LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Charlie and Penny on ABC's Flashforward tonight...
Anyone planning to watch it? Looks ok, I might catch it online over the weekend.
I think I saw Alpert in a promo spot
I haven't seen it yet but will over the weekend.
I was hoping for more LOST connections in Fringe, not even connections but random pop ups such something having to do with Oceanic Airlines
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

I don't care what none of y'all say, "The Constant" (S4:E5)
>>>>> any other LOST episode
I respectfully disagree. I think Through The Looking Glass is one of the best just because of the sheer mind blowing-ness it gives you if youdidn't already know it happened. I have a lot of fav episodes though...

Here's an interesting tidbit I read about the episode titles for season 6 I found interesting on another website. If you don't want to know the namesof the episodes, then don't click. It's nothing new, but I haven't thought about it in this way before. It's not a spoiler, but i'm taggingit anyway.

Spoiler [+]
1 & 2: Multi-centric / non-centric
3: Kate
4: Locke

They're following the same order as season one.

as usual.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

I don't care what none of y'all say, "The Constant" (S4:E5)
>>>>> any other LOST episode
I respectfully disagree. I think Through The Looking Glass is one of the best just because of the sheer mind blowing-ness it gives you if you didn't already know it happened. I have a lot of fav episodes though...
That ep was in consideration but it's a 2 parter and...

- they killed Charlie

- Jacks beard

made me dislike
Charlie did die didn't he?

Why does EVVVVEEERRRRRYYYBODY like the Constant SO much though? I'm not knocking it at all, but everybody hypes it.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

I can't wait for the new season of LOST but I just watched the Flash Forward Pilot and I must say it was pretty dope.
I feel like i'm the only one who likes it.
I haven't been keeping up with the thread but I saw the screen cap from Flash Forward earlier today.

^LOL @ the mirror Dharma Post.

Crazy EBW I think Flash Forward has potential to be good. I am intrigued to see how the story unfolds.
Someone let me know if they made an error.

Okay so I'm watching S5 over; Because You Left. I get to the part where the losties time travel to when the Swan was still around. This is what doesn'tmake sense. As we all know in there originally was Radzinsky and Kelvin. Radzinsky killed himself and Kelvin eventually got Desmond. Kelvin told Des some lieabout the island being toxic and that's why he wore the hazmat suit, to continue the lie. Now we know Des eventually catches him the lie seeing the tornsuit and kills Kelvin. After that Des knows he doesn't need the suit. Keep in mind that when it was Des and Kelvin Des never left the Swan, Kelvin neverlet him. So okay to the episode. Faraday knocks on the hatch door and Des comes out with a rifle in the hazmat suit. He even asks Faraday the question"Are You Him?" the same thing he asked Locke when he arrived at the Swan further pointing to him being the only one in there.

WHY? During that time period where they traveled to it can only be the Des who was in there with Kelvin and was never allowed to go out or the Des who killedKelvin and knew there was no need to wear the stupid suit. I'd say it have to be before Des killed Kelvin because that was the same day flight 815 crashedon the island. So the next question is why did Des come out the Swan and not Kelvin? We all remember the scenes with those two and it was clear Des never gotout until he found out the truth. The whole time travel part shouldn't interfere with this error since there can only be two Desmonds the one withKelvin(who never left the hatch) or the one by himself(who knew Kelvin lied and he didn't need the suit).

Writers made a mistake.

I need season 6 now
There's quite a few mistakes on the show. For as much time travel and story lines involved I think it's pretty minimal. But, on that it could beexplained that Kelvin was out of the station fixing the boat. So maybe when Faraday came without his suit, Des realized he didn't need the suit, and thenhe decided to see what Kelvin has been up to.

And I loved the Pilot of flash Forward. It was nice to see Oceanic airlines, Penny, Charlie, and Penny's kid on the show is named Charlie.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Someone let me know if they made an error.

