Male birth control pill soon to become a reality

yeah i don't know about this what it do stop from busting.

yeah what if it stops you from having kids forever

BC is for women
I'll wait until it's out for about a year and all the first batches make dude grow extra testicles and $%!% before I start this up.

- Tical.
Another dumb man-made product. Who will be the first dude to claim It's not mine, I was on the pill? I'm going to stay tuned in to Maury.
Honestly, I don't see this having applications for those playing the field.

But it has huge implications for men in monogamous relationships with a female who's itching to press the baby button. Those dudes can just take this med,and then won't have to worry about their wife or serious girlfriend arbitrarily deciding "it's time" on something that's gonna affectboth of their lives for decades to come.

Truthfully, honesty is the ideal panacea to that problem. But I've seen it too many times...a couple sits down and both parties agree, "hey,we're gonna wait a few years"....and then 10 months later: formula and diaper time. Women are grimy in that way. If they've found a good man:they want that man, plus they want that baby, and don't want to do the noble thing which is, "ok, he's not ready...we can't see eye to eye, soI'm going to dissolve the relationship and find somebody who is on the same stage of readiness as me". Nope, that's not how its played. Theyjust set the trap, so they can have their cake and eat it too.

So, in that regard, it's absolutely brilliant.

A level playing field is a beautiful thing.
Originally Posted by ness

Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

"Dont worry babe, I am on the pill"

Really doesnt sound right lol
But she'll believe it!
Sure would.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Don't be surprised if these drugs have some long term negative side effects. Mainly, sterility.
The plan is moving along nicely I see.
Population control...
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