Lets Nominate a Niketalk President edit - POLLS ARE CLOSED WINNERS POSTED .... !!!!

lawinnn wrote:
iBlink '08! He was going pretty strong in the beginning; looks like he's an underdog now.

My friends, I can assure you of one thing tonight: We may be down, but we're not out.

You see I, like many of you, have had to work for every thing I've earned in this life. Unlike my opponents, I don't waste precious time mud slinging.There are less than 10 days left until one of the most critical elections iin our history takes place, and these guys have wasted one on useless bickering. Yousee, NT, I'm one of you. I signed up for this forum, waited my 30 days to get authorized, and I've dedicated over 3000 posts in the past 5 months toyou, the people. I've shown committment and dedication to this thread first and foremost. With iBlink at your service, my administration willreinstate dealings with JJB.

Some candidates in this race argue on the behalf of the OG members and ignore the new guys. Is this the kind of president you guys want? Someone who won'tstand up for you because you've only been a member for a few months? They're practically insisting that their seniority makes them more valuable tothis great forum. iBlink strongly disagrees with these ideas. You see, in the midst of this bannishment crisis, the call for us to unite has never beenclearer. The call rings from a small one bedroom shack in the Phillipines, over the cries off Crux's mutilated dogs, all the way to New York city, whereone fly individual is waving his swag rag waiting for change, to the Bay Area, where the people no longer get as hyphy due to the failed policies of the Dirtyone. You see, there isn't an OG Niketalk Union, or a Newbie Niketalk Union, there is a NKETLK Union. A union where we do not laugh at Trillipino's arm,but instead, help him raise it higher! God bless you Niketalk.

iBlink weBlink in 08!
what is up with the garbage selection?
Originally Posted by iBlink

lawinnn wrote:
iBlink '08! He was going pretty strong in the beginning; looks like he's an underdog now.

My friends, I can assure you of one thing tonight: We may be down, but we're not out.

You see I, like many of you, have had to work for every thing I've earned in this life. Unlike my opponents, I don't waste precious time mud slinging. There are less than 10 days left until one of the most critical elections iin our history takes place, and these guys have wasted one on useless bickering. You see, NT, I'm one of you. I signed up for this forum, waited my 30 days to get authorized, and I've dedicated over 3000 posts in the past 5 months to you, the people. I've shown committment and dedication to this thread first and foremost. With iBlink at your service, my administration will reinstate dealings with JJB.

Some candidates in this race argue on the behalf of the OG members and ignore the new guys. Is this the kind of president you guys want? Someone who won't stand up for you because you've only been a member for a few months? They're practically insisting that their seniority makes them more valuable to this great forum. iBlink strongly disagrees with these ideas. You see, in the midst of this bannishment crisis, the call for us to unite has never been clearer. The call rings from a small one bedroom shack in the Phillipines, over the cries off Crux's mutilated dogs, all the way to New York city, where one fly individual is waving his swag rag waiting for change, to the Bay Area, where the people no longer get as hyphy due to the failed policies of the Dirty one. You see, there isn't an OG Niketalk Union, or a Newbie Niketalk Union, there is a NKETLK Union. A union where we do not laugh at Trillipino's arm, but instead, help him raise it higher! God bless you Niketalk.

iBlink weBlink in 08!

*PJ and Bompton*
I hear the voice of the people...who would be an ideal NT President and why?
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Im writing in for O"drama. This poll is bunch of BS. Just wait till november when he gets unbanned
aww hell naw they got folks
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Brothers and Sisters of NT. I've been lurking for years and have decided to post in the last couple of months hard. I went through 16 pages and thought I would see this man's name. But I would nominate Rexanglorum as president, OGBobbyJohnson as our V.P. because OG can balance out the seriousness of REX with his sharp wit and his humor to distract the mods.

Now along these lines of our E- government, I think we will need some ambassadors of NT. I would have to nominate Blackmangus, Enphan, and ScottHall. It's not only important that we have a great president and vice president to stand up for us. We as NT need to expand. And in order for us to expand beyond a sneaker forum, the ambassadors that I've named have my full confidence in representing this board to other forums. In my years of lurking and posting on Niketalk, never have I seen WOMEN from other boards( ex. JJB) want to join NT. We scare women away in the past. We need more women on this board because we will see which NT member will change around women.

