man catches Manslaughter charge 4 killing man who attempted 2 rape wife.

Aug 1, 2004

salute to that man being a vigilante.

Husband charged for beating would-be rapist to death with tire iron
By Kevin Sheehan, Natalie Musumeci and Kevin Fasick May 31, 2016 | 9:06am | Updated

The enraged husband who beat a man to death with a tire iron for trying to rape his wife inside their Bronx apartment has been arrested and charged with manslaughter, police said.

“He threatened my wife,” explained Mamadou Diallo, as he was led out of the 42nd Precinct in handcuffs on Tuesday.

“He threatened my wife,” he said again, stone-faced.

The 61-year-old native of Guinea has been charged with manslaughter after coming to the rescue of his wife, Nenegale Diallo, at around 9:30 p.m. Monday after the terrified woman called him to tell him she had just broken free from an intruder who attacked her inside their Claremont Village home on Washington Avenue near East 168th Street.

Mamadou Diallo is walked out of the 42nd Precinct in the Bronx.Photo: David McGlynn
“I don’t want money, I’m going to rape you,” Nenegale recalled hearing, as 43-year-old Earl Nash forced his way into the residence after knocking on the door.

She told DNAinfo the next thing she knew she was being hit repeatedly and stripped.

“Please, anything you want, I give you,” Nenegale remembered saying, while being pummeled by Nash.

He even went so far as to hit her with a chair, she said.

“I’m OK. I had a headache,” Nenegale explained.

Mugshot of Earl Nash.Photo: New York State Department of Corrections
Her husband’s brother, Ibrahima Diallo, 52, told The Post she ultimately “thought it was her [16-year-old] son knocking on the door so she opened the door and saw the man she did not recognize.”

“She went to shut the door and the guy pushed in the door and then punched her,” he said, recalling what a shaken Nengale had told him.

Police sources said Nash, who has a lengthy rap sheet dating back to 1997 — including arrests for assault, robbery and arson —slugged her in the face several times before ripping off her clothes and tossing her to the floor. She was left with bruises to her forehead, cops said.

Diallo, a longtime livery driver, had just gotten to the building and parked his car when received a call from his wife, urging him for help.

“Call the police for me, I need help! I need help, please!” Nenegale said, according to Diallo’s brother.

Fearing for his wife’s life, Diallo dashed into the building and hopped on an elevator to the sixth floor — where he came face to face with Nash, who was trying to make his escape.

Sources said Nenegale quickly pointed him out to her husband, who then proceeded to go berserk.

Diallo repeatedly bashed the career criminal with a tire iron inside the elevator moments later in a bloody beating that lasted up to two minutes, sources said.

Trying his best to defend himself, Nash struck Diallo with a belt several times, but Diallo shook off the counter-attack and kept coming — pounding the criminal over and over again with the tire iron until he was left with a fractured skull, sources said.

The scene of the attack.Photo: William C. Lopez
Emergency responders rushed Nash, who also had severe body trauma, to Lincoln Hospital, where he eventually succumbed to his injuries.

While cops took Diallo into custody Tuesday and busted him for manslaughter, his brother didn’t believe the charges would stick.

“I don’t think he’s going to be charged,” Ibrahima said, explaining that he believed people ultimately have the right to defend themselves or their loved ones when “somebody comes in [and tries] to kill you at your house.”

Diallo’s nephew agreed, saying he unfortunately made a tragic mistake in the heat of the moment.

“My uncle, he didn’t intend to take anybody’s life,” the nephew said, refusing to be named. “Any one of us in that position would do the same thing to protect their family
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Manslaughter for protecting his family against a man 18 years younger than him at that.
The NYC justice system is a joke. A man kills a thug trying to rape his wife and gets a manslaughter charge. I guess only NYPD can kill those deemed a threat in the city.
Man should be getting a medal. I hope they put me on the jury. I'll make sure my ***** walks. Ain't nobody going home until everyone votes "not guilty". 
NT would have just shot all 4 men in the knees and waited for the police to arrive
The law is SOOOOOOO out of touch with reality sometimes. I'm guessing the law states that once the would-be-rapist fled, the situation was over and the husband had no right to pursue him. Anyone with common sense knows that he dipped b/c help was on the way and if the husband just watched son leave, the rapist would've come back to finish the job later.
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