LIL Wayne dismisses BLM

Maybe I see things differently, Wayne talking down on Black lives Matter has no significance whats so ever.
thats your opinion and youre entitled to it

but its bigger than just you and what you think

there are people who will take his words and use them to denigrate as well
thats your opinion and youre entitled to it

but its bigger than just you and what you think

there are people who will take his words and use them to denigrate as well

I agree, and BLM is much bigger than my opinion, and especially the opinion of a junkie. There are important topics at hand and this was another distraction
Black on black crime is a made up storyline to distract from the real issue. When white people shoot up public places and have all these serial killers they never say it's a issue with their race, they treated it like it's isolated incident. You never hear them say "Oh we need to better, this makes us look bad.

But if one black gang member kills another they act like the whole race has to be held accountable for that.

Poverty = violence, period.

And if we look at history black people are not the violent ones....

Bottom line is that violence in the black community is an issue, regardless of the terminology some use to portray or misportray it. Seems like a lot of yall would rather put your head in the sand (not you specifically, but quite a few people in the last couple pages) because you don't appreciate the phrasing. Yes its poverty, yes its circumstance, no its not a genetic trait correlated to skin color (as ridiculous as that sounds) but "black on black" violence is most certainly an issue. To categorize it as general crime I think does a disservice to working on a solution. I feel there are specific and unique factors to violence within the black community that arent necessarily as prevalent in white violence in white communities, just because some use the term as a dog whistle shouldnt prevent intelligent discussion by those genuinely concerned. To me its acceptable to bring it up, its all in the context.
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Black on black crime is a made up storyline to distract from the real issue. When white people shoot up public places and have all these serial killers they never say it's a issue with their race, they treated it like it's isolated incident. You never hear them say "Oh we need to better, this makes us look bad.

But if one black gang member kills another they act like the whole race has to be held accountable for that.

Poverty = violence, period.

And if we look at history black people are not the violent ones....

Bottom line is that violence in the black community is an issue, regardless of the terminology some use to portray or misportray it. Seems like a lot of yall would rather put your head in the sand (not you specifically, but quite a few people in the last couple pages) because you don't appreciate the phrasing. Yes its poverty, yes its circumstance, no its not a genetic trait correlated to skin color (as ridiculous as that sounds) but "black on black" violence is most certainly an issue. To categorize it as general crime I think does a disservice to working on a solution. I feel there are specific and unique factors to violence within the black community that arent necessarily as prevalent in white violence in white communities, just because some use the term as a dog whistle shouldnt prevent intelligent discussion by those genuinely concerned. To me its acceptable to bring it up, its all in the context.

Agreed but we know when someone actually wants to discuss crime in Black communities and when they are deflecting away from topics like police brutality/systemic white supremacy.
A junkie with millions of young fans and a better reach to the media than any BLM activist will ever have. Y'all have to be ignoring the potential negative effects of his irresponsibility on purpose.
Hold up, what threads are you frequenting that this issue isn't brought up? Albeit, indirectly, we've all discussed this issue. Discussing poverty and discrimination within the community is talking about the crime rate. I'm sorry that we aren't all going to buy into this "black on black" crime epidemic that you all are trying to feed us. Crime in the black community is an issue, no one will tell you otherwise. But the way you guys are trying to play this as if its something unique to the black community is so farfetched. You'll use the term "black on black crime" but would never use "brown on brown" or "white on White." I prefer to call what it is...crime...that is what it is.

Even more alarming is the fact that these are black people spewing this nonsense. Yall are agreeing with lil wayne and don't even know it.
the circumstance and environment are what people dont want talk about when they bring up black on black violence

white people thru redlining, mass incarceration, school to prison pipeline etc created the circumstance and environment under which "black on black" crime occurs

not to say there isnt an element of personal accountability but like someone said before poverty = crime
the circumstance and environment are what people dont want talk about when they bring up black on black violence

white people thru redlining, mass incarceration, school to prison pipeline etc created the circumstance and environment under which "black on black" crime occurs

not to say there isnt an element of personal accountability but like someone said before poverty = crime

Quoted for emphasis!
Yea nobody has their head in the sand about black on black crime issues, but just like other people have said, that is brought up to deflect and low-key make light of the issue of injustices at hand.
What I never understood about the black-on-black crime argument is that where are people getting this idea that African-Americans don't have a problem with and/or overlook black-on-black crime?

