I think it was stolen.

Imagine if someone landed this safely, made it into a giant dirty bomb and used it as a weapon..

What if they loaded it with 400 militants all strapped with RPGs and fully autos. They bring it down somewhere like Central Park and all the militants scatter and turn the surrounding areas into a war zone. Also, all of them are strapped with a bomb, so if they get cornered or in trouble, they can push the button...

If the pings that the engines send could be disabled, they could be very dangerous, because them they wouldn't even know it was flying..

It's crazy. They could just dive bomb into the Taj Mahal..
They'd have to make it to central park first 

[h1]How do you track a plane?[/h1]
Mystery continues to surround the fate of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which disappeared without trace more than a week ago.

The Boeing 777-200ER plane, with 239 people on board, vanished from air traffic control screens at approximately 01:20 local time on Saturday 8 March - just an hour after leaving Kuala Lumpur bound for Beijing.

Concrete facts about what happened remain elusive. A variety of theories have been put forward, from hijacking or sabotage, to a slow loss of cabin pressure, which in turn could cause the crew and passengers to become disorientated.

But, with no debris yet identified, much of the search has been focused on the last-known movements of the aircraft.

So, how do you track a plane and what do we know about the movements of flight MH370?
How are aircraft normally tracked?
Air traffic control standard international practice is to monitor airspace using two radar systems: primary and secondary.

Primary radar, based on the earliest form of radar developed in the 1930s, detects and measures the approximate position of aircraft using reflected radio signals. It does this whether or not the subject wants to be tracked. Secondary radar,  which relies on targets being equipped with a transponder, also requests additional information from the aircraft - such as its identity and altitude.

All commercial aircraft are equipped with transponders (an abbreviation of "transmitter responder"), which automatically transmit a unique four-digit code when they receive a radio signal sent by radar.

The code gives the plane's identity and radar stations go on to establish speed and direction by monitoring successive transmissions. This flight data is then relayed to air traffic controllers.

However, once an aircraft is more than 240km (150 miles) out to sea, radar coverage fades and air crew keep in touch with air traffic control and other aircraft using high-frequency radio.

Flight MH370 disappeared from air traffic control screens when its transponder signal stopped. The last definitive sighting on civilian radar showed the plane flying north east across the Gulf of Thailand.

The final radio message received by air traffic control - "Alright, roger that" - suggested everything was normal on board.
Don't planes have GPS?
Yes, but while GPS (Global Positioning System) is a staple of modern life, the world's air traffic control network is still almost entirely radar-based.

Aircraft use GPS to show pilots their position on a map, but this data is not usually shared with air traffic control.

Flight MH370's last known location

Some of the most modern aircraft are able to "uplink" GPS data to satellite tracking services, but handling large volumes of flight data is expensive and such systems are usually only used in remote areas with no radar coverage.

However, there are plans for air traffic controllers to replace radar as their primary surveillance method over the next decade.

The new system - ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) - will see aircraft work out their position using GPSand then relay data to the ground and other planes.

But, as with existing secondary radar, ADS-B coverage does not extend over the oceans.

ADS-B is already used by flight-tracking websites, but the Malaysian aircraft disappeared from these at the same time it vanished from air traffic control screens.

The disappearance of flight MH370 has already brought renewed focus on whether mid-air tracking should be improved.
Could other data systems provide clues?
When Air France flight 447 crashed into the mid Atlantic in 2009, its onboard data system - Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) - gave investigators an early insight into what had gone wrong.

ACARS is a service that allows computers aboard the plane to "talk" to computers on the ground, relaying in-flight information about the health of its systems.

Messages are transmitted either by radio or digital signals via satellites, and can cover anything from the status of the plane's engines to a faulty toilet.

This provides ground crews with vital diagnostic information, allowing maintenance to be carried out more quickly.

In the Air France case, ACARS highlighted faulty speed readings, which caused the air crew to become disorientated.

The Wall Street Journal  has reported that US investigators believe that aircraft manufacturer Boeing received ACARS updates for around five hours after flight MH370 disappeared.

That led searchers to believe the plane could have flown more than 1,600 km (1,000 miles) beyond its last confirmed radar sighting.

But Malaysian authorities deny this, saying the last ACARS transmission came less than half an hour after take-off.
What about the 'black boxes'?
The mystery offlight MH370 may only ever be solved when the aircraft's "black box" flight recorders are recovered.

However, recovering them from the sea is not easy. In the case of Air France flight 447, it took nearly two years.

