Little secrets about u that no one knows.

Originally Posted by BrokeBallah

when i fap in the shower i make out with my arm.

Originally Posted by 214TX972

^^^^^^^^^^may i add that me and my 2 cousins....werent raised together.....ive only known them for about 2 years or so ...

Again...... WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
im 19 but only had sex wit one girl... we started dating when we were 15.
i'd have sex wit my best friend's exes and not tell him(almost happened once and he doesnt kno. other's bout to happen this week)
i have a fetish for pretty feet and phattys
Im just posting in this thread so i can see it later
I have no confidence in myself. I buy shoes and work out to look right but just to front. I act a big game with women and when it comes down to call or aim Iget scared even though I spit a nice game to them when I first meet them. Smh @ myself
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

I have no confidence in myself. I buy shoes and work out to look right but just to front. I act a big game with women and when it comes down to call or aim I get scared even though I spit a nice game to them when I first meet them. Smh @ myself
im just like you..we got alot in common
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

I don't even like Vinnie Paz

I have no confidence in myself. I buy shoes and work out to look right but just to front. I act a big game with women and when it comes down to call or aim I get scared even though I spit a nice game to them when I first meet them. Smh @ myself
not gonna lie, i'm kinda like this myself. but i feel like some of the pieces to getting it are starting to come together. you gotta realizethat in life, no one will take you seriously if you don't take yourself seriously first. with that mindset, hopefully it'll be easier for me to startmaking moves.
- im 22 and i honestly dont know the number of women ive been with. somewhere from 24-27

- a third cousin i barely know one year in my life. fell in love with me when i met her in some other country last january and i feel like i fell for heralso.but i know its wrong. and some things..did happen and now we both dont know what to do, and our moms highly notice it and we live so far away (4,000miles)

-im crazy self-concious
-i got out of 3 DUI's cuz the cops are dumb
-i spend $300 on bud weekly

-ive wasted the last year and a half of my life attempting to go to school.i needa get my act together.too much %*%!%++ up

-in the past 2 years and a half ive literarily not had a drink for no more than 4 days. so i feel like im an alcoholic

-i been attending A.A meetings
-i did an ugly chick the other day cuz she hasnt gotten laid in 2 years she has a fat ++% and to beat she just wanted a ride to work
and i said fu ck it i needa let a nut off anyhow.
-ive passed so many drug tests buying drinks to clean my system
Originally Posted by W1LL I AM

- im 22 and i honestly dont know the number of women ive been with. somewhere from 24-27

- a third cousin i barely know one year in my life. fell in love with me when i met her in some other country last january and i feel like i fell for her also.but i know its wrong. and some things..did happen and now we both dont know what to do, and our moms highly notice it and we live so far away (4,000 miles)

-im crazy self-concious
-i got out of 3 DUI's cuz the cops are dumb
-i spend $300 on bud weekly

-ive wasted the last year and a half of my life attempting to go to school.i needa get my act together.too much *!$%!!% up

-in the past 2 years and a half ive literarily not had a drink for no more than 4 days.

-ive passed so many drug tests buying drinks to clean my system
low confidence and i think im a bit fat but everybody else in shool see's me as a body builder type so im on a diet ....

i dont like playing around in public... i like thick latinas also.... i hate my barber...I HATE DANCING .. i make myself look like a fool when i dance but ican do some moves but when just formal dancing with a girl i am whack
well let me contribute to this thread, some of these arent secrets

- Kid Cudi's Day and Nite joint is practically a clear description of whats going on in my life right now, minus the part of the girl not wanting him
- I get tired of people real quick. After graduating high school i rarely talk to anyone that i hung around or knew, and i knew majority of my class becausethey bore me
- I wish that i had attended an HBCU first
- I have no social life and i have come to terms with that
- I keep de-activating my Facebook because i get tired of seeing people actually having more fun and enjoying life more than me.
- I hate watching people play video games around me, i literally get fighting mad when i see someone not know how to play a game that i know how to play.
- I HATE fat chicks, i really detest them
- I make fun of everybody i see if there is something to be made fun of about you.

If this thread is still alive i'll contribute more
- I'm still heartbroken over my last gf, and have yet to let any female get close to me. Its been 9 months.
- I'm a good looking guy and i dress nicely, yet i barely have any friends because of my confidence and trust issues.
- Giving up on life is something i'm really close to doing
- im extremely self conscious.. if i like a shirt or something the first thought taht goes into my head is if other people will like it and if theyll saysomething about it..i hate it
- sometimes i feel like giving up this working out *%*+ and just live my life the way i am but i know i have to have the motivation to go on with it
- people think im a nice kid and never wanna fight but deep down if i had the chance i would beat living *%*+ out of someone if i had the chance..sometimes iwish someone would try to start a fight with me so i can take out all my anger on them .. oh well thats what muay thai is for

- im still a virgin (just turned 17) and to be honest i dont give a *%*+
- i have at least 60 shirts and i waer like 10 of them cause im too worried about how the others will look on me and what people will say
- i spend too much money on bud .. the past month its been $200+
- i hate the majority of the kids at my school
- recently i havent had much of a social life..ive only been going out MAYBe once a week then not going out for like a month..i prefer to stay home
- i dont even smoke with other people anymore..i like to just kick back and smoke a bljunt to the face

- people call me for bud when i have enough to give out but im too selfish to give it out


ill post more later if i think of them
- my biggest secret ever is stored in my phone.. the worst part is, i don't regret doing the said secret and would love to do it again if i were given thechance
i'm a horrible person.
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