LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by sole vintage

i hate how they didn't answer who sawyer, Juliet, miles and Faraday were shooting at when they took the row boat in the beginning of this season. i thought it was the guys from ajira that were being fired at when they were crossing lockes body to show Richard.

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Hasn't Fox said before he knows how it ends though? It could always change.

Why the hell is he the only one who knows too? SMH
yea the producers said Fox is the only person other than them, that knows the outline to the ending
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by sole vintage

i hate how they didn't answer who sawyer, Juliet, miles and Faraday were shooting at when they took the row boat in the beginning of this season. i thought it was the guys from ajira that were being fired at when they were crossing lockes body to show Richard.


IMO it was the 816'ers.
We saw the Ajira bottle.
Then he see them transporting Lapidus in the little canoe.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

What kinda stuff would he drop? I wasn't around back in his "prime" I guess you could say. What was he right on so early in the game that was way in advance?

Well for an example, 2 seasons ago, he pm'ed anybody who wanted it, a complete overview of the finale episode about a month or so prior to the finale. (I wish I still had the PM). I wrote it down on a piece of notebook paper, signed it, and sealed it in an envelope and bet my buddy $50 that I knew what happened at the end of the season and he bit. After the finale he opened up the envelope and read it to a whole group of us that had gathered to watch the show and it was all correct except for maybe one or two little tidbits. Everyone thought I was a LOST badass.
So you knew the finale was a flash forward in advance? bummer
I don't buy it. I'm not gonna beat a dead horse but the majority of the stuff he's "spoiled" was stuff you could have found on any LOSTforum or reading dark ufo vozzek.

I've noticed he only co-signs things after say "EBW" gives out a theory or someone else throws out a theory.

He's been wrong more than right.
Alright so i'm rewatching last weeks Episode... and I'm truly beginning to thing they are in an ever going time loop.

Them Detonating the Bomb... is the incident that causes the Hatch to be Built. Like Miles said... "What if you guys throwing the bomb down there it whatcauses everything"

So lets look at a few other things that happened do to them being back in time...

Sayid shot Ben, they take Ben to the others, Richard says they can heal him but he will never be the same... thus leading him to the Ben we have seen in season3, 4, and 5

Ellouise kills Daniel based on them being back in time... she clearly had a memory of doing this... as she begins to say something to Whidmore along the linesof sending him back even tho she "Knows whats going to happen"

And this sealed the deal for me

While watching this Episode... we see Dr. Chang yelling at his wife/miles mom to leave the Island.. thus leading her to date her husband as we saw in the Milescentric episode a few weeks ago... had it not been for Daniel warning Chang of what was to come... he would not have forced his family off the Island in suchfashion...

All these events are caused by them being back in time... Miles obviously had memories of his mom hating his dad... he hated his dad as well... for thisreason... which they cuased him to force them off... hmmmm
Maybe it was the TV I was watching, but did anyone else see the flash of the eye for next season as being green, not Jack's eye color? For the first time Iwent to a viewing party (and the last time I might add, too many damn ppl talking) and watched it on a different TV than the one I usually watch on.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Maybe Locke IS special because he can come back once possessed or SOMETHING around there. Locke IS special IMO. Dude couldn't walk. Got to the island, he could walk. That's special.

QFT. SOMETHING about Locke IS special. Maybe he isn't supposed to be leader of the Island, but dude has SOMETHING special about him.

And again great stuff again from everyone since I last read this post. I re-watched the finale last night and...... it was TV crack. I would suggest everyonedo the same. SO MUCH stuff was in there last night. I know I didn't really catch it all until the second time.

Now.....A few more ramblings from me...

1) I don't really understand the "hate" for NYC. I like the inside info..... as long as it's in spoiler form
. He's been right WAYmore than he has been wrong.

2) I'm VERY close to 100% they are in a time loop. Although, it's seems almost WAY too obvious at this point, but that's what I'm going withfor now.

3) I hope Locke isn't really "dead" or he's able to come back. If the "BSG" was using Christians body, he took his body i.e therewas only 1 Christian on the island. There are "2" Locke's right now. But, at the same time that don't really explain Eko's brother, Yemi,etc. So, I'm probably completely wrong on this. But, I can hope right. Me and EricBerry would love if he was still alive

4) I just remembered Keamy seen the smoke as white. Jacob helping Ben?

5) This is kinda out there but.....Could it be possible Jacob is the "bad" guy?? I know everyone wasn't living GREAT life but, he brought allthe people to the island and basically screwed their lives up even more. They either died on the island, was stuck on the island, or felt so much remorse theycame back to the island. I guess minus Locke, who was in a wheel chair (special?).
I dont know if anyone has said this since i've only read up to page 274 but since Jacob is dead now and his body is on the island, does this meansmokey/black shirt can imitate him?
the end of lost will be different then wat has always happen at the end of the loop(or would almost happen i think someone or something would see which endingwas coming and start it all over if it wasnt the one they wanted)

wat ever that is we dont know im guessin we will find out in season 6

Voz was dead on with that star trek episode it match from jump street

nothing changed tell the very end which was the only thing that could change

it even had people that had been in the loop for about 80 years
Yemi to Eko "You speak to me as if I were your brother" (sorry just random)

Another random thing I just thought of. Locke said smokie was white as well.

