ok...time for some coach cal homework.
while at memphis he had an outstanding record and rankings, but was his COACHING really the reason for all the wins....?
He had 7 players at Memphis that made it successfully in the NBA...Which is ALOT in 9 seasons. Especially considering that many of his teams had more than oneof these prospects on one roster.
Great Recruiter??
Maybe... but to quote Bob Knight his intregrity should be questioned (and that's the nice way of putting it)
Also, The university of Memphis is the ideal location for highly talented highschool players. You play in C-USA, dominate, and then get upset in the tournament(which i understand 64/65 teams are upset by the end) BUT they still played a good (being nice here) but not overly competitive schedule and it appears assigning their is like signing a ticket to the draft.
Further more, Coach Cal had great talent (as i would say he does at UK) played a moderate (being nice again
) strength of schedule (that has been bumped upa little by UK but the SEC is NOT a power conference) and has had what most would call an under-achieving post season considering his amounts of talent and thegames he lost with it. Now could he change all of this? Definitely, but sadly enough, UK resembles Memphis, it just has the history and prestige Memphislacked.
He coached the New Jersey Nets so its hard to call him a bac coach, but he hasn't proven himself to me YET.

Sorry for ranting,
to each his own, but to me, coach calipari is still unproven...but better than Gillespie or however you spell it
all good points.. in my opinion though you have to give credit where credit is due.. you can't put a coaches success ALL on the talent he had.. would youconsider Roy Williams a good coach? look at the talent he's had on ALL of his good teams.. Or Pitino for that matter (maybe besides Providence lol).. itwould be different if he was coaching players he inherited from the coach before him but he recruited 99% of his good players (Patterson in that 1% of courselol).. but recruiting is a major part of being a college coach and Cal does it with the best of them.. ever.. whether he does the right way or not he stillgets it done.. which in my opinion i think most schools have to do something illegal to get the best players and it's been like that for decades, butthat's another arguement..

As far as his coaching goes, He was the first implement the Dribble-Drive offense (whether he invented it, I don't know, but he definitely made it popular)which is what alot of schools are trying to duplicate but none have been or are as successful as he's been with it.. so that has to be factored in aswell.. and he was a bounce of the ball away from a title 2 years ago..

so in my opinion he's one of the best coaches in the game now.. I would be more than happy to see him in the new arena next year in red lol
I know we talkin about kenucky right now guys but Ima shift a little bit and talk about pitino for a sec. Ima louisville fan and I do happen to like Rick asour coach and everything. But on the other hand, he hasn't produced nearly anything I feel louisville has been capable of. A couple elite 8s... Nice. Afinal 4...cool. I believe pitino is a helleva recuiter but as an Xs n Os coach he sux. He has misguided louisville fans into believing that he's a saint nsavior for the program. I firmly believe that Rick can get us to the mountain but cnt guide the cardinals over the mountaintop to the NC. I mean we all knowthe kind of teams we had a few yrs ago and even last yr we were stacked
Originally Posted by EezyVeezy20

I would be more than happy to see him in the new arena next year in red lol

Eric, your my homie and all, but your out of your damn mind with that. Sure he can win games for us, but at what cost? I would never put our integrity atrisk just to win a few more games.
Originally Posted by badboy1188

I know we talkin about kenucky right now guys but Ima shift a little bit and talk about pitino for a sec. Ima louisville fan and I do happen to like Rick as our coach and everything. But on the other hand, he hasn't produced nearly anything I feel louisville has been capable of. A couple elite 8s... Nice. A final 4...cool. I believe pitino is a helleva recuiter but as an Xs n Os coach he sux. He has misguided louisville fans into believing that he's a saint n savior for the program. I firmly believe that Rick can get us to the mountain but cnt guide the cardinals over the mountaintop to the NC. I mean we all know the kind of teams we had a few yrs ago and even last yr we were stacked

I know a few UL fans that feel this way too, but the one thing I ask them is if you think Rick cant get us over the mountain top, then who do you recommend? Ifwe were to let Rick go right now, what coach is going to step in and do a better job then he has done for us the last few years? Nobody.
E - I agree that Cal is a good coach, but nah I'll pass on him being our coach.

