Living by train tracks UN-appreciation

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i live in queens and i live closer tan 50 ft to the j train
you get used to it. it only must suck for people whose windows are directly next to the train. like u can stick your hand out the window and touch the station. but i figure rent must be cheap.
Didn't know you were from NY, what part of queens? I'm assuming either woodhaven or jamaica
*Paging deepinthajeep....

My dude's old apartment was basically ON the Blue Line train tracks up in Chicago.

*!$* was LOUD when it went by, but like others said, it's weird how quickly you get used to it.
Originally Posted by infamousod

reminds me of Elwood's apartment
Amazing reference. My homeboy used to live with traintracks right on the other side of the fence. First time i was in his house it freaked meout. But after a while, I didn't even notice it.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i live in queens and i live closer tan 50 ft to the j train
you get used to it. it only must suck for people whose windows are directly next to the train. like u can stick your hand out the window and touch the station. but i figure rent must be cheap.

o hai thar.
Don't mind it. My best friend lives in Coney Island so whenever I crash there I hear it. Doesn't bother me.
I used to live somewhat close to a train. I got used to it. I suppose other people do too. Still annoying as s*** tho.
I live in Queens and the LIRR is not more than 25 ft. away from my house. The train actually passing through is soothing when I try and go to sleep.
I live by the J train. Its not that bad. You get used to it. Living next to an Airport, now that must suck
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i live in queens and i live closer tan 50 ft to the j train
you get used to it. it only must suck for people whose windows are directly next to the train. like u can stick your hand out the window and touch the station. but i figure rent must be cheap.

I live down the block from the J too. Maybe we should have an NT Summit at 104TH. ST.
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