Are people literally just saying stuff to win an argument or make a point?

And why is it always a competition? People act like hardships and deep social issues are mutually exclusive :x.

Why is it so hard to be like "Yeah, it looks pretty bad" :lol:

At least.
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Even if black on black crime was a real thing, there are plenty of black people addressing the violence in their communities, especially in Republicans'/racists' favorite example city of Chicago. I always hear white racists mention that black people don't care, when there are visible examples out there that they choose to ignore
^ Yeah, I can't stand that. How can you speak on something you don't know ? The people who make these claims, don't even live in these inner cities, and only get their information from biased news sources.

It's especially annoying to me, because my own mother has worked with police officers, churches, and other stop the violence organizations. I can't express how many anti violence organizations I've seen here in Philly.

Folks see what they want, as long as it supports their argument. A quick Google search would dead all that.
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Even if black on black crime was a real thing, there are plenty of black people addressing the violence in their communities, especially in Republicans'/racists' favorite example city of Chicago. I always hear white racists mention that black people don't care, when there are visible examples out there that they choose to ignore

I agree wholeheartedly.

Bruh there's literally multiple threads where NTERS have discussed the volunteering/public out reach that they've undertaken in their communities.

Not to mention an entire thread dedicated to teaching cats abouts these issues.

And those are just NTERS. What about the countless celebrities that are giving back? People are trying man.
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Black on black crime is a made up storyline to distract from the real issue. When white people shoot up public places and have all these serial killers they never say it's a issue with their race, they treated it like it's isolated incident. You never hear them say "Oh we need to better, this makes us look bad.

But if one black gang member kills another they act like the whole race has to be held accountable for that.

Poverty = violence, period.

And if we look at history black people are not the violent ones....

Bottom line is that violence in the black community is an issue, regardless of the terminology some use to portray or misportray it. Seems like a lot of yall would rather put your head in the sand (not you specifically, but quite a few people in the last couple pages) because you don't appreciate the phrasing. Yes its poverty, yes its circumstance, no its not a genetic trait correlated to skin color (as ridiculous as that sounds) but "black on black" violence is most certainly an issue. To categorize it as general crime I think does a disservice to working on a solution. I feel there are specific and unique factors to violence within the black community that arent necessarily as prevalent in white violence in white communities, just because some use the term as a dog whistle shouldnt prevent intelligent discussion by those genuinely concerned. To me its acceptable to bring it up, its all in the context.

The problem is when people bring it up they just stop there. They don't talk about the school system, lack of jobs, racist court system, mass incarceration, racist laws that get passed. So again it's BS. Using the term feed into that BS. it's only one race that gets that label. It's whole lot of crime going on in the world but only one race gets that label? **** don't add up.

Violence period is an issue. Wherever people don't have opportunities it's gonna be crime. That's how it is. If you gonna talk about crime in black communities talk the causes of it, if not sit down.
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I never hear white people being called thugs either.

Black-on-black crime definitely isn't seen publicly as a result of some other root causes.

Just another result of unfair representation.
I agree wholeheartedly.

Bruh there's literally multiple threads where NTERS have discussed the volunteering/public out reach that they've undertaken in their communities.

Not to mention an entire thread dedicated to teaching cats abouts these issues.

And those are just NTERS. What about the countless celebrities that are giving back? People are trying man.

Reminds me of rednecks who post "What has Kaepernick done for the black community" when he's donating millions and holding camps to help black youth :lol: :smh:

I don't know this to be true, but I will go on the record and say that most of White America isn't even trying to understand and/or learn.

But I don't know what to expect from them either.

Their experience in America is mad different and their lives are difficult too.
Yea nobody has their head in the sand about black on black crime issues, but just like other people have said, that is brought up to deflect and low-key make light of the issue of injustices at hand.

How can people have their head in the sand about that anyway? :lol:

All we hear is how "those thugs in Chicago are evil" "Chicago is a warzone". They never talk about how that's a segregated city and those neighborhoods were stripped of opportunities.

