Major Predictions for the next 50yrs?


It isn't a crime now, sure. I didn't know we were discussing what happens NOW.

But if folks keep killing themselves because of online folks talking nonsense to them, something will be done.

*Wait and See*
I'm not sure of the rules and regulations in the other countries, but I don't see this happening here in the U.S. b/c of the 1st Amendment alone, like politicians dead run smear ad campaigns on one another. Bullying & trolling is apart of America's core values. Yeah u can get reprimanded for communicating a threat, hate sites can get their domain clapped, an uncovered troll can be socially shamed, some may sue, one may track ip's & pull up, but that's about it here.
I'm not sure of the rules and regulations in the other countries, but I don't see this happening here in the U.S. b/c of the 1st Amendment alone, like politicians dead run smear ad campaigns on one another. Bullying & trolling is apart of America's core values. Yeah u can get reprimanded for communicating a threat, hate sites can get their domain clapped, an uncovered troll can be socially shamed, some may sue, one may track ip's & pull up, but that's about it here.

Politicians run by a different set of rules.

Citing what they are allowed to do as a rationale why certain rules wouldn't be applied to the common man doesn't really make sense.

But as I said, we will see what happens.
Like I said, we already see the birth of what I brought up.

I remember this dude. Didnt know about his hand but since he wasnt in the league by that time, I guess it wasnt big news.

I think people will start being held responsible for the things they type on the World Wide Web. I think laws will specifically be put in place as we start to see more deaths related to "Cyber Bullying." (See: Hana Kimura)

That can happen soon.

Yo, you were just telling me about ole girl and her family a while back. Crazy.
Forget about flying cars. That was just something from the imagination. I feel they would be pretty pointless. Improve the automotive industry by using an alternate source of energy and improve the road infrastructure by building underground highways. I see faster rates of data transfer. Terabytes per seconds will be considered slow. Mobile devices will be smaller. So small that you'll use them neurologically. Of course the conspiracy theorist will say "they're controlling your mind's man." Wearable technology will be the norm. Garments will come with micro thin computers weaved into the fabric. Tech companies will control cities. My survival job is in tech and my old parent company was working with a major city to turn a huge portion of it into a smart city. Smart Cities will develop, and I strongly believe the tech company behind it will control its host city.

I'm hoping for the first step in interplanetary travel. I'll start there. Intergalactic isn't happening for a minute. The first planet being Mars and it will start out as a lab no doubt. I don't believe it will serve as a settlement for civilization. For civilization, I see us moving to Jupiter's Europa or Saturn's Titan. Mars will serve as the the travel hub. Similar to a connecting flight. I also see Mars being used as a planet for industrial purposes and housing a very huge prison.
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I wonder if surrogates will be a thing. Where we'll all eventually have our own avatar out in the world that we control from home like a game. Maybe in the future another disease will break out and surrogate sales will sky rocket like zoom. Then we'll all be surrogate junkies staying at home living through our technology. Quarantine would be a breeze if we had surrogates lol.
Within the next 50 years, I think parents being able to select the physical/emotional/mental traits of their child will be more common/accepted. (So don't tell me DNA manipulation already exists, I know it does)

"Yea, let me get a 6'7, 10% body fat, future engineer for $35K."
If I ever get banned
Bury me smilin' with G's in my pocket
Have a house party, let every NTer rock it
Let the **** that I used to know
From way befo kiss me from my head to my toe
Give me a paper and a pen, so I can write about my life of sin
A couple bottles of gin, in case I don't get in
Tell all my people I'm a ridah
Nobody cries when we get banned, we Outlawz, let me ride
If you think Trump horrible. Wait until one these tik tok users, YouTubers, or Social Media users become president
Transhumanism will be more common. The everyday human will replace limbs with robotics.

It will spill over into sports and there will be a brand new group fighting for Civil Rights.

How so? Telling someone to go themselves isn't a crime. Socially frowned upon depending on you ask, but not a crime. The simplest way to combat against such a law is "don't read the comments."

Takaichi would head a government panel to discuss whether internet users could be identified if their posts included "slander and defamation," she said.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga also expressed his condolences for Kimura's death on Monday, saying, "It is important to improve literacy on the internet so that users won't use comments to hurt others with slander."
Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama paid tribute to Kimura on Twitter, calling for punishment for "cowardly" anonymous cyberbullies.

'Terrace House' star Hana Kimura: Japan to discuss cyberbullying laws after death of wrestler - CNN

*Wait and See*
This society is not gonna make it another 50 years, may not make another 5 TBH :lol:

There's going to be a MAJOR upheaval, and the US won't even exist, nevermind be a world power. Of course the US isn't going to fall without taking others out, most likely Russia, China, and S Korea. The nukes aren't going to lay dormant forever...
I have come to the conclusion that the next 50 years in society pretty much hinge on the events of this one.
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