Lets talk Obesity.

Obesity is...

  • a LIFESTYLE issue.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • a GENETIC issue.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Jul 2, 2012
So, as some of you might already know there are two main arguments on this topic.

One one hand, people say that obesity is lifestyle problem that can be addressed, regardless of one's physical preconditions, through a proper diet, exercise, and healthy choices in life in general. Moreover, other non-biological factors can contribute to one's obesity, such as socioeconomic status, geography, social circle, etc.

-Obesity is a matter of personal responsibility. People become obese because they make bad dietary decisions and do not exercise enough or at all. Compared to 40 years ago, people today spend more time commuting, sitting in front of a computer, watching television, playing video games, and generally exercising less.

-Obesity does not have characteristic signs or symptoms like diseases typically have. The only characteristic sign of obesity is excess fat, which is the definition of obesity itself. There are also no symptoms for obesity.

-People who have initially succeeded in fighting obesity and lost weight only regain it after resorting back to bad lifestyle habits they once had.

On the other hand, there are others who claim that obesity is genetic or biological, which means that contrary to the first argument, some people are bound to be or predisposed to be obese no matter what they do.

-Some studies have shown that the hereditability of obesity is about the same as that of height. Therefore obesity is not the result of people lacking willpower to exercise or eat less, but is genetically predetermined.

-Obesity, like other diseases, impairs the normal functioning of a body. People who are obese have excess adipose (or fat) tissue that causes the overproduction of certain molecules and mediators in the body, which lead to abnormal regulation of food intake and energy expenditure.

-Obesity is one of the most frequent and serious metabolic diseases. Strategies for long-term reduction of body weight are largely ineffective. More than 90% of people who lose weight eventually regain it.
Op I commend you for trying to have a mature discussion on this topic too bad all you will get is fat people bashing from a lot of immature folks
it is somewhat biological but it is also mental, im fat right now and have lost weight before and ill i can say is if you really want to lose weigt you can do it, some people have slower metablosisms, but those people can build muscle waaaay easier than a skinny person
P4L, i'mma try to formulate a well thought out opinion in the meantime
Lifestyle issue, 101%

Fat people are lazy, period. Cut back on calories a little and exercise 2-3 times a week an it would change their lives
just watch what you eat, i'm sure i burn enough calories working and that helps but if you're eating healthy you're not going to blimp out. people are just stupid for the most part.
Some people are just born to be big, it's in their genetics..but some people do get fat on their own I also hate seeing fat kids..the parents should be disciplined for putting kool aid in a kids bottle and feedin em MC donalds..I also don't get how someone can also let themselves go like that either, I've gained a couple pounds but that's cuz I was doin drugs I feel lazy right now and I weigh 145..I couldn't imagine going over 200 hell even 180
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Really interesting topic. Is there any evidence saying its purely genetic? purely lifestyle?

It's probably a lot more complex than either or.

One of the saddest things to me is childhood obesity. Even if it was purely a lifestyle choice, kids don't really know what they're doing until it's too late and their already at a disadvantage.
On the other hand, there are others who claim that obesity is genetic or biological, which means that contrary to the first argument, some people are bound to be or predisposed to be obese no matter what they do.

-Some studies have shown that the hereditability of obesity is about the same as that of height. Therefore obesity is not the result of people lacking willpower to exercise or eat less, but is genetically predetermined.

-Obesity, like other diseases, impairs the normal functioning of a body. People who are obese have excess adipose (or fat) tissue that causes the overproduction of certain molecules and mediators in the body, which lead to abnormal regulation of food intake and energy expenditure.

-Obesity is one of the most frequent and serious metabolic diseases. Strategies for long-term reduction of body weight are largely ineffective. More than 90% of people who lose weight eventually regain it.
Some people are just born to be big, it's in their genetics..but some people do get fat on their own I also hate seeing fat kids..the parents should be arrested for putting kook aid in a kids bottle and feedin me MC donalds

I agree with this. Are any of you guys going to argue that this guy is out of shape and lazy?
Some people are just born to be big, it's in their genetics..but some people do get fat on their own I also hate seeing fat kids..the parents should be disciplined for putting kool aid in a kids bottle and feedin em MC donalds..I also don't get how someone can also let themselves go like that either, I've gained a couple pounds but that's cuz I was doin drugs I feel lazy right now and I weigh 145..I couldn't imagine going over 200 hell even 180
i definately agree but big and fat are 2 different things, lebron is big but no way is he fat while yao ming is skinny as ****, hes over 7 feet tall but hes not big
they say that you can pretty much guarantee an obese child if the parents are obese...and...the further on down the line you get the harder it is to stop.

but, still, at the end of the day i believe it can be stopped and it is a lifestyle issue.
Really interesting topic. Is there any evidence saying its purely genetic? purely lifestyle?

It's probably a lot more complex than either or.

One of the saddest things to me is childhood obesity. Even if it was purely a lifestyle choice, kids don't really know what they're doing until it's too late and their already at a disadvantage.
you're right it is more complex. A lot of kids aren't active because they feel that they 'can't be active' and parents sometimes enable their sedintary lifestyle. I know a lot of people who were obese as youngsters who have now discovered that they 'can be active'.

I am sure there are genetic factors involved, but as a percentage of the human population I think a genetic predisposition  to 'unavoidable' obesity is very low.
they say that you can pretty much guarantee an obese child if the parents are obese...and...the further on down the line you get the harder it is to stop.

but, still, at the end of the day i believe it can be stopped and it is a lifestyle issue.
probably because of the eating habits of the parents, growing up you're eating the same things your parents are eating.
I would say it's 80% lifestyle 20% genetic

truuu, but if it's in your blood to be big you just have to realize that and adjust your lifestyle so you're not huge. my old sous chef was huge. dude started eating decent at best but exercising hard and became a freakin monster. that inspired all the other fat heads at work to try and compete too. :lol: soon they were all talking about their workout that day.
No one is going to vote for (or believe that it is primarily) genetic unless someone comes through with proof of people becoming obese purely for genetic/hereditary reasons.