We've been drilled in the head with this "black on black crime" nonsense since the early 90's.
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Hold up, what threads are you frequenting that this issue isn't brought up? Albeit, indirectly, we've all discussed this issue. Discussing poverty and discrimination within the community is talking about the crime rate. I'm sorry that we aren't all going to buy into this "black on black" crime epidemic that you all are trying to feed us. Crime in the black community is an issue, no one will tell you otherwise. But the way you guys are trying to play this as if its something unique to the black community is so farfetched. You'll use the term "black on black crime" but would never use "brown on brown" or "white on White." I prefer to call what it is...crime...that is what it is.

Even more alarming is the fact that these are black people spewing this nonsense. Yall are agreeing with lil wayne and don't even know it.

Imo it is an epidemic, whatever goes on with other races or how the media categorizes their crimes is irrelevant to this issue. I'm not saying no one cares or no one is doing anything about it but implying that its entirely a made up narrative ignores specific solutions and hinders the conversation as it pertains to black people specifically. Crime is not unique to the black community but the causes and the manifestation of it within minority communities is imo. It just seems to me that categorizing all crime across all communities as the same, generalizing it as just "crime" ignores the issue. It implies that the solution is universal and that white or other crime is based on the same factors or has the same solutions as whats going on in the black community, which I think it's pretty clear it's a whole separate animal. If anything it seems like you are agreeing with wayne by ignoring the fact that racism is a factor. Saying that all crime is individual, that circumstances aren't different for black folks who turn to crime.

the circumstance and environment are what people dont want talk about when they bring up black on black violence

white people thru redlining, mass incarceration, school to prison pipeline etc created the circumstance and environment under which "black on black" crime occurs

not to say there isnt an element of personal accountability but like someone said before poverty = crime

Thats exactly it. Those factors are what separate black crime from white crime. By lumping all crime together you put certain issues and solutions on the back burner. I feel like you have to bring up the issues of crime in the black community specifically to get at that stuff. It's not all the same.

Yea nobody has their head in the sand about black on black crime issues, but just like other people have said, that is brought up to deflect and low-key make light of the issue of injustices at hand.

And thats the problem, obviously people bring it up to deflect so then it leaves a bad taste in peoples mouth when they hear it. Thats why you got people in here saying you can never bring it up or that the sole purpose of talking about black crime specifically and apart from other crime is for the purpose of that deflection. I just feel like you need to talk about it separately from all crime if you want to get at the heart of the issue. Saying crime is crime is crime, to me, is putting your head in the sand to the fact that there are specific factors causing and perpetuating black on black crime that aren't gonna be addressed lumping all crime together.
And to add to that. That is what I meant about things not being mutually exclusive. These are all completely different conversations and that is ok. You want to talk about black-on-black crime? Lets talk about it. Wanna talk about issues in other groups demographics or whatever in America or anywhere else? Lets talk about it and try to go over some core issues.

But like it has been is said, you can't really have a discussion and come to any real understanding without learning about the foundation.
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you can't really have a discussion and come to any real understanding without learning about the foundation.

And you can't talk about it if people don't even wanna hear you bring up the term or deny that it is a specific and separate issue than all crime. Thats really the only point I was trying to make. Trust me, I understand the foundation.
And you can't talk about it if people don't even wanna hear you bring up the term or deny that it is a specific and separate issue than all crime. Thats really the only point I was trying to make. Trust me, I understand the foundation.

Yeah we are saying the same thing.

I was speaking on people and their behavior in general.
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Stop trying to appease White people, stop trying to get them to relate to us. That's where a lot of you guys are failing. I don't want them to understand me, and vice versa. You can co-exist and ignore them all in the same sequence.

To piggy back off the "thug" connotation, look at how they also called us gangsters or that "gangster rap music" when the word itself is synonymous with the Italian mob. They flipped the words gangsters and thug from the mobster lifestyle, and put that nonsense on us.

Stop wanting them folks to understand you. Forget them.
i think its the opposite

we need to challenge them, confront them, call them out

like if they not racist they need to prove it

elected officials, civil servants everybody
i think its the opposite

we need to challenge them, confront them, call them out

like if they not racist they need to prove it

elected officials, civil servants everybody

There's a difference between wanting them to understand or "like" you, than calling out their bigotry. If that's the case of course, don't tolerate any of their idiocracy.

What dude was talking about, was practically saying begging or lobbying for them to understand our culture and traits. Which I don't agree with. I don't want them to understand us, or our customs.

But if they're trying to be disrespectful or spew any racial remarks, they got to be dealt with.
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