Badboy - Pitino's x's & o's are ridiculous. That's why we can never finish games. That's why we can't score in the half court.That's why we don't have another banner in Freedom Hall right now. I hope our next coach is a lot better in that area. IMO he is a really gooddefensive coach, though.

Tyler - I agree that it'd be hard to find a great replacement for Pitino because overrall he's a great coach, but he has his flaws. However, with thenew arena and everything UofL as a school has to offer, I think we could get a elite coach to come here when Rick decides to step down. I'm sure he'sgonna push for his son to get the job, which I kind of do wanna see what he's got, but by next year I think Louisville will be one of the best jobs in thenation.
Just caught these on TSG.. I like these a lot better than the UK samples. I bet 1 or 2 players will be rockin these...

I'm completely fed up with Pitino.. I understand it will take a lot more to put him on the hot seat because of his past but he hasn't came toexpectations in my eyes.. he hasnt done a good job recruiting i think either.. outside of T-Will and Garcia maybe, I dont think any of our "great"recruits has came close to any of their potentials under him.. but he just talks to the media so well he can hype people up or make excuses for them and hemakes it seem like they're doing well.. It also pisses me off that every game we play whether its North Carolina or Male high school, he'll talk thatteam up and how good they and how we may lose and this and that.. when will he ever come out and say, "we are winning this game, and there is no excusesif we don't".. he's not accountable and people listen to him waaayyyy too much.. Mike Marra is the best high school shooter you've seen????are you F****n kiddin me?? as far as i know when he was in high school the rim was the same size and height and the I know the 3pt line was moved back 4 inchesbut #%+%.. when can i get a chance to consider him a DECENT shooter because he hasnt been.. and thats just one example.. all in all, im tired of the BS andready for someone who will be accountable and and some one who get us to the mountain top.. not someone who will just bring the glitter and lights tolouisville for celebrity type reasons
The only people I see replacing Pitino when he retires is his son Richard Pitino. He is a hell of a recruiter. Or Billy Donovan. Those are the only two I feelthat would be great replacements. You don't see many coaches leave their teams in college basketball and sign to others like you do in college football;atleast not big name coaches. Calipari and Williams were and exception.

IMO I love Pitino. His stature and name alone lure's recruits. He is just now starting to adapt to the new era of recruiting tactics. You can't say hehasn't done a great job at recruiting. Look at who we have recruited, had commit, and lost due to playing over sea's/going pro, and due to healthissues.

Yeah this is a down year for us and a rebuilding year but I didn't see anyon complaining last year when we dominated the Big East. Yeah I feel wecould've competed with UNC in the title game last year better than any other team in the nation but when your go to guy isn't hitting a shot and theother teams 7 footer is randomly hitting 3's what can you do?

Pitino is putting all of his marble's in this blockbuster recruiting class of 2011.

I think he is a great coach and knows far more than you all think. Yeah we've let some games slip but he allows his players to make that mistake so theycan learn. This time of year is when we ALWAYS start rolling.
Originally Posted by Mjmvp23

I think he is a great coach and knows far more than you all think. Yeah we've let some games slip but he allows his players to make that mistake so they can learn. This time of year is when we ALWAYS start rolling.

I hope so Corey.. I hope so
if i was a betting man, id say ricky retires after next season...so that class could go up in flames. We talk about CAL and integrity but his name has neverbeen mentioned with anything that violated ncaa regulations, yeah u can say how could he not know whats going on???? well the ncaa clearinghouse clearedderrick rose to play at memephis, so that final 4 should still be there, and i think it will pending the appeal....if the ncaa says a player can play, u playem. why not talk about pitino or roy williams bein slimes? they both have violations in their names, rick has 9, cal has 0. but just because cal gets the bestplayers, hes doing something shady. cal knows how to sell his programs, his programs are in the spotlight, he lets players play with alot of freedom....thatswhy he gets the best players....i know thats the kind of coach id want to play for....as for marra lol, ive seen shooters at the portland rec that can shootbetter than him....id actually like to enter a 3pt shooting contest with the best shooters in the country, i guarantee id come close to winning if not win thewhole damn thing, theres just not many shooters anymore.
ok... i missed alot of this at school, but now i'll play catch up...
i wasnt just saying calipari was unproven because he had talent...he also played a WEAK schedule (i was trying to hint at that nicely but now ill just say it)
They won games, were highly respected, but rarely beat someone highly respected...
and he learned the dribble drive offense from the nba, hence how everything is done on penetration and use of pick and roll. he then brought it to college; sosure, ill credit him for implementing it although that's exactly what coach k does at duke with the exception that they kick for three rather then dumpdown for dunks....
Pitino's x's and o's are nice until the last two minutes of a game...he hasn't impressed me in that aspect yet. His problem is in hispersonnel, although he did have telfair go to the league and a big man going to europe (good point corey) but i'm still unsatisfied with his recruits...

