Lets Nominate a Niketalk President edit - POLLS ARE CLOSED WINNERS POSTED .... !!!!


Ur doin a good job though OP ,

Still don't know how Potus2028 didn't make it past the prelim's
I come to you tonight, good folks of NT, to accept the defeat I, along with those of you supported the iBlink campaign, have faced. However, I ask you tojoin me as we continue to fight the good fight for eJustice. My friends, you were never voting for iBlink, you were voting for the idea that someone likeyourselves could bring about the true change needed in NTashington. You were voting for an idea which is still alive. Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I wouldlike to extend my full support to abeautifulhaze and the good folks at his campaign. You, the people, deserve a leader who will stand up to methodman... hazecan do that. You need a leader who can administer a 100 page pyp and again I say, haze can do that.

So even in the face of defeat, I'd like to say that we have not lost the fight. In the words of coldplay "Just because I'm losing, doesn'tmean I've lost". We haven't lost NT.
A very humble and respectable man

I look forward to seeing what your campaign has to offer next year iBlink
Originally Posted by cane174

A very humble and respectable man

I look forward to seeing what your campaign has to offer next year iBlink

weBlink '09

Haze , with the endorsement of former presidential nominee iBlink , what do u think of a possible seat in ur administration from him ? Is it possible ? Thepeople wanna know
Originally Posted by iBlink

I come to you tonight, good folks of NT, to accept the defeat I, along with those of you supported the iBlink campaign, have faced. However, I ask you to join me as we continue to fight the good fight for eJustice. My friends, you were never voting for iBlink, you were voting for the idea that someone like yourselves could bring about the true change needed in NTashington. You were voting for an idea which is still alive. Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to extend my full support to abeautifulhaze and the good folks at his campaign. You, the people, deserve a leader who will stand up to methodman... haze can do that. You need a leader who can administer a 100 page pyp and again I say, haze can do that.

So even in the face of defeat, I'd like to say that we have not lost the fight. In the words of coldplay "Just because I'm losing, doesn't mean I've lost". We haven't lost NT.

The vote of confidence and pledged support is much appreciated brother Blink..you are a true NT Patriot and I have a feeling that your time in the politcalarena has just begun.

Originally Posted by iBlink

I come to you tonight, good folks of NT, to accept the defeat I, along with those of you supported the iBlink campaign, have faced. However, I ask you to join me as we continue to fight the good fight for eJustice. My friends, you were never voting for iBlink, you were voting for the idea that someone like yourselves could bring about the true change needed in NTashington. You were voting for an idea which is still alive. Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to extend my full support to abeautifulhaze and the good folks at his campaign. You, the people, deserve a leader who will stand up to methodman... haze can do that. You need a leader who can administer a 100 page pyp and again I say, haze can do that.

So even in the face of defeat, I'd like to say that we have not lost the fight. In the words of coldplay "Just because I'm losing, doesn't mean I've lost". We haven't lost NT.
Originally Posted by iBlink

I come to you tonight, good folks of NT, to accept the defeat I, along with those of you supported the iBlink campaign, have faced. However, I ask you to join me as we continue to fight the good fight for eJustice. My friends, you were never voting for iBlink, you were voting for the idea that someone like yourselves could bring about the true change needed in NTashington. You were voting for an idea which is still alive. Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to extend my full support to abeautifulhaze and the good folks at his campaign. You, the people, deserve a leader who will stand up to methodman... haze can do that. You need a leader who can administer a 100 page pyp and again I say, haze can do that.

So even in the face of defeat, I'd like to say that we have not lost the fight. In the words of coldplay "Just because I'm losing, doesn't mean I've lost". We haven't lost NT.
NTashington got me
for some reason.
My concession speech:

*staggers in hung over, blunt behind ear, fitted backwards, pants sagged a quarter-inch more than normal*