What's with the confusion between smoke these days?
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Here are my updated, thoughts/musings as of 5/14 1:22AM.

So many things running through my head. I really think I have quite a bit figured out though. Of course, I may be way off.

1. All of the dead people we have seen, all the ghosts, the black horse kate saw, etc. etc. etc. The man on the beach with Jacob, John Locke (since his death), Christian Shepard (on the island) have ALL BEEN THE BLACK SMOKE!

2. The "loop hole" is that the non-living (THE SMOKE MONSTER) cannot KILL Jacob. It had to find a loop hole. The loop hole being a living person. The smoke monster had to manipulate a living person into killing Jacob, and it finally did in the person of Benjamin Linus.

3. While Jacob lived in the cabin, he surrounded the cabin with that circle of black ash (perhaps some PERSON'S ashes) which apparently repelled the smoke monster. Remember back when Locke/Hurley and crew found the cabin earlier, they made sure to note the break in the circle. This allowed the smoke monster to get through and pose as Christian Shepard inside the cabin.

4. This whole thing has been Jacob vs. the Smoke Monster....THE WHOLE THING! We got in on the ground floor tonight when the guy on the beach said he was going to kill him. They've spent all this time in a back and forth struggle. Widmore just complicates things. He wants the island for his own personal reasons.

5. Rose and Bernard are the skeletons in the cave. When the bomb goes off, they seek shelter in the cave, and die there.

6. Desmond and Hurley are on a different level and still factor into this. I can't put my finger on it, but I know they do.

7. Remember, when the Black Rock was off in the distance at the beginning, that had the ancestors of Alvar Hanso on it, further proving true the major spoiler nyknicks provided us with about the Dharma initiative. Alvar wasn't at all interested in science. The DeGroots did get a little free research out of it...lol. It will be interesting to see the actual story behind the Black Rock's arrival. I'm sure it was just another group that Jacob rounded up to bring to the island, but since he couldn't bring them by plane (obviously), he brought them by ship.

8. I don't think the statue was Anubis. It's Taweret. It has the head of a hippo.

9. The smoke monster, in the form of Christian Shepard told Locke he had to die. Not to get back to the island to "save everybody," but to eliminate him so it (the smoke monster) could take his (John Locke's) form and manipulate Ben into killing Jacob.

10. I have another theory. The other Ajira passengers are either VERY OLD or are decendents of those from the very early days of the island. And they apparently had the job of finding a "candidate" to take Jacob's place once he's dead. Hence the reason, Jacob met with Alana in the hospital. They were aware of the ramifications of the break in the ash ring at the cabin. Also during this scene, we see another clearer picture of Taweret on the piece of carpet/tapestry taken from the cabin.

11. If you have it taped, go back and watch the non-bomb scenes. The scenes with Locke/Smokey and the opening scene are monumental in this series' history. The opening scene laid out the ground work that would become the future of the island. It was good (Jacob in his white shirt) meeting evil (Smokey, in his dark shirt). The scenes with Locke/Smokey, Richard, Ben etc. give away bigtime tidbits of info. At one point, Ben explains that his dead daughter (the smoke monster in Alex form) threatened to destroy him if he didn't do everything Locke said. Locke then stops him and says "wait when did this happen." Ben replies, "when we went to see the monster." Locke, "so...you're willing to do whatever I say no matter what it is?" Ben..."yes." It's at that point that Locke/Smokey knows he has his loop hole. Jacob has been doing all the could throughout the history of the island to prevent Smokey from finding the loophole. Even going as far as saving Locke when he was thrown out of the building. He didn't make it in time to stop Ben from REALLY killing him though.

12. Another big scene is where they come up to the old Oceanic Camp. Locke/smokey tells them all to rest because they're "going to need it for what he has planned for them."

13. John Locke/Smokey tricked them all. They all bought it, hook, line, and sinker....even Richard Alpert. He knew how it worked. ONLY THE LEADER could request an audience with Jacob. Locke/smokey manipulated him though by accusing him of making the rules as he went and Richard fell for it, thus planting the final piece allowing the loop hole mentioned way back in the 1800's in the first scene to happen.

14. When Richard answered the question of what lies in the shadow of the statue and Alana showed him Locke's body, he knew that he'd been duped. This ENTIRE EPISODE was basically a race to see who could get to the finish first. Could Jacob's assembled group of people get the bomb detonated before Smokey could get the "loop hole" (Ben) to kill Jacob. THAT'S WHAT WE WILL FIND OUT NEXT SEASON!!!! DID THE BOMB GO OFF BEFORE BEN KILLED JACOB???

15. With his dying breath, Jacob said, "they're coming." Meaning the Ajira crew were coming with a candidate to take his place. That's why Locke shoved him in the fire so hastily. He has to stop them from instating a new "Jacob" or else he'll have to find a loop hole all over again.
it's always just the island "blowing smoke" up their %@*
Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

If the Others (led by Richard) are truly Jacob's people and the Temple is a type of safe-haven for them...why is it that the smoke monster resides in the Temple. Earlier this season we saw Ben and Locke (actually smokey) go to the Temple so Ben could be judged. Here the smoke monster emerges and takes the form of Alex. Wouldn't a safe haven for Jacob's people be as far away from the "dark man" as possible?

