LOS ANGELES: Car chase on KCAL NOW...White Bentley

Watching CB self destruct is sad.

But, funny.
Thank you guys for the video feed. Now I have something to watch since theres nothing on TV.
What the %%%$ is this? Since 7:55 PM? They waitin for this dude to park in his driveway or somethin?
I'm waitin for the Bentley to get rammed.
The vehicle has maintained very slow speeds approxmately 30 to 40 miles per hour, and often signaling before making a lane change. It has stopped at intersections and red lights, obeying most traffic laws.

Dude's trying to avoid having something similar to the 50-ticket police chase in Florida a few days ago
at low-speed pursuit at 30-40 mph.

Are you serious? The cops can't pull over 30-40mph? Come on now LAPD.
Originally Posted by Long Beach Vincey

SMH at me for viewing this as entertainment

This made my damn night. Just the random thoughts people saying Chris Brown is running away to mexico
This is better than the OJ Chase
The vehicle has maintained very slow speeds approxmately 30 to 40 miles per hour, and often signaling before making a lane change. It has stopped at intersections and red lights, obeying most traffic laws.
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