Man dies on subway as photographer takes a picture for NY POST, Update: Photographer speaks (P. 4)

He honestly could have saved himself by thinking logically. Pushing yourself up takes the most time and effort out of all the options he had. I ride the subway everyday and look at my options just in case something like this happens to me. Under the platform is a small space that can fit a person, he may get cut and scraped but he would have survived had he went under. Many people have even survived this way in the past. His other option was to stand in the huge space directly in the middle of both tracks. There is way more then enough space there for a person because logically they don't want the two trains going in opposite directions to touch whatsoever as it would cause many deaths. I'm sorry but it is just as much the mans fault for dying as the guy who pushed him.

For one, let me see you go from one side of the train station to the other side in the middle of a platform. I bet you'll get electrocuted before you blink your eyes. Ever heard of the third rail? There's a reason at the end of the platform they have those stairs for MTA workers to go back and forth across the platforms.

When you're in shock which I'm assuming any normal person would be, and you feel like you're about to die? The first instinct is to try to climb your #*@ out, not hug the wall in a small space under the train and pray you don't get hit.

It's his fault for dying? :smh: :smh:
Also this is in regards to those who said that if you jump in the track bed that you wouldn't survive. This guy did it and he survived although it was just dumb luck.

A normal commuter in NYC isn't aware of "how to survive if you fall in the train tracks". Maybe they should provide a pamphlet, a instruction manual, a heads up for emergency situations such as this. The only thing they have is, press the red bell if you have a emergency :smh:
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