If under water, the boxes emit ultrasonic signals - but these signals have a limited range, and search crews may not detect them unless close to the crash site.

Black boxes - described by aviation reporter Stephen Trimble in The Guardian as "one of the most galling anachronisms of modern aviation technology" - are not currently equipped with any form of GPS location transmitter.
Half of that area we can cross out. If it crashed in inner and we would know because people would see, as far as land go only the outter border matters really

The ocean shouldnt be hard... They had 55 boats 55 planes search and that is alot. Plane been missing for 1 week. 55 boats 55planes 14 countries should had been able to search the water area within 1 week
What man?  "people would see it" if it were in that inner circle? 

This is based off the airspeed of a 777... which cruising speed is around 555mph... that middle circle is 2 hours in diameter based on the key.

Finding the area of the inner circle gives you ~967,689 square miles.

The area of the entire ring is 24,192,230 mi².
Half of that area we can cross out. If it crashed in inner and we would know because people would see, as far as land go only the outter border matters really

The ocean shouldnt be hard... They had 55 boats 55 planes search and that is alot. Plane been missing for 1 week. 55 boats 55planes 14 countries should had been able to search the water area within 1 week
What man?  "people would see it" if it were in that inner circle? 

This is based off the airspeed of a 777... which cruising speed is around 555mph... that middle circle is 2 hours in diameter based on the key.

Finding the area of the inner circle gives you ~967,689 square miles.

The area of the entire ring is 24,192,230 mi².

Yesterday was Pie day! :smokin
"the pilot's wife and three children moved out of the family's home the day before the plane's disappearance"

I think it was stolen.

Imagine if someone landed this safely, made it into a giant dirty bomb and used it as a weapon..

What if they loaded it with 400 militants all strapped with RPGs and fully autos. They bring it down somewhere like Central Park and all the militants scatter and turn the surrounding areas into a war zone. Also, all of them are strapped with a bomb, so if they get cornered or in trouble, they can push the button...

If the pings that the engines send could be disabled, they could be very dangerous, because them they wouldn't even know it was flying..

It's crazy. They could just dive bomb into the Taj Mahal..


:wow: "They also found that the experienced pilot, who has worked for Malaysia Airlines since 1981, had built a Boeing 777 flight simulator inside."
I think it was stolen.

Imagine if someone landed this safely, made it into a giant dirty bomb and used it as a weapon..

What if they loaded it with 400 militants all strapped with RPGs and fully autos. They bring it down somewhere like Central Park and all the militants scatter and turn the surrounding areas into a war zone. Also, all of them are strapped with a bomb, so if they get cornered or in trouble, they can push the button...

If the pings that the engines send could be disabled, they could be very dangerous, because them they wouldn't even know it was flying..

It's crazy. They could just dive bomb into the Taj Mahal..
What in the hell?
"They also found that the experienced pilot, who has worked for Malaysia Airlines since 1981, had built a Boeing 777 flight simulator inside."
FWIW lots of pilots have flight sim's in their home... My stepbrother being one of them.  (Pilot for ExpressJet)

People just looking for that mind blowing moment... This isn't someone who they looked into as one of the passengers who had a flight sim in their home... It was the actual pilot.

That fact is completely benign in my eyes.

EDIT: Also my father-in-law is a retired Lt. Colonel in the USAF as a Flight Navigator in C-130's does not see that as suspicious either.
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They would never make it to central park. That plane would be blown to a million pieces as soon as it entered U.S airspace.
Over a week now and still absolutely no concrete info on what happened
ya I think they're making stuff up in the media to make people feel better when in reality nobody has a clue what happened. if someone stole it they did an amazing job
They would never make it to central park. That plane would be blown to a million pieces as soon as it entered U.S airspace.

Obviously. I used CP as an example because people are familiar with it. I'm sure that if this was some kind of master plan, somehow pulled off by terrorists, the target isn't us just based on the fact of where the plane vanished, hence why I mentioned the Taj Mahal.

In reality, it's probably crashed. It's weird how it flew for 7 hours and climbed to 45,000 feet...
Pilot landed the plane on some remote Southern Indian Ocean island, everyone is just chillen - drinking rum, wering sandals, and wearing linen shorts. No worries. Smoking a bunch of doobs.

At this point, how can anyonce say I'm wrong? lol. No one has answers, it's all speculation.
While mentioned about the flight slim in the pilots house and how it's a common occurrence.

I wonder if it's possible to see what programs that he ran on it....

Like perhaps landing a full Boeing on a short landing strip? :nerd:

:nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

The police did raid his home and came out with bags.
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