My impression has always been that putting on weight is really all due to lifestyle, but losing weight that you've put on is where genetic factors can have a greater effect, because you need more help from your metabolism with the latter.

Look at the American lifestyle. Sitting in cars, junk food, candy, sitting at office desks all day. The result is this:

More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) and approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese.
Source: http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/facts.html

I have to make a conscious effort every day to eat healthy and exercise, because I don't have a good metabolism, and never have. My waistline has gone down from a 34 to a 32 over a few years. My mentality is: **** people who hide behind excuses when they can't do the same - they're an eyesore and a drain on our economy and society.
you're right it is more complex. A lot of kids aren't active because they feel that they 'can't be active' and parents sometimes enable their sedintary lifestyle. I know a lot of people who were obese as youngsters who have now discovered that they 'can be active'.

I am sure there are genetic factors involved, but as a percentage of the human population I think a genetic predisposition  to 'unavoidable' obesity is very low.

yeah unavoidable obesity is very low, and sad. The majority of ppl that are fat are lazy(myself included) but genetics do have a factor. Some people cannot be fat even if they wanted too, those ppl that are skinny like sticks. Its funny cuz i was gonna try out for my college bball team but a 280(or more) and 6ft0in, i cant run up and down the court like that :smh:
No one is going to vote for (or believe that it is primarily) genetic unless someone comes through with proof of people becoming obese purely for genetic/hereditary reasons.

My impression has always been that putting on weight is really all due to lifestyle, but losing weight that you've put on is where genetic factors can have a greater effect, because you need more help from your metabolism with the latter.

Look at the American lifestyle. Sitting in cars, junk food, candy, sitting at office desks all day. The result is this:
More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) and approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese.
Source: http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/facts.html

I have to make a conscious effort every day to eat healthy and exercise, because I don't have a good metabolism, and never have. My waistline has gone down from a 34 to a 32 over a few years. My mentality is: **** people who hide behind excuses when they can't do the same - they're an eyesore and a drain on our economy and society.
i don't know about all that...
you're right it is more complex. A lot of kids aren't active because they feel that they 'can't be active' and parents sometimes enable their sedintary lifestyle. I know a lot of people who were obese as youngsters who have now discovered that they 'can be active'.

I am sure there are genetic factors involved, but as a percentage of the human population I think a genetic predisposition  to 'unavoidable' obesity is very low.
yeah unavoidable obesity is very low, and sad. The majority of ppl that are fat are lazy(myself included) but genetics do have a factor. Some people cannot be fat even if they wanted too, those ppl that are skinny like sticks. Its funny cuz i was gonna try out for my college bball team but a 280(or more) and 6ft0in, i cant run up and down the court like that
you have to get better man. A couple of years ago I ballooned up to 225-230 (6'0"), and I had never felt so unhealthy I would get tired just sitting down for a long time. If you put your mind to it you can get in better shape...just having a goal (e.g. trying out for a team) is a great start and will help you get there.

also: http://niketalk.com/t/500128/stay-get-back-in-shape-vol-3-0-a-new-niketalk-a-new-thread

there are a lot of great stories in that thread.
The answer is it's both but people use genetic predisposition as a crutch. If you have a genetic predisposition it just means you really need to try harder with diet and exercise. There is no excuse, unless you have Cushings or some other disease that really leads to obesity.
No one is going to vote for (or believe that it is primarily) genetic unless someone comes through with proof of people becoming obese purely for genetic/hereditary reasons.

My impression has always been that putting on weight is really all due to lifestyle, but losing weight that you've put on is where genetic factors can have a greater effect, because you need more help from your metabolism with the latter.

Look at the American lifestyle. Sitting in cars, junk food, candy, sitting at office desks all day. The result is this:
More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) and approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese.
Source: http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/facts.html

I have to make a conscious effort every day to eat healthy and exercise, because I don't have a good metabolism, and never have. My waistline has gone down from a 34 to a 32 over a few years. My mentality is: **** people who hide behind excuses when they can't do the same - they're an eyesore and a drain on our economy and society.
i don't know about all that...


The medical care costs of obesity in the United States are staggering. In 2008 dollars, these costs totaled about $147 billion.

Those are just medical costs. Think of lost productivity for businesses from obesity-related medical conditions. Think of sitting next to an obese person on a cross-country flight in coach, or avoiding a seat on a bus because you don't want to be nudged by some fat person's stomach or pork chop of an arm for the entire ride.
you have to get better man. A couple of years ago I ballooned up to 225-230 (6'0"), and I had never felt so unhealthy I would get tired just sitting down for a long time. If you put your mind to it you can get in better shape...just having a goal (e.g. trying out for a team) is a great start and will help you get there.

also: http://niketalk.com/t/500128/stay-get-back-in-shape-vol-3-0-a-new-niketalk-a-new-thread

there are a lot of great stories in that thread.

i feel you man i used that same goal(trying out for the basketball team(high school)) and it worked for me, in 6 months i was like 180(or less)lbs. Was on the team a year later. If you put your mind to it and actually care about losing weight it can and will be done(unless you have some sort of disease whihc makes you remain obese). Genetics certainly plays a factor but not nearly as much as people make it out as
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