Lone Survivor (2013) - Trailer - Mark Wahlberg,Taylor Kitsch,Eric Bana

What a ******* movie. Just watched it last night. Sitting there made me realize two things...1. I am in no way, shape, or form cut out for that military life. 2. I've always had the utmost respect for our military, but last night took it to another level. The movie REALLY put things in perspective for me. In all my years watching films, I've never seen footage as gripping as when the the 4 guys were falling down the side of the mountain. That was hard to watch...hell of a job w/ the cinematography. Easily one of the best war movies I've seen. 5/5.
They couldnt take them with them or hold them because they village would had known there were missing and came looking for them and the herd

Now in real life what happen is either they actually killed the 2 people but there was a 3rd boy in the very back of the herd hidden that watched this and then ran back and told what he saw. The soilders never saw the 3rd person

Or either they tied the 2 up to a tree and wolves ended up eating them at dark but the soilders still didnt see the 3rd boy in the back

Its one of the 2 above i forgot which one..
Not that anyone cares, :lol: but I would have tied their hands behind their backs and loosely tied their feet together. They would of been able to move to avoid freezing/the wolves and they would have reached the village much later.

Not sure if they would have actually worked but I'm thinking they could've got a head start
war heroes and military legends are of the past...there are very few just wars going currently. i still don't understand why people jump so quick to give praise to people who are fighting and killing other innocent people.

these people that died, sure it is sad and unfortunate, however they are not fighting something that we as citizens of the 'free world' should be proud of.

me personally? I will never give praise to anyone who passes away fighting an unjust war and supporting a military occupation. those men went in fighting for what they believe in (hopefully that is why they were fighting) and they died believing it.

I cannot honor them and call them 'legends' because personally what they are fighting is not something to be proud of at the end of the day.

and knowing both sides of the story, trust me its not all black and white...these movies sometime play with your emotions even more to further an agenda and a mentality of 'we are just', 'we are right', 'we are free', and it cannot be anymore misleading.

I'm from Kandahar if that matters.
They volunteered to serve so that you would not be forced to serve.  To not respect people who not only volunteer to serve their country but also go above and beyond is disgusting and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.  Your feelings should be directed at the politicians who start these conflicts and dictate how these conflicts are fought, not the soldiers themselves.  
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