I know Blackmangus and Enphan will smash on any female that think they are entitle to such and such. Scotthall is a good ambassador to recruit other women to our board and expand because he has charisma without having to use the line of whipping it out. Brothers and Sisters of Niketalk, be careful who you vote for because come November, our board will never be the same because we have women( JJB ) coming here. I went to an all-boy catholic school, and I know how men act when women aren't around. When women come around, it changes the dynamics of everything. Brothers and Sisters of NT be careful of who nominate for our president, we have a VERY serious choice.
Woah, woah, woah...

homie, i appreciate the nomination, and i would accept....however....

Naw not trying to assasinate your character at all. What I mean by SMASH, is rational arguments that can win on a board. I see that you andBlackmangus be owning females when it comes to debating women about female problems in our society. You get my drift?
voted ogbobbyjohnson/purpleface. their posts always make me laugh
. in these dire times, we need some comedy to distract us from our plummeting economy.
If only y'all knew what I know about whywesteppin.

*insert fictional gay story involving whywestepping here*

It's true, man. The whole story's true; every word. He even brags about it.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

If only y'all knew what I know about whywesteppin.

*insert fictional gay story involving whywestepping here*

It's true, man. The whole story's true; every word. He even brags about it.


And to think, he wanted me to help him "go over some papers" one night.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

If only y'all knew what I know about whywesteppin.

*insert fictional gay story involving whywestepping here*

It's true, man. The whole story's true; every word. He even brags about it.

Who wouldn't brag about the time they slept with a mod? You never called me back though.

But my opponent resorting to smear tactics should be a telling sign to the Niketalk people. He knows that if we talk about the issues he will be in trouble.Look, we're having tough times as a community. We're engaged in two wars, one with JJB and one with I$$ -- which, by the way, I voted to end followingMeth's destruction of their leader $teve and the dissolution of his party. On top of this, we're facing the largest shoe drought this community hasseen in the past 40 years. Joe the Collector is sitting at home at his dinner table tonight, wondering how he's going to beg his recently laid-off fatherto give him another $500 to buy some poorly made retro J's. I feel his pain. That is whom I am fighting for.

Roach, dunk, bwood, gas -- I have positions reserved for you all in my cabinet. Cronyism FTW.
Is this really what you want NT? Cliques and an old boys club running your board? These candidates openly admit 2 trading positions 4 votes and otherconsiderations. They are owned by special interest posters! Nepotism...cronyism...these are words cavalierly thrown about by candidates who claim they plan 2serve your interests? They don't want a fair and balanced NT...they just want them and their friends on top. Sound familiar? As President, I would reachacross party lines 2 fill cabinet positions with the best man or woman 4 the job. After all, a multipartisan government is essential 2 seeing that the needsand wants of the people...all the people, new NTers, old NTers, males, females, perverts, weedheads, liquor enthusiasts, acronym users, wrestling fans,EVERYBODY, are met.

My cabinet would include a Vice President (2 serve if I am assaulted by the magician, banned, or otherwise incapacitated), a Secretary of State (foreignpolicy, JJB liaison, banned member help/advice), a Chick Czar (Female of the week post, every week), a Secretary of Defense (provide strategies 2 defendagainst invasions, trolls), a GPT Officer (give good, relevant advice in girlproblemthreads), a Presidential Night Owl (ensure the resurrection and smoothoperation of Team Late Night, as well as acting as President when most folk is sleep cuz they got jobs) as well as other cabinet postions as the need opens.Anyone, friend or foe, that feels they are qualified 4 these positions...my inbox is open.

Maybe the reason I'm down (I'm not sure how far...I can't even see the polls 4 some reason) is that I'm trying 2 run an honest campaign...theway it was intended. But ill tell you something, if I have 2 sell my soul 2 win this election, then I'd just as soon lose. Let me say that again. As muchas I'd love 2 be President, there's only one way 4 me 2 do it...the right way. I'm just telling you, undecideds and supporters...there is stilltime 2 give the right way a chance. Stand with me through these most trying times, and I swear on Tony Romo's pinkie that I will perform my job 2 theabsolute best of my ability. I will listen 2 your voice (or read your text, you know what the %$%+ I mean...). I'm tryna help yall out, cuz...

*I'm AJ, goldNparty candidate, and I approve this message*
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