Well, they say concession speeches should be humble and sincere...but *%$* that #%*%, I'm from Philly. NT has spoken, and as usual most of yall ma-$#!*azdon't know what yall talkin about. Its cool tho...be like that. I was gon do everything 4 yall, and this is how yall treat me? Huh? HUH!? I can digit...its cuz I'm...tall. Heightism is a big problem in this country, and I can only hope yall can move past it in the future, hatin #%% %+%@+!... I'dlike 2 sincerely thank the like 40 folk who supported me...and the rest of youse guys can go eat 2 helpings of Cheney. Nobody likes me, but that's okay...And as 4 who I'm puttin my support behind? I would have a drink with Senator OGbobbyjohnson/Congressman PalinFace...but I wouldn't vote 4 em,abeautifulhaze aint gon do nothin 4 me, and I don't even know who the flying female *%$* whywesteppin is, *%$* that NTwikia article, you aint nobody. YeahI said it...*%$* all yall $#@+%-made punks. When the next President come in and *%$* #%*% up, don't go PMing me whining about it. I hope yall get nothingbut that magician dude 4 the rest of yall NT careers...you won't have goldNboi7 2 kick around anymore...buncha %*@*$$!$.

*throws whisky bottle at random crowd member, smokes blunt, walks out 2 Lil Jon's IDGAF*

*I'm AJ, regular _, and I approve the #%*% outta this message*
Originally Posted by potus2028

My concession speech:

*staggers in hung over, blunt behind ear, fitted backwards, pants sagged a quarter-inch more than normal*

Well, they say concession speeches should be humble and sincere...but %+*% that @@@*, I'm from Philly. NT has spoken, and as usual most of yall ma-$#!*az don't know what yall talkin about. Its cool tho...be like that. I was gon do everything 4 yall, and this is how yall treat me? Huh? HUH!? I can dig it...its cuz I'm...tall. Heightism is a big problem in this country, and I can only hope yall can move past it in the future, hatin !@$ $+%@@!... I'd like 2 sincerely thank the like 40 folk who supported me...and the rest of youse guys can go eat 2 helpings of Cheney. Nobody likes me, but that's okay... And as 4 who I'm puttin my support behind? I would have a drink with Senator OGbobbyjohnson/Congressman PalinFace...but I wouldn't vote 4 em, abeautifulhaze aint gon do nothin 4 me, and I don't even know who the flying female %+*% whywesteppin is, %+*% that NTwikia article, you aint nobody. Yeah I said it...%+*% all yall %@$#%-made punks. When the next President come in and %+*% @@@* up, don't go PMing me whining about it. I hope yall get nothing but that magician dude 4 the rest of yall NT careers...you won't have goldNboi7 2 kick around anymore...buncha ++!$@!%%.

*throws whisky bottle at random crowd member, smokes blunt, walks out 2 Lil Jon's IDGAF*

*I'm AJ, regular _, and I approve the @@@* outta this message*


Originally Posted by potus2028

My concession speech:

*staggers in hung over, blunt behind ear, fitted backwards, pants sagged a quarter-inch more than normal*

Well, they say concession speeches should be humble and sincere...but %+*% that @@@*, I'm from Philly. NT has spoken, and as usual most of yall ma-$#!*az don't know what yall talkin about. Its cool tho...be like that. I was gon do everything 4 yall, and this is how yall treat me? Huh? HUH!? I can dig it...its cuz I'm...tall. Heightism is a big problem in this country, and I can only hope yall can move past it in the future, hatin !@$ $+%@@!... I'd like 2 sincerely thank the like 40 folk who supported me...and the rest of youse guys can go eat 2 helpings of Cheney. Nobody likes me, but that's okay... And as 4 who I'm puttin my support behind? I would have a drink with Senator OGbobbyjohnson/Congressman PalinFace...but I wouldn't vote 4 em, abeautifulhaze aint gon do nothin 4 me, and I don't even know who the flying female %+*% whywesteppin is, %+*% that NTwikia article, you aint nobody. Yeah I said it...%+*% all yall %@$#%-made punks. When the next President come in and %+*% @@@* up, don't go PMing me whining about it. I hope yall get nothing but that magician dude 4 the rest of yall NT careers...you won't have goldNboi7 2 kick around anymore...buncha ++!$@!%%.

