EBW why do you so fervently feel the need to defend your stance that "the show was AWESOME, the ending was PERFECT" and bash down others' opinions as to why they thought the show deceived them by using unanswered mysteries to keep up the ratings? If you're so happy about how it ended and that satisfied, then seriously stop posting here and go rewatch the finale and be happy all over again.
But I believe the reason you keep posting here is because you yourself felt somewhat conned by the way lost ultimately unfolded this season and hence have to somehow almost fool yourself along with everyone else into believing it was perfect just the way it was.
Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Sorry can't quote on my phone...

But yes I feel seasons 1-3 was just buildng & building to nothing..especially season 3. Glad they ended there with all worthless plot lines. I felt seasons 4-6 flowed better as a story.

i would agree. but they did a whole lot of building for nothing. Hell, they could have broke it into to separate shows at that point.
but the thing about seasons 1-3, maybe even 4, were their was the building of the mystique, AND great character development. They kinda completedly ignored everything after that.

But now I kinda understand the ending to LOST: VIA DOMUS
Originally Posted by Crook

EBW why do you so fervently feel the need to defend your stance that "the show was AWESOME, the ending was PERFECT" and bash down others' opinions as to why they thought the show deceived them by using unanswered mysteries to keep up the ratings? If you're so happy about how it ended and that satisfied, then seriously stop posting here and go rewatch the finale and be happy all over again.
But I believe the reason you keep posting here is because you yourself felt somewhat conned by the way lost ultimately unfolded this season and hence have to somehow almost fool yourself along with everyone else into believing it was perfect just the way it was.

Who are you again?

People keep coming to bash, i'll keep coming to praise. Shouldn't the people who DIDN'T like it stop posting here?
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by Crook

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by DubA169

no man... i just wanted the answers to fit in with the rest of the series. that's all. i wanted it to be one cohesive story. i wanted to be able to re-watch the series without seeing dozens of dead ends.

the last episode itself was beautifully done. But the series to me is fundamentally flawed. i can't recommend it to a friend without saying, "don't get caught up in anything mysterious, it goes nowhere"
You got caught up in the mystery wayyyyy too much, that's your fault.
it's not my fault at all man. It wasn't subtle, they hammered it into your head that Walt and Aaron were supposed to be special. i didn't make that up in any form.

that's cool that you love the show but you can't just dismiss criticism by saying the audience is at fault for caring about mysteries that the show introduced.�
COULDN'T agree with you more
THIS...and this

A lot of mysteries were just plot devices, like Ben lying to people or Kate ruining everything. They were a way to get from one moment to another with a little twist and intrigue. I think they thought up a perfect season for people who only watched the first season and maybe the second. The sixth season itself was good, great if you missed a lot of these characters in their main arcs and weren't waiting for the last 2 or 3 seasons to be justified.
That video was awesome.  Funny, but it also clearly took a lot of homework to put that together.  Well done.
Half the stuff in the video was answered.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by Crook

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by DubA169

no man... i just wanted the answers to fit in with the rest of the series. that's all. i wanted it to be one cohesive story. i wanted to be able to re-watch the series without seeing dozens of dead ends.

the last episode itself was beautifully done. But the series to me is fundamentally flawed. i can't recommend it to a friend without saying, "don't get caught up in anything mysterious, it goes nowhere"
You got caught up in the mystery wayyyyy too much, that's your fault.
it's not my fault at all man. It wasn't subtle, they hammered it into your head that Walt and Aaron were supposed to be special. i didn't make that up in any form.

that's cool that you love the show but you can't just dismiss criticism by saying the audience is at fault for caring about mysteries that the show introduced.�
COULDN'T agree with you more
THIS...and this

A lot of mysteries were just plot devices, like Ben lying to people or Kate ruining everything. They were a way to get from one moment to another with a little twist and intrigue. I think they thought up a perfect season for people who only watched the first season and maybe the second. The sixth season itself was good, great if you missed a lot of these characters in their main arcs and weren't waiting for the last 2 or 3 seasons to be justified.


