge if it turns out that the victim was actually instigating the argument and provoking the suspect. Sad situation all around. This is one of those situations where you just have to be the bigger man and walk away before things get as bad as this.
So isnt that manslaughter?
So the guy had an argument with his wife...headed to the subway drunk...somebody pushes man says his doing warning flashes but is really getting his breakthrough story?
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