*throws whisky bottle at random crowd member, smokes blunt, walks out 2 Lil Jon's IDGAF*

*I'm AJ, regular _, and I approve the @@@* outta this message*


I have slept on this thread for toooo long
Dear NT friends, I come to you at this hour of crisis to ask you one simple question:


But in all seriousness I come to you with an open hand. I do not see this as a vote for whywesteppin but rather a vote for change, for progress, for hope. Ihave bled NT black and red for many years. I was here when Dirtylicious was still a moderator working security at a mall. I was here when B1lly Hoylewasn't a chump. I was here when you could believe nothing you read because there were no NT Detectives. I was here when people didn't use punctuation,full sentences, or proper spelling because there were no Grammar Police. I saw a need for these groups and I helped make them happen. I only did so in theinterests of the Niketalk community.

Now, some of you may not know me. They said the same thing about Barack Obama. Well, let me tell you who I am. My name is whywesteppin. I like shoes,especially ones from the 90's, the era of my childhood. I love NT. I hate I$$. I used to post a lot here but recently I've had less of an interest inposting and more of an interesting in reading. General and Sports are where I spend most of my time but I stop by Music, Nike, Retro, Jordan, and DMV sectionsfrom time to time. I like turtles.

You can ask anyone on here who e-knows me if they endorse my candidacy. Some of you may ask why am I stepping. The answer is for you.

* cues "u corny" gif *
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by FlyNY


Im a social person and I often refer to my living room as jail.

OGbobbyjohnson/Purple Face '08


He hasn't paid for my baby's child support

Hey, I asked if you were on birth control, you said yeah
My friends of Niketalk! You have spoken! It is you, the people, who voted for us and we know what you want because we are you, the people. OGbobbyjohnson and Iwill go to great lengths to make this place truly better. We have traveled through each of the regional forums and heard each and everyone of your voices.Although deceitful tactics were used in the primary election ala FlyNY, let it be known, I've worked a brief stint in the NTPD as a Detective and I willfind other charlatans who decide to skew the vote.
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Although deceitful tactics were used in the primary election ala FlyNY, let it be known, I've worked a brief stint in the NTPD as a Detective and I will find other charlatans who decide to skew the vote.

deceitful tactics was used in abeautifulhaze's and whywesteppin's campaign as well..I aint snitchin B,I aint never snitch but dudes trynna sabatoge mycampaign..they dont wanna see a %+%#! SHINE
but imma let it rock tho...
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Dear NT friends, I come to you at this hour of crisis to ask you one simple question:


But in all seriousness I come to you with an open hand. I do not see this as a vote for whywesteppin but rather a vote for change, for progress, for hope. I have bled NT black and red for many years. I was here when Dirtylicious was still a moderator working security at a mall. I was here when B1lly Hoyle wasn't a chump. I was here when you could believe nothing you read because there were no NT Detectives. I was here when people didn't use punctuation, full sentences, or proper spelling because there were no Grammar Police. I saw a need for these groups and I helped make them happen. I only did so in the interests of the Niketalk community.

Now, some of you may not know me. They said the same thing about Barack Obama. Well, let me tell you who I am. My name is whywesteppin. I like shoes, especially ones from the 90's, the era of my childhood. I love NT. I hate I$$. I used to post a lot here but recently I've had less of an interest in posting and more of an interesting in reading. General and Sports are where I spend most of my time but I stop by Music, Nike, Retro, Jordan, and DMV sections from time to time. I like turtles.

You can ask anyone on here who e-knows me if they endorse my candidacy. Some of you may ask why am I stepping. The answer is for you.

* cues "u corny" gif *

Originally Posted by FlyNY

Originally Posted by Purple Face

Although deceitful tactics were used in the primary election ala FlyNY, let it be known, I've worked a brief stint in the NTPD as a Detective and I will find other charlatans who decide to skew the vote.

deceitful tactics was used in abeautifulhaze's and whywesteppin's campaign as well..I aint snitchin B,I aint never snitch but dudes trynna sabatoge my campaign..they dont wanna see a %+%#! SHINE
The people say know your role and shut your mouth.
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Originally Posted by FlyNY

Purple Face wrote:

Although deceitful tactics were used in the primary election ala FlyNY, let it be known, I've worked a brief stint in the NTPD as a Detective and I will
find other charlatans who decide to skew the vote.

deceitful tactics was used in abeautifulhaze's and whywesteppin's campaign as well..I aint snitchin B,I aint never snitch but dudes trynna sabatoge my
campaign..they dont wanna see a %+%#! SHINE
The people say know your role and shut your mouth.


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