Lost 17 lbs in 12 days. That there psmf.

Jul 25, 2008
I did psmf, where i would eat about 900 calories a day, all being protein. 0 carbs basically. Because its protein your muscle is getting enough to not be broken down and since fat is easier to break down anyway, you basically just lose fat with minimal muscle loss. Went from 207 to 190 in 12 days. Feels good
to be fair i did binge eat for 2 days before i weighed, im usually sitting at 200. I think this is the best diet out there for short term. Im doing a carb refeed in a couple days and will probably do this for another week or 2. Hopefully be at 185, probably 11-12% bf
Ask me questions
Is this that rapid fat loss thing by Lyle McDonald that I see a lot of people talking about on bodybuilding.com?
Sounds like a terrible 12 days

How much of that weight do you think was water tho?
what did you eat exactly??

everday looked like this

small spinach salad with vinegar for some basic carbs- about 20 calories
24 oz of chicken- 750 calories, 150 g protein
protein shake with water- 180 calories, 45 g protein

i was fasting during this for the muslim pilgrimage so it got really easy because i couldnt eat anyway and when i did it was a ton of food.
no cardio and basic lifts 4 times a week
cardio will kill u, so dont try it thinking ull lose more, because i also thought i was a beast until u got that feeling of death
Is this that rapid fat loss thing by Lyle McDonald that I see a lot of people talking about on bodybuilding.com?


Impressive. PSMF doesn't always work for everyone.

I'd rather not take such drastic measures for fat loss though. As soon as those carbs come back in............:lol:
Do not be surprised if you start noticing hair loss  your body is going in a state of shock losing that much weight that fast.

lol im scared now. my hairline is not my best feature. i took my multi and fishoil so i think i was getting the essential.

Is this that rapid fat loss thing by Lyle McDonald that I see a lot of people talking about on bodybuilding.com?


Sounds like a terrible 12 days
How much of that weight do you think was water tho?

i tried in the summer and i hated it. i felt like death all the time and the craving were unbearable. didnt see much results after a week so i quit.
but this time was way easier i think because i just did the one big meal at nght so i was satisfied and not really too many cravings.
probably 5-7 lbs was water retention from my carb overload the weekend prior to starting
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what did you eat exactly??
everday looked like this

small spinach salad with vinegar for some basic carbs- about 20 calories
24 oz of chicken- 750 calories, 150 g protein
protein shake with water- 180 calories, 45 g protein

i was fasting during this for the muslim pilgrimage so it got really easy because i couldnt eat anyway and when i did it was a ton of food.
no cardio and basic lifts 4 times a week
cardio will kill u, so dont try it thinking ull lose more, because i also thought i was a beast until u got that feeling of death

Hit rep limit, will rep tomorrow.

You ate those 3 meals everyday? Did you get tired of eating chicken and spinach for 12 straight days?
I thought it wasn't healthy to lose that much weight that fast :nerd:

thats because its not, its terrible for your heart.

strong discipline >D ... instead of these stupid diets why not eat better and lose weight normally and healthy?

your just gonna end up gaining it back just as quick, i doubt you even lost any fat.
When I wanted to lose weight before my senior year of basketball(HS) I did something similar. 

Ate a bowl of cereal/milk first thing in the morning as my only carbs for the day before shooting/dribbling. Then nothing but grilled chicken breast and water for the rest of the day.

Now that I'm older and I don't exercise as much, any time I want to cut weight fast I just drastically reduce carbs and only eat grilled chicken/steak for a few weeks. 

Hit rep limit, will rep tomorrow.

You ate those 3 meals everyday? Did you get tired of eating chicken and spinach for 12 straight days?

i ate it in 1 or 2 meals. i couldnt eat til 7 pm because i was fasting so it made it so much easier because of the huge meal at the end. so try something like intermittent fasting where u have an 6 hour eating window and i think itll make a world of difference for the cravings. hunger pains only suck for the fist 3 days. im feeling like a champ right now and super energetic after my meal.
and about being tired of eating the same thing, that was my initial problem when i first started losing weight. for me because i love to eat, i had to seperate the enjoyment of eating to just doing it for nutrition which is kinda tough, but its worth it at the end. im coming up on a cheat day so ill endulge but just a little. but you can def change things up but when i get in the zone, i like routine. its easier to follow

thats because its not, its terrible for your heart.
strong discipline >D ... instead of these stupid diets why not eat better and lose weight normally and healthy?
your just gonna end up gaining it back just as quick, i doubt you even lost any fat.

i went from 270 lbs to 200. i know a little about dieting to say the least. and by a little i mean a lot. i do do it healthy but u hit a wall, and i just knocked that ***** over. and this isnt too unhealthy. trust me. but i like to swithc things up. ill probably be bulking in a couple weeks anyway, it was for my personal satisfaction of finally seeing my abs and there coming in pretty nice finally. from a previous fat guy, it feels awesome. and i doubt u know much about dieting in general mr "zyzz"
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Hit rep limit, will rep tomorrow.

