Mac Responds to Vista Ads

That's a great visual for mac vs pc. PC is so much more powerfull than macs. That's why you can run modern games on PCs and they are better than ps3 or360. Macs can't run games like that. I build my own PCs and they are great. I would never go to mac unless I was forced to somehow.
Great ad
Originally Posted by SHUGES

I love that ad.

It's true. If Windows had put aside more into actually fixing Vista then we'd hear less complaints. As it stands, they are already bringing a new OS to market (Windows 7) roughly 2 & a 1/2 years after their latest (Vista).

XP launched in 01 and only JUST stopped being shipped. As a matter of fact, you can actually still get XP with a new pc.

So it basically asks the question.... what exactly was Vista for??

If W7 is building on Vista and basically will be Vista 2.0, then why didn't they just fine tune it and wait to release a FINISHED product?

Oh that's right... to bang their customers in the head. Vista is nothing more than a huge public beta with the REAL OS (W7) finally arriving in '09-'10.

For the record, I'm running Vista and it's definitely better than when it first came out (no more driver issues, less lock-ups, etc). But really, beyond the better security, there isn't anything that it does THAT much better than XP.... IMO.

Well it still beats mac. like people have said already with mac you pay twice as much for the same performance of pc so with pc you will always get amorepowerfull pc for your money. And vista is just an os not the WHOLE computer you can run xp if you don't like vista. A mac costs $1200 and you have nochoice in anything. Build that same pc for $500 and you can choose what OS you want to install on it. And vista costs what? $200 that's not the same asbuying and obsolete mac for $1200.
Terrible logic SHUGES. Windows 98 was released less than 3 years after Windows 95, Windows 2000 was released less than 2 years after 98, Windows XP wasreleased less than 2 years after 2000.

If all goes according to plan, Windows 7 will be released in 2010, about 3.5 years after Vista was released.
Originally Posted by baik

huge problem with macs is that it is not affordable at all to most people...spend 1200+ for a macbook or buy a pc laptop that start's at about 500...the macbooks will have better components than a pc starting at 500 of course but if u want to go with specs a pc with macbook like specs can be had for wayyy cheaper than a mac...with pc companies starting to build little pretty laptops of their own and apple still not budging on their prices i dont see a good future for this company even with all the hype
[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]I disagree with that, for the simple comparison of none other than sneakers (appropriatefor the site). Jordans and Starburys do they exact same thing. They're tennis shoes which are made to be worn and played basketball in.... Which do you ownmore of?[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]- I'm a PC, but I want a mac.[/color]
Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

Originally Posted by SGS MM

lol ... seriously ... who is winning this war?
seems to me that Mac started the AD war!

Exactly. Mac is hypocritical for saying that MS spends too much on advertising when Mac started all these ads to begin with. Looks like Mac is using Karl Rove campain tactics.
But the difference is that Mac feels that they have the superior product, their advertising is actually backed up with excellent performance. PCcan advertise all they want but it doesn't mean anything if their product is greatly flawed. That's the main point behind this commercial. Whenever Isee those new PC commercials it just feels like a last ditch defense effort.

It's interesting seeing people defending PC now because I used to be the same exact way until I really started looking into Macs. People can be so loyal tosomething and they don't even step back and ask themselves why sometimes.

The end is funny
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by baik

huge problem with macs is that it is not affordable at all to most people...spend 1200+ for a macbook or buy a pc laptop that start's at about 500...the macbooks will have better components than a pc starting at 500 of course but if u want to go with specs a pc with macbook like specs can be had for wayyy cheaper than a mac...with pc companies starting to build little pretty laptops of their own and apple still not budging on their prices i dont see a good future for this company even with all the hype
I disagree with that, for the simple comparison of none other than sneakers (appropriate for the site). Jordans and Starburys do they exact same thing. They're tennis shoes which are made to be worn and played basketball in.... Which do you own more of?

- I'm a PC, but I want a mac.
PC= Jordan

So in essence you are getting jordans for half price of starbury with PC. Like I said the picture of the trike and the ninja bike is a good comparison
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by baik

huge problem with macs is that it is not affordable at all to most people...spend 1200+ for a macbook or buy a pc laptop that start's at about 500...the macbooks will have better components than a pc starting at 500 of course but if u want to go with specs a pc with macbook like specs can be had for wayyy cheaper than a mac...with pc companies starting to build little pretty laptops of their own and apple still not budging on their prices i dont see a good future for this company even with all the hype
[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]I disagree with that, for the simple comparison of none other than sneakers (appropriate for the site). Jordans and Starburys do they exact same thing. They're tennis shoes which are made to be worn and played basketball in.... Which do you own more of?[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]- I'm a PC, but I want a mac.[/color]
So you want a Mac because it looks cool? You can get the EXACT same parts for a lot less in a PC. Same exact processor, same HD, same memorysticks, same graphics card, same everything.
i read somewhere, i think it was in Newsweek, maybe not.. but that Windows makes their commercials using Macs.. just thought that was a funny thing to sharewith you NT
Originally Posted by POSITE FIEND

^truth, I've found that people who aren't really computer handy own macs, you can do SOOOOOO much with PC, you cant do crap with macs, sure macs look nice, like i said, they're for people who get them for simple reasons and want to look trendy, real comp heads go with PCs tho, we were raised on the system. EFF MAC
Gotta be kidding. I'm a certified PC technician whohas built my own PC systems in the past and I greatly prefer Mac now.
just another mac vs pc thread. i think macs are overpriced and people on here justify it by saying there's no flaws and it's easy to use
if you compare kicks to should get a mac

i mean starbury and jordans do the same thing yea...but are they made in the same factory? are the rubber/leather/whatever parts on the shoes exactly identicalthat would make jordans = starbury?
you can take a mac and install vista on it and you can take some pc (the one with mac compatible parts) and install macOS on it....either way in the end theystill use the same intel graphics accelerator or maybe nvidia if you're going to go all out
aint nothing really different about a mac and a pc other than the attractive casing a mac is in
That southpark like thing just dissed them all.
Kind of ironic since they used one of the 2 to create the video and upload it to a youtube.
I got my mac because it was the first laptop i'd ever own and always heard good things. Hasn't let me down yet and the battery seems last a lot longerthan the other/typical laptops
Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by baik

huge problem with macs is that it is not affordable at all to most people...spend 1200+ for a macbook or buy a pc laptop that start's at about 500...the macbooks will have better components than a pc starting at 500 of course but if u want to go with specs a pc with macbook like specs can be had for wayyy cheaper than a mac...with pc companies starting to build little pretty laptops of their own and apple still not budging on their prices i dont see a good future for this company even with all the hype
[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]I disagree with that, for the simple comparison of none other than sneakers (appropriate for the site). Jordans and Starburys do they exact same thing. They're tennis shoes which are made to be worn and played basketball in.... Which do you own more of?[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]- I'm a PC, but I want a mac.[/color]
So you want a Mac because it looks cool? You can get the EXACT same parts for a lot less in a PC. Same exact processor, same HD, same memory sticks, same graphics card, same everything.
[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]Yep. if you get starburys instead of jordans, you can get the EXACT same parts for a lotless than Jordans. Same exact laces, same material used to make the whole shoe. all you pay for is a symbol of jordan. same with apple, all you pay for is alight on the back which shines through the apple logo.[/color]
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