Ok I've come to the conclusion that the writers like messing with us but I still like the show and the finale.

OH and Libby's Husband...is Dave. Yep Hurley's Dave. Hurley wasn't making him up. HE WAS SEEING LIBBY'S DEAD HUSBAND BECAUSE HE CAN SEE THE DEAD!!!! Libby lost her mind after Dave died and he as a ghost followed her to the hospital and watched over her. One day Hurley saw him and started talking to him and there you go. Hurley and Dave friends. No can see him cause he's dead. People think Hurley's crazy. Maybe I should have written the show....nah it would suck then. This is just my theory. Nothing concrete.

Remember everyone a good show has you still thinking about it after its over....even thru sloppy writing.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Half the stuff in the video was answered.
True, but it was still funny.  But speaking of stuff that was answered that people say wasn't, the worst one has to be the polar bears.  How can people keep saying, "what about the polar bears," when Kate and Sawyer spent most of the beginning of season 3 in what were identified as POLAR BEAR CAGES? I have my issues with how the show ended, but anyone who brings up the polar bears up just plain wasn't paying attention. 
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Crook

EBW why do you so fervently feel the need to defend your stance that "the show was AWESOME, the ending was PERFECT" and bash down others' opinions as to why they thought the show deceived them by using unanswered mysteries to keep up the ratings? If you're so happy about how it ended and that satisfied, then seriously stop posting here and go rewatch the finale and be happy all over again.
But I believe the reason you keep posting here is because you yourself felt somewhat conned by the way lost ultimately unfolded this season and hence have to somehow almost fool yourself along with everyone else into believing it was perfect just the way it was.

Who are you again?

People keep coming to bash, i'll keep coming to praise. Shouldn't the people who DIDN'T like it stop posting here?
uh I'm a random guy on the internet on a message board, just like you?
didn't realize people actually had to establish "cred" on a website 
 your life that dull?
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Crook

EBW why do you so fervently feel the need to defend your stance that "the show was AWESOME, the ending was PERFECT" and bash down others' opinions as to why they thought the show deceived them by using unanswered mysteries to keep up the ratings? If you're so happy about how it ended and that satisfied, then seriously stop posting here and go rewatch the finale and be happy all over again.
But I believe the reason you keep posting here is because you yourself felt somewhat conned by the way lost ultimately unfolded this season and hence have to somehow almost fool yourself along with everyone else into believing it was perfect just the way it was.

Who are you again?

People keep coming to bash, i'll keep coming to praise. Shouldn't the people who DIDN'T like it stop posting here?
uh I'm a random guy on the internet on a message board, just like you?
didn't realize people actually had to establish "cred" on a website 
 your life that dull?
Originally Posted by MrONegative

I can understand getting pissed cuz people are saying your favorite show of all time is on some bulls**t. But how you gonna get mad because of the way a shot looked to someone? Jack was on his Dragon Ball Z for a second there.
I wasn't mad at either tho. Just didn't agree. Do my posts really convey anger? Cuz that's what I was sensing from the dudes saying the whole final season was a waste of time.

@ the gif with the light saber and the college humor questions. Only a couple good questions I heard.
Hey something I just thought about (might've already been discussed/answered, or maybe I'm just dumb) but so if the "sideways" world wasn't actually an alternate reality and was purgatory, then what did the bomb explosion at the end of season 5 do? Did it not create an alternate world?
Also, why would there have been a sunken island in this purgatory world? Was that just the writer's way of trying to trick us into thinking it was an alternate reality?
Originally Posted by Crook

didn't realize people actually had to establish "cred" on a website

They do. Now leave

lulz jk i love all of you

I'm gonna say that The Shield had a better finale than Lost. [Stop reading if you havent seen The Shield and plan on watching it] Both were phenomenal, but I liked Vic's personal hell more than Jack's salvation.
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Crook

