lock it up i was trolled

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Originally Posted by archnoobie

Damn, if this is true, I wish his family strength thru these tough times. Rest In Peace brethren 

Aside from Club54 Dave was my biggest nemesis. Regardless though Id never wish death on anyone.
RIP to the homie...the beef was never real.
sad day, hope his family and friends cope well.

Polorico and Rex, I know you guys were all homies, I'm sorry for your loss. Hes in a better place now.

i would never understand the thought process of taking your own life, i feel horrible for his family, they re the ones to suffer, if im ever at an all time low when the thought even crosses my mind, i wont be able to go through with it simply because of the pain i would cause those that love me....just yesterday i was at work and got called to the ER for a cardoiac arrest, come to find out it was a 14 year old girl that hung herself, mother came in shortly after and collapsed to the floor, takes alot to break me down, but i had to take a few minutes to go to the bathroom and let the tears flow, i just pictured my mother or a loved one of mines going through that pain and it broke my heart....

my condolences to his family, hope they remain strong.

I was Trucking along with him back when Trucking was at its prime, ustream trucking aint fun no more.
trucking in 09 was funny..the whole Henzo/tboy..random chicks and just blaze chats..
Originally Posted by ksteezy

i would never understand the thought process of taking your own life, i feel horrible for his family, they re the ones to suffer, if im ever at an all time low when the thought even crosses my mind, i wont be able to go through with it simply because of the pain i would cause those that love me....just yesterday i was at work and got called to the ER for a cardoiac arrest, come to find out it was a 14 year old girl that hung herself, mother came in shortly after and collapsed to the floor, takes alot to break me down, but i had to take a few minutes to go to the bathroom and let the tears flow, i just pictured my mother or a loved one of mines going through that pain and it broke my heart....

my condolences to his family, hope they remain strong.
You're not suffering from depression. You can't fathom what they're going through so to say something like "well if I was them I'd do this and that" is ridiculous.
I have a close friend who almost took his own life last year due to depression. Luckily, another friend found him, lying in his own pool of vomit, and was able to get him to the hospital before it was too late. He's better now and is dealing but he wasn't right for months. Some people never get the support of friends or family and some never feel right even with the support. Depression affects everyone differently. 

My condolences to those affected.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by CWrite78

depression.. hospiltal..

all signs point to overdose.

sorry to hear about your homie.
thats what im thinking.....
how bad can things be for you to feel like there is no way out man?....sad...


That wasn't necessary.  don't even comment on something you know nothing about unless you've walked in that person's shoes. 

RIP to dude.
why are dudes getting so offended, im clearly stating that i dont understand, who really does??...im not trying to disrespect his memory or even downplay what depression can do to someone, i feel bad for the kid....but more so for his family....you guys are really trying hard to take my posts out of context as im trying to say something to disrespect his memory....cmon man...
^^^ Agreed you guys are too catty, say RIP and keep it moving its obvious Steezy isnt trying to be rude.

Originally Posted by ksteezy

why are dudes getting so offended, im clearly stating that i dont understand, who really does??...im not offending his memory, i feel bad for the kid....but more so for his family....you guys are really trying hard to take my posts out of context as im trying to say something to disrespect his memory....cmon man...

Because it seems to others as if you were being a little insensitive or even ignorant. I know you weren't trying to be, but that's what it kind of comes off as...
how bad can things be for you to feel like there is no way out man?....sad...

I mean that really isn't the right thing to say right now when you don't know his situation.

Anyways, I have my differences with a lot of NT members. Dave was not one of them. I would never wish harm on any of you. I hope his family gets the support they need at a time like this


But um Rico... I mean you can't really come and say so and so NTer passed away and not post some details. I mean it's not like we're trying to find out his life story. I just hope none of this is true to be honest.
Rip to a NTfamily member. I just lost two of my boys back to back man this weak can't get no worse.
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