Okay so I'm watching S5 over; Because You Left. I get to the part where the losties time travel to when the Swan was still around. This is what doesn't make sense. As we all know in there originally was Radzinsky and Kelvin. Radzinsky killed himself and Kelvin eventually got Desmond. Kelvin told Des some lie about the island being toxic and that's why he wore the hazmat suit, to continue the lie. Now we know Des eventually catches him the lie seeing the torn suit and kills Kelvin. After that Des knows he doesn't need the suit. Keep in mind that when it was Des and Kelvin Des never left the Swan, Kelvin never let him. So okay to the episode. Faraday knocks on the hatch door and Des comes out with a rifle in the hazmat suit. He even asks Faraday the question "Are You Him?" the same thing he asked Locke when he arrived at the Swan further pointing to him being the only one in there.

WHY? During that time period where they traveled to it can only be the Des who was in there with Kelvin and was never allowed to go out or the Des who killed Kelvin and knew there was no need to where the stupid suit. I'd say it have to be before Des killed Kelvin because that was the same day flight 815 crashed on the island. So the next question is why did Des come out the Swan and not Kelvin? We all remember the scenes with those two and it was clear Des never got out until he found out the truth. The whole time travel part shouldn't interfere with this error since there can only be two Desmonds the one with Kelvin(who never left the hatch) or the one by himself(who knew Kelvin lied and he didn't need the suit).

Writers made a mistake.

I need season 6 now
God I got so confused right there.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Someone let me know if they made an error.

Okay so I'm watching S5 over; Because You Left. I get to the part where the losties time travel to when the Swan was still around. This is what doesn't make sense. As we all know in there originally was Radzinsky and Kelvin. Radzinsky killed himself and Kelvin eventually got Desmond. Kelvin told Des some lie about the island being toxic and that's why he wore the hazmat suit, to continue the lie. Now we know Des eventually catches him the lie seeing the torn suit and kills Kelvin. After that Des knows he doesn't need the suit. Keep in mind that when it was Des and Kelvin Des never left the Swan, Kelvin never let him. So okay to the episode. Faraday knocks on the hatch door and Des comes out with a rifle in the hazmat suit. He even asks Faraday the question "Are You Him?" the same thing he asked Locke when he arrived at the Swan further pointing to him being the only one in there.

WHY? During that time period where they traveled to it can only be the Des who was in there with Kelvin and was never allowed to go out or the Des who killed Kelvin and knew there was no need to where the stupid suit. I'd say it have to be before Des killed Kelvin because that was the same day flight 815 crashed on the island. So the next question is why did Des come out the Swan and not Kelvin? We all remember the scenes with those two and it was clear Des never got out until he found out the truth. The whole time travel part shouldn't interfere with this error since there can only be two Desmonds the one with Kelvin(who never left the hatch) or the one by himself(who knew Kelvin lied and he didn't need the suit).

Writers made a mistake.

I need season 6 now
God I got so confused right there.
Basically depending on what time the losties traveledback to when Faraday gave his message to Des there's a problem. If it was after Des killed Kelvin then 815 already crashed but more importantly there'sno reason for Des to be wearing the protective gear like he is in the scene since he knows there is no toxins on the island. If it's before he killedKelvin why does he open the door? Kelvin never let him go out.

I did think of another scenario where Kelvin was out pretending to scout the island or w/e he said he was doing(really fixing up Des' boat) and while hewas out Faraday contacted him. Thing is if what happened happened that means Des should've told Kelvin about somebody coming to the Swan telling him somewild shh and disappearing in front of his face.

This is what happens when I don't get my LOST fix. Once I start watching all 5 seasons over I'll probably be in here with more wild errors.


All I will say is this seasn will be the GOAT
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW



All I will say is this seasn will be the GOAT

It's funny how they call the evil Locke as UNLocke.

Open at your own risk...

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Jacob has a son...and there are other "Others"
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