didn't realize people actually had to establish "cred" on a website

They do. Now leave

lulz jk i love all of you

I'm gonna say that The Shield had a better finale than Lost. [Stop reading if you havent seen The Shield and plan on watching it] Both were phenomenal, but I liked Vic's personal hell more than Jack's salvation.
aw thanks man! (black text)
anyways, as much as I've been disappointed with season 6 and a fair bit with the finale, I can't deny that for all the other years it had me absolutely hooked. Never before had I gotten even remotely that stoked on a TV show, so gotta give props to the writers for that
Its funny to me that the people who really complain about a handful of questions that were not answered in the framework of the show probably miss the many questions that actually were answered in the show.

I don't think the LOST finale was the best finale ever to a show but it was very good and some of you are really just nitpicking because you didn't get all the answers that you wanted. If you're mad about that then shame on you because the producers said way before the season they would only answer questions important to the characters within the storyline of season 6. It is what it is.
does anyone have any idea what will be in the extra "20 minutes" of footage that we're expecting on the dvd?

They find a new Dharma station called The Dyson which is basically a place where Dharma workers could go and receive liposuction. Hurley, a bit annoyed that he's actually gained a little weight while being stuck on a scorching island for all this time, volunteers himself for the treatment. Jack thinks it's dangerous but Hurley then pretends Jack's dead dad wants him to do it and that it would make him proud. Jack, always keen for his father's approval, agrees to the procedure. When discussing what to do with the excess fat Hurley, ever the film buff, recalls a scene in Fight Club in which they use fat to make soap. Jack thinks the soap will help him get Kate because, as far as he sees it, the only reason she prefers Sawyer is because Jack always seems to have massive sweat patches under each arm. They then use the excess fat to make soap and Jack goes off to find Kate with his new found cleanliness. Kate tells him, however, that she prefers Sawyer because he's not a whiney little girl so, proving her point, Jack runs off crying. He's sat on the beach in pure turmoil when Hurley approaches. Hurley thanks Jack for making it 7% less likely he'll have a heart attack at any given moment and Jack divulges that he really misses Kate because she has such pert little bewbz. Hurley then advises that due to the large amounts of skin he had, he still has quite the set of moobs and the two look at each other suggestively. The camera then flies all over the island, showing the rest of the Losties getting into Widmore's sub. Desmond turns to Jin and says "Where's Jack and Hurley, brother?". Cut to the beach with Club Tropicana playing and Jack getting a wild ride from Hurley's bosom. Jacob looks on satisfied. The reason he brought everybody to the island has finally come to fruition. Cut to pink.

Oh, and there's a shot of Vincent licking his balls at some point.
Originally Posted by Crook

Hey something I just thought about (might've already been discussed/answered, or maybe I'm just dumb) but so if the "sideways" world wasn't actually an alternate reality and was purgatory, then what did the bomb explosion at the end of season 5 do? Did it not create an alternate world?
Also, why would there have been a sunken island in this purgatory world? Was that just the writer's way of trying to trick us into thinking it was an alternate reality?

I don't think the bomb did anything but explode.
My beef with the "purgatory" ending is

I remember like a season ago, there was a Q+A with the writers and someone specifically asked

if they were stuck in purgatory

The writers said "no"

then they give us the ol okey doke

unless i'm totally puliln this outta my shoot, the ending was whack
Originally Posted by Viewtiful Mik3

My beef with the "purgatory" ending is

I remember like a season ago, there was a Q+A with the writers and someone specifically asked

if they were stuck in purgatory

The writers said "no"

then they give us the ol okey doke

unless i'm totally puliln this outta my shoot, the ending was whack

my beef with purgatory is that this entire flash sideways just seemed like such an unnecessary waste of filler time on the show. The way they were building it up the entire time, it seemed like it was gonna have some crazy relevance to the island world, such as locke remembering the island and that would somehow influence smokey. If they were gonna go the route that they did with the flash sideways being purgatory, they could've done that over like 3 episodes.
My other beef is that it seemed like such an anti climatic end to the whole plot-line of smokey trying to get off the island. How are you gonna build up to that (after they essentially made this concept the central storyline, even though ignoring the point of other seasons) and constantly emphasize how the world is screwd if MIB gets loose, yet not touch on that any further in the finale? Imo very weak 
Originally Posted by Viewtiful Mik3

