Magic Johnson's son goes public with boyfriend

DK, I don't have a gripe with you man. Honestly, I don't care if your learned anything from what I said or not. In the end, you did not pull anything from what I had said, you chose to simplify it. And we did not change our views at all, so leave it at that.
I don't have a gripe with you as well, and I do thank you for your reply.  I did get your opinion on the matter or topic at hand. 
Some studies found differences between homosexual and heterosexual respondents, and then assumed that those differences indicated pathology in the homosexuals. For example, heterosexual and homosexual respondents might report different kinds of childhood experiences or family relationships. It would then be assumed that the patterns reported by the homosexuals indicated pathology, even though there were no differences in psychological functioning between the two groups.


The data from some studies suggest that, although most sexual minority individuals are well adjusted, nonheterosexuals may be at somewhat heightened risk for depression, anxiety, and related problems, compared to exclusive heterosexuals (Cochran

. Indeed, given the stresses created by sexual stigma and prejudice, it would be surprising if some of them did not manifest psychological problems (Meyer, 2003). The data from some studies suggest that, although most sexual minority individuals are well adjusted, nonheterosexuals may be at somewhat heightened risk for depression, anxiety, and related problems, compared to exclusive heterosexuals (Cochran

From that article that was posted by the gentleman.

I'm really not going to go into why im using the DSM-II as reference again. I'm sorry, but its like arguing with a 2 year old. No, the 2-year old might actually remember the topics which were just discussed. Nvm.

And this is how I know you did not read the article fully.
I take it we arent talking about the subject anymore?

All this science **** to figure out why people come out gay is stupid.

Its all preference. I like sweet potatos, some like mash with all the salt in the world. I dont. Heeeeeeey, lets call me crazy because i dont like salt 
The data from some studies suggest that, although most sexual minority individuals are well adjusted, nonheterosexuals may be at somewhat heightened risk for depression, anxiety, and related problems, compared to exclusive heterosexuals (Cochran & Mays, 2006).

Indeed, given the stresses created by sexual stigma and prejudice, it would be surprising if some of them did not manifest psychological problems (Meyer, 2003). The data from some studies suggest that, although most sexual minority individuals are well adjusted, nonheterosexuals may be at somewhat heightened risk for depression, anxiety, and related problems, compared to exclusive heterosexuals (Cochran & Mays, 2006).

These are your quotes. The second one explains why there may be a "heightened risk for depression." How did you extrapolate that to mean homosexuality is a mental disorder? Those prejudices and stigmas cause the depression and anxiety. Homosexuality didn't. Depression caused by societal pressures isn't exclusive to homosexuals. Is obesity a mental disorder? The social stigma behind their being overweight can often lead to depression and anxiety.

again, you are grasping for straws.
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I also dont mean to strike any of you as offensive. I have about 4-5 dudes coming at my neck for simply stating my opinion. A guy tends to get defensive when he is put in that situation.

Must be nice to form a group and attack one person's views. :smh:

All good though, I'll actually look at it as a compliment.

You shouldn't. People are attacking your views because they are wrong and rubbish.
I'm upset he posted the same quote I did but it somehow had an entirely different meaning in his eyes.

the reason homosexuals are more at risk for those certain things has a lot to do with social stigma surrounding their lifestyle, ie people saying they have a mental disorder because they don't love the same way as the majority.

I'm not even attacking dude, I'm trying to see his viewpoint but it's obvious he's not trying to do the same.
These are your quotes. The second one explains why there may be a "heightened risk for depression." How did you extrapolate that to mean homosexuality is a mental disorder? Those prejudices and stigmas cause the depression and anxiety. Homosexuality didn't. Depression caused by societal pressures isn't exclusive to homosexuals. Is obesity a mental disorder? The social stigma behind their being overweight can often lead to depression and anxiety.

again, you are grasping for straws.

A mental disorder or mental illness is a psychological pattern or anomaly, potentially reflected in behavior, that is generally associated with distress or disability, and which is not considered part of normal development in a person's culture.

Being gay isn't a disability.

And it isn't the sexual preference that causes the distress, it is the was society reacts to it, which was described in one of your previous quotes.
Educating =\= Attacking.

"Clinical studies have suggested that being uneducated can often times lead to being attacked for spewing nonsense. Constantly having to defend uneducated nonsense lends itself to there being a heightened chance of depression and anxiety. It's this discovery that confirms that being uneducated is indeed a mental disorder." (Lobotomybeats, 2013)"
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:lol:   Cute.

Cowards gather in groups to attack those whom intimidate them. Bunch of females :wink:

Are you done?

Don't think of it like cowards, our arguments have been rather independent in themselves. And by this phrase you mean to say Females = cowards who gather and attack in groups?

When you must reduce your arguments to name calling and GIFs, you're done.
Being gay isn't a disability.

And it isn't the sexual preference that causes the distress, it is the was society reacts to it, which was described in one of your previous quotes.
Dude , seriously ? DEPRESSION is the disability, and/or distress, which can be associated with Homosexuality. My goodness.

My IQ has literally gone down a few notches, arguing with both of you.

But being gay doesn't cause depression itself. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Society's negative reactions towards said homosexual is what causes the depression. Depression may be a disability, but being gay is not.

I don't think you want to learn anything here, you just want to be right. Which isn't coming any time soon.
Dude , seriously ? DEPRESSION is the disability, and/or distress, which can be associated with Homosexuality. My goodness.

My IQ has literally gone down a few notches, arguing with both of you.(Inb4 "IQ is not determined by notches" just to contradict me)

 I'm done.
I think you're confused by what correlation and causation mean. Correlation does not equal causation. First you said that the DSM was describing mental distresses caused by homosexuality. This is the information that you used to classify homosexuality as a mental disorder. Now here you are saying that there are mental disabilities/distresses associated with homosexuality. The two ideas have very different implications. 
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I'll provide you with a little bit of back up information, since that was rather general.

From birth, to around age one is called the "Critical Period," and this is where make up a lot of your personality. It affects your development more than you think. 
I'll provide you with a little bit of back up information, since that was rather general.

From birth, to around age one is called the "Critical Period," and this is where make up a lot of your personality. It affects your development more than you think. 
Word. I remember this from my behavioral science (psychology basically) class last year.

Just waiting for the whole nature-nurture homosexuality debate now.
Dude , seriously ? DEPRESSION is the disability, and/or distress, which can be associated with Homosexuality. My goodness.

My IQ has literally gone down a few notches, arguing with both of you.(Inb4 "IQ is not determined by notches" just to contradict me)

Yea, :lol:  I'm done.

Does this mean heterosexuality is a mental disorder too?

Dude, just lay down. You've yet to make a point worth anything. It's alright. It was a valiant effort on your part. Reiterating the same falsehoods doesn't bode well for your cause.
Most personality traits are determined by the age of one. From birth to that age, you basically made your whole personality. Which includes sexuality. 

Word. I remember this from my behavioral science (psychology basically) class last year.
Just waiting for the whole nature-nurture homosexuality debate now.

As I was about to type... Nurture > nature

Not tryna derail this thread anymore than it already has tho
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Do you know why homosexuality is linked with depression? Stupidity is never a good thing, my friend. Educate yourself.

Yeas, because of the social stigmas and prejudices associated with it. Just as I posted a page or two ago. That doesn't mean homosexuality causes the depression, the way society views homosexuality does.
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