Finally, NO OFFENSE, but to be a uk fan, its convenient you forget that you all beat coach cal in the '95 final four. Convenient because thats the yearmarcus camby was leading umass to a record breaking season in school history; not to mention a final four, when all of a sudden the entire season was rippedout of the record books for NCAA coaching violation(s) committed by coach cal himself.

and agree about marra.
Those violations were camby....not coach cal....once again cal has 0 ncaa viloations. u cant say he has violations unless his name is mentioned in the reports,which they arent. and as i remember, cal always played a great non confrence schedule at memphis of course the conference sucked but what can u do about that?

^ i think the foams are gonna be pros, if they are indeed ones, ill get them.
I couldnt get a pair of the pearls that dropped last year, but it seems like its the same thing dropping again this year so I will try to grab for retail onceagain.

And saying Pitino has NCAA violations under his name is laughable. Didnt he get them while being an assistant coach in the 70s? And wasnt some of thoseviolations for giving players coupons for free food at McDonalds?
come on now.
ok...he hasnt been implicated but does that mean his integrity shouldnt be questioned?? top 2 players ever recruited, one at each school, were both foundguilty of receiving improper benefits; at the same time, coach is jumping ship... the last two schools he was at have been on probation; it may have not beenhis fault, but it sure is his players.
Are players not a reflection of the coach?

defend him as you wish, he has doesn't have a final four to his name...(although he may be on his way this year) all i can really say is...

"We've gotten into this situation where integrity is really lacking and that's why I'm glad I'm not coaching." -Bob Knight

and that's NOT to be directed just at coach cal; it is nearly every coach in America.

^^^you're right, if they are ones, i wish everyone luck that wants them! enough of the hype tho...i cant take it!
and D, do you really think Pitino would retire RIGHT before that amazing class comes in? There is NO WAY! He will be here for that class, and he for sure wontleave until he makes one more run.

and Coach Redman stepping down at Male and possibly heading over to Jeffersonville?
hmmm...i haven't heard that, but i dont know. Jeff is a great place to coach nonetheless...

and dmoney: dont take anything the wrong way about coach cal... it's not personal, i'm just sick of alot of the stuff that is ruining collegebasketball and the way it should be represented.
Enough of my ranting.
Anybody had any nice pickups lately? all i've been doing is saving...
Ive been saving, I got the 2 pairs of Kobe 5s that released but thats it, saving for Breds this weekend, MS6, coppers, ASG LeBrons, Dark Knight Kobes, and thenim done for a little bit. Probably til the Powder Blues drop in June.
There's no way for me to not take it personally lol....I'm not a fan I'm a fanatic....anything uk and green bay will get me pissed beyond belief.

But if we look at vilotions from from '96 and '08...the past....then no matter when ricky got his viloations, or whatever they were for in....thepast....they have to be considered, especially when cals name isn't implicated in anything.

And as for bob knight....really? The biggest slime coach that choked and hit players gets to talk about integrity, *!%+!.....that old bastard just hateskentucky, always has.

Yeah I can't see pitino coaching past next year. I could be wrong but the dude just looks tired and sick, with another nit this year, and the uncertaintyfor next year u never know.
^^^Why wouldn't pitino coach past this year? Have you not seen our 2011 class? It's insane. A three year series with Duke is in the works right now.Maybe in 3 years or so I could see him being done but I highly doubt it. Especially with the new arena opening and what not.

And I've picked up a few small things. They just came in this week...




Anybody seen these anywhere around the Ville yet?


DOPE VIs Corey and I can't wait till they put the Laney's out again
^ those r dope. toe box looks better than the QS pairs too.

as far as pitino, its just a hunch, i know yall have a good 2011 class right now, i just think hes about done.
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