Living by train tracks UN-appreciation

Apr 29, 2006
I went to Chico for the weekend and where I stayed there is train tracks about 50 feet away. 7 times a day the train comes
It must suck living there.
lol I lived in Chico for get used to it after very fist weekend up there, %@+ woke me up...after that, I was good.

Where'd you stay?
i live in queens and i live closer tan 50 ft to the j train
you get used to it. it only must suck for people whose windows are directly next to the u can stick your hand out the window and touch the station. but i figure rent must be cheap.
my grandma house in Mississippi is like that, you can feel the trains go by the house. slight rumble
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

lol I lived in Chico for get used to it after very fist weekend up there, %@+ woke me up...after that, I was good.

Where'd you stay?
Lynnwood Appartments on 4th kinda behind Safeway.
my room is maybe 150 yds from the train track. I hear it go by all the time. Its those cargo trains so it lasts for like 10 mins everytime they come by but Imused to it. The amtrak also goes by like every 2 hrs.
Yeah, in college, my apartments were 100 yards from a track. You get used to it. I used to be on the phone, just steady talking while a loud @$% horn wasblowing and the person on the other line was like, "$@@? I didn't hear a word you said."
Agreed. I gambled and moved near some and it seems every other day Im stuck on the road waiting for the train to pass and im late for work...

Them trains go by minimum 20 times per day here
Originally Posted by iLL W1LLiam

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

lol I lived in Chico for get used to it after very fist weekend up there, %@+ woke me up...after that, I was good.

Where'd you stay?
Lynnwood Appartments on 4th kinda behind Safeway.
I lived at University Village originally, my first year, then "the Zoo" on West 5th....then downtown on 3rd and Hazel, but my last spotwas off of Cherry back behind the Safeway too. Somewhat near the tracks but my apt faced another way luckily. How was Halloween out there?
We've got tracks about 100 yards from my house and I've actually grown to love it. It's second nature nowand strange as it sounds, the whistle-blowing is somewhat comforting late at night

Lived near the trains for 22 years .. and if i dont hear that train in the morning or late before i go to sleep i dont feel like im at home ..
at home in chicago i live across the street from a metra track. it's not too bad
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by iLL W1LLiam

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

lol I lived in Chico for get used to it after very fist weekend up there, %@+ woke me up...after that, I was good.

Where'd you stay?
Lynnwood Appartments on 4th kinda behind Safeway.
I lived at University Village originally, my first year, then "the Zoo" on West 5th....then downtown on 3rd and Hazel, but my last spot was off of Cherry back behind the Safeway too. Somewhat near the tracks but my apt faced another way luckily. How was Halloween out there?
It was okay but it was raining on halloween saw a lot of funny crap
My old house was right by the express way, and that sucked. I feel for anybody who lives by a train.
I stayed in a hotel in New York few weeks ago where the train passed by every morning at 7am. Of course they have to use the whistle every morning
i live 15 mins away from the kansas city international airport.

i think its weird when i dont hear/see a plane go by.

u get used to it.
luckily i don't stay near a train track, i don't think i could deal with the noise
I work right next to train tracks here in Seattle. You get used to the sound pretty quick, but they can mess up your timing with getting to and from work
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