My beef with the "purgatory" ending is

I remember like a season ago, there was a Q+A with the writers and someone specifically asked

if they were stuck in purgatory

The writers said "no"

then they give us the ol okey doke

unless i'm totally puliln this outta my shoot, the ending was whack
They always said the island wasn't purgatory and in that sense they never lied.
Just another random thought/ theory: Ghost Walt that kept appearing to Shannon and to Locke when he was in the Dharma skeleton pit would seem to be the Smoke Monster. He suckered Shannon into being shot by Ana Lucia. Locke got suckered into killing Naomi. Also, Ghost Horace that appeared in Locke's dream that gave him directions to the cabin would also seem to be the Smoke Monster. This lead Locke on a series of events that ultimately lead to his death and eventually takeover of his body for the Man in Black.
Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

Originally Posted by Crook

Hey something I just thought about (might've already been discussed/answered, or maybe I'm just dumb) but so if the "sideways" world wasn't actually an alternate reality and was purgatory, then what did the bomb explosion at the end of season 5 do? Did it not create an alternate world?
Also, why would there have been a sunken island in this purgatory world? Was that just the writer's way of trying to trick us into thinking it was an alternate reality?
I don't think the bomb did anything but explode.
The bomb did EXACTLY what Miles hypothesized it would.
MILES: Can I ask you something, LaFleur?

SAWYER: There ain't no more LaFleur, Enos. Go ahead, shoot.

MILES: Has it occurred to any of you that your buddy's actuallygonna cause the thing he says he's trying to prevent? Perhaps thatlittle nuke is the incident? So maybe the best thing to do... is nothing?


MILES: I'm glad you all thought this through.

Who knows what would've happened had they done nothing but the detonating the bomb did not destroy/negate the electromagnetism thus, stopping the Swan from being built, which stopped the cause for a button to be pushed every 108 minutes, stopping Des from being late to push the button causing flight 815 to crash (cuz he'd probably be killed by the Others or become one). It actually did cause all that to happen.

That's one problem I had with S5. Faraday stresses whatever happens happened, disappears, and then comes back with this dumb *+# variable theory where he thinks he can reverse things and create a new time line.
Originally Posted by Viewtiful Mik3

My beef with the "purgatory" ending is

I remember like a season ago, there was a Q+A with the writers and someone specifically asked

if they were stuck in purgatory

The writers said "no"

then they give us the ol okey doke

unless i'm totally puliln this outta my shoot, the ending was whack
Theisland wasn't purgatory for them and they were never stuck in it. Thepurgatory ending was a place where when all of the losties died(at somepoint) they created it so they could interact with each other, remembertheir lives, the island a.k.a the most important time in their lives sothey could move on together. Christian told us that in the end.
Originally Posted by certified hustler11

Justanother random thought/ theory: Ghost Walt that kept appearing toShannon and to Locke when he was in the Dharma skeleton pit would seemto be the Smoke Monster. He suckered Shannon into being shot by AnaLucia. Locke got suckered into killing Naomi. Also, Ghost Horace thatappeared in Locke's dream that gave him directions to the cabin wouldalso seem to be the Smoke Monster. This lead Locke on a series ofevents that ultimately lead to his death and eventually takeover of hisbody for the Man in Black.
Smokey can only take on the formof dead ppl. Walt never died. That vision was possibly some power ofWalt's or the island. This was never really answered. Nobody's clearwhat happened in that Shannon death scene. Nobody told Locke to killNaomi. He decided that on his own. I always felt scenes like thatreinforced the fact that Locke is dead serious about staying on theisland and keeping ppl on the island(blowing up Dharma stations, subs,knocking out Sayid in S1, etc).
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