You ate those 3 meals everyday? Did you get tired of eating chicken and spinach for 12 straight days?

i ate it in 1 or 2 meals. i couldnt eat til 7 pm because i was fasting so it made it so much easier because of the huge meal at the end. so try something like intermittent fasting where u have an 6 hour eating window and i think itll make a world of difference for the cravings. hunger pains only suck for the fist 3 days. im feeling like a champ right now and super energetic after my meal.
and about being tired of eating the same thing, that was my initial problem when i first started losing weight. for me because i love to eat, i had to seperate the enjoyment of eating to just doing it for nutrition which is kinda tough, but its worth it at the end. im coming up on a cheat day so ill endulge but just a little. but you can def change things up but when i get in the zone, i like routine. its easier to follow

thats because its not, its terrible for your heart.
strong discipline >D ... instead of these stupid diets why not eat better and lose weight normally and healthy?
your just gonna end up gaining it back just as quick, i doubt you even lost any fat.

i went from 270 lbs to 200. i know a little about dieting to say the least. and by a little i mean a lot. i do do it healthy but u hit a wall, and i just knocked that ***** over. and this isnt too unhealthy. trust me. but i like to swithc things up. ill probably be bulking in a couple weeks anyway, it was for my personal satisfaction of finally seeing my abs and there coming in pretty nice finally. from a previous fat guy, it feels awesome. and i doubt u know much about dieting in general mr "zyzz"


trust me, i know dieting. eating 900 calories a long with 0 carbs is nothing but idiotic. anyone with any knowledge of dieting/exercise/weightlifting would easily agree.

good luck
trust me, i know dieting. eating 900 calories a long with 0 carbs is nothing but idiotic. anyone with any knowledge of dieting/exercise/weightlifting would easily agree.
good luck

really? because there are numerous books about this diet. have u heard of lyle mcdonald, he goes into it the science of it. but i guess my hours upon hours of idiotic research and a very published man means nothing. but ill stick to what im doing and get to a pretty awesome sub 10% bf level using my idiotic ways as i bang ur chick
To be fair though there have been studies done where folks where only eating 800 calories a day and lifting/exercise 4 days a week with no detrimental effects just a lot of weight loss.
As long as he's hitting his protein/fat macros he should be gravy, no need to knock the man get it how you live.
trust me, i know dieting. eating 900 calories a long with 0 carbs is nothing but idiotic. anyone with any knowledge of dieting/exercise/weightlifting would easily agree.
good luck

really? because there are numerous books about this diet. have u heard of lyle mcdonald, he goes into it the science of it. but i guess my hours upon hours of idiotic research and a very published man means nothing. but ill stick to what im doing and get to a pretty awesome sub 10% bf level using my idiotic ways as i bang ur chick

lol yea your right :smh:

i went with a simple diet and lost a full beer belly to a perfect 6 pack and 9% BF with 0 cardio.

i dont care who wrote it LMAOOOO if he jumped off a bridge, would you do it too? just because "someone" writes or says something doesnt mean its a good idea. do you brah but dont come spewing dangerous diets on here and getting people who dont know any better in danger with a stupid diet.
lol yea your right :smh:
i went with a simple diet and lost a full beer belly to a perfect 6 pack and 9% BF with 0 cardio.
i dont care who wrote it LMAOOOO if he jumped off a bridge, would you do it too? just because "someone" writes or says something doesnt mean its a good idea. do you brah but dont come spewing dangerous diets on here and getting people who dont know any better in danger with a stupid diet.

u seem to be a very smart man. keep making assumptions buddy. but if u learned to read this is my second attempt at this diet, i did plenty of other things to get rid of those 70 lbs, and plenty of cardio. im a college athlete i also know a little about cardio and weight lifting too.
but this diet can even work on obese people. you dont have to take my word for it, here is an "idiotic" doctor's PUBLISHED research about ur issue at hand. its probably above ur reading level so have someone summarize it for u.

if published material isnt good enough for u to admit defeat, come back with some legitimate evidence to counter rather than something u just spew at the top of ur head with little knowledge.
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