Quoting myself since I cant seem to think of an explanation on my own
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

But, at the same time that don't really explain Eko's brother, Yemi, etc. So, I'm probably completely wrong on this. But, I can hope right. Me and EricBerry would love if he was still alive


Eko was that dude

best character on the show while he was still among the living...

I wanna thank all you guys for making Lost that much better. I am one of the biggest fans out there and ive been reading all these pages all year long with oneeye open " afraid of spoilers " but i loved to see the opinions you guys had scene to scene. Even when you were making up things like seeing theblack smoke when their was nothing there
This season has beenabsolutely amazing and ive watched each episode with the same 6 friends, we made Lost night a blast, ate like kings and watched the greatest show. I would ofposted alot more in this thread but when some of you guys got the itch for them spoilers i had to get out cause i started getting that itch too.EricBerry,nyknicks, Abaddon, gottagitdemjs, Crazy EBW, CadillacFlow and all you guys did an amazing job with your post and theories. I will miss watching Lostthen getting home and read everyones opinions or waking up the morning of and seeing all the " Hey it Lost Wednesday pics " i will continue to readthis thread all summer long and look forward to next year. By the way, thank you to tha SOLEful1 for starting this thread and keeping it going before the showstarted. One Love. DOOOOM!
Originally Posted by fightingfrog62

finale of this season was wack

Nah anyone who thinks this final is wack just doesn't get it. Finale was solid and has sparked great discussion which I have enjoyed reading this week. Ineed to rewatch this episode but the ending was amazing and I cant wait to see what happens and who actually "wins" next season.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

But, at the same time that don't really explain Eko's brother, Yemi, etc. So, I'm probably completely wrong on this. But, I can hope right. Me and EricBerry would love if he was still alive

Eko was that dude

best character on the show while he was still among the living...

From what I remember the dude playing Eko asked to leave.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by fightingfrog62

finale of this season was wack

Nah anyone who thinks this final is wack just doesn't get it. Finale was solid and has sparked great discussion which I have enjoyed reading this week. I need to rewatch this episode but the ending was amazing and I cant wait to see what happens and who actually "wins" next season.

Right when I saw the white screen I was like "LAME".

Then went I sat down at my computer I was like "OOOHHHHH...WHAT?! AWESOME! IS IT JAN 2010 YET??!!?" desperately searching for theories about who/whateverything was and that the HELL just went down.

We got spoiled by the previous two season finales. Season 3 finale is possibly the most insane, mind-blowing event that occurred on a scripted television show.With season, it was like "Oh, damn, they DID mean MOVE the island eh?"
And Locke's in a coffin? With Ben helping JACK?? OMG WUT???

This year was a little more subtle on the shock factor, but not in the overall moving-along-the-story factor. EVERYTHING with Jacob was dope IMO. The endingwith Juliet wasn't the best, but i'll take it. I'd rather of seen what happened right after that, but the producers obviously did it that way for areason. They want us thinking, want us speculating, want us going friggin crazy for these next few months. So I can't be mad at all.

There's going to be a lot of new theories and stuff posted up soon i'm sure. The spoilers for season 6 shouldn't be too far off either. Hell, thistime next year we'll all be *****ing about how certain questions didn't get answered and how the producers are the real SHAM. Whatever, LOST FTW.

You can thank some people in this thread over what occurred in this thread this season. I spoke to a lot of other people about season 6 at work and in school.Maybe next season we can think of something else.
So I dont get what people are talking about with at the end of the episode showing Jack Waking up? I've watched twice now... and the ending 3 times andnever noticed this....
^Only thing confirmed from Ben which I believe was the truth is that Smokey is the judge of the island. Even though a lot of stuff points to Smokey being ableto turn in to dead ppl or actually being black shirt guy is unconfirmed and just plausible theories. I mean if Smokey is really the dead ppl we've seen Iwant to see fake Locke go from human body to smokey and start thrashing everybody on the island shore
or they try to attack him and they fall right through him because he issmoke
on some Mortal Kombat shh

I was linking up some of the scenes if Smokey is the dead ppl we've seen. Smokey would of have to be on the main island as Christian talking to Sun andLapidus and then that very same night on Hydra island as Locke staring down an unconscious Ben. On another note I don't think Smokey can become 2 dead pplat once so I'm gonna say Claire IS alive and NEVER was dead.

Anyway here's a pic of what Jacob probably thought would be possible on the island one day

Oh and for all of the Jack haters:
Spoiler [+]
YES!! You KNOW it!! Everyone has been waiting years to finally see this!


There were THREE GOOD SOLID PUNCHES while Jim had him down on the ground right from his FIST to Jack's FACE!


Then Juliet has to come and stop him right as he was just about to slam his face with the fourth PUNCH!

And don't forget Widmore kicking Jack in the face!


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