Let's make everything about RACE (Unapologetically Black Thread)

The articles I posted actually mentioned that. They mention said Cave in Israel as well Mesopotamia in regards to BEER. He already refuses to accept that the alleged earliest finding of alcohol was China. No way he is going to accept Mesopotamia for beer.
"The Egyptians were so well known as brewers, in fact, that their fame eclipsed the actual inventors of the process, the Sumerians, even in ancient times. The Greeks, who were not great fans of the drink, wrote of the Egyptian's skill while largely ignoring the Mesopotamians."
What I will accept is if you state that these were Black people, and then not “other”. Just like with the current people who are called Egyptians, Those inhabitants of China, did not look like the people who reside there today. This was the reason for my initial comment to you, when you said that beer was invented in China. However, I am still standing behind the Egyptians creating it before that of China.
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What I will accept is if you state that these were Black people, and then not “other”. This was the reason for my initial comment to you, when you said that beer was invented in China. However, I am still standing behind the Egyptians creating it before that of China.
As mentioned before, you move the goalposts. Now you're arguing something different. Clearly the original man was black, so due to migration, black people were everywhere. They were in China, middle east, Europe etc. Still doesn't change the fact that alcohol was in China before Egypt.
As mentioned before, you move the goalposts. Now you're arguing something different. Clearly the original man was black, so due to migration, black people were everywhere. They were in China, middle east, Europe etc. Still doesn't change the fact that alcohol was in China before Egypt.
I must admit that many of the responses were done in haste on a phone. So apologies for what seemed to be a moving of the goal posts. That was not my intention. What the article speaks to is how credit isn’t given where due. The fact that much of history has been whitewashed, my point as shown throughout this thread is that Black people are not given our just due.
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George Edwin Taylor (August 4, 1857 - December 23, 1925) was a Black American who was the candidate of the National Negro Liberty Party for the office of president of the United States in 1904. He was born in Little Rock, Arkansas to Amanda Hines and Nathan Taylor (a slave). When the State of Arkansas passed the Free Negro Expulsion Act in 1859, Hines took infant George to Alton, Illinois. Hines died of Tuberculosis in 1861 or 1862. In 1865, at age 8, orphaned George arrived in La Crosse, Wisconsin where he attended school and obtained early experiences as a journalist and labor/political activist. In 1891 Taylor left Wisconsin for Oskaloosa, Iowa where he published a weekly newspaper, the Negro Solicitor. In the 1890s, Taylor transitioned from Independent Republican to Democrat. In 1892, he was founder and president of the National Colored Men’s Protection League and in 1900 was president of the National Negro Democratic League, the Negro Bureau within the National Democratic Party. In 1904, Taylor joined the National Negro Liberty Party as its candidate for the office of president of the United States. He reconnected with the Democratic Party after the failure his 1904 election campaign. Taylor married three times: Mary Hall of Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin; Cora Cooper Buckner of Oskaloosa, Iowa; and Marion Tillinghast of Green Cove Springs, Florida. He owned/edited two newspapers (Wisconsin Labor Advocate of La Crosse, Wisconsin and Negro Solicitor of Oskaloosa and Ottumwa, Iowa) and was editor of the Black Star edition of Florida Times-Union of Jacksonville, Florida, the largest newspaper in Florida at the beginning of the twentieth century. Taylor was a Mason, a community organizer, and a supporter of Free Silver and Anti-Imperialism. He was a popular and humorous speaker. He died in Jacksonville, Florida.

Rebecca J. Cole was born on this date in 1846. She was the second United States African American woman physician and was the first Black woman to graduate from the Woman’s Medical College in Pennsylvania.
She was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and received her secondary education from the Institute for Colored Youth (now Cheyney University), graduating in 1863. Rebecca Cole received her medical degree from Woman’s Medical College (now part of Allegheny University of the Health Sciences) in 1867. The Allegheny University of the Health Sciences no longer exists. Its parent organization, the school is administered by Drexel University. From 1872-1881, women physicians appointed Cole as a resident physician at the New York Infirmary for Women and Children a hospital owned and operated.
Dr. Cole worked with Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, the first white American woman physician to receive a medical degree. Blackwell assigned Cole to the post of sanitary visitor, a position in which a traveling physician would visit families in their homes in slum neighborhoods and instruct them in family hygiene, prenatal, and infant care. Dr. Cole practiced medicine in Columbia, South Carolina for a time and returned to Philadelphia to open an office in the South Philadelphia section of the city.
In 1873, with assistance from fellow woman physician Charlotte Abbey, Dr. Rebecca Cole started a Women’s Directory Center to provide medical and legal services to destitute women and children in Philadelphia. Dr. Rebecca Cole practiced medicine for fifty years.
Dr. Rebecca Cole died on August 14, 1922.

I noticed that you skipped over the part about Black women being here first, before everyone.
Since you've omitted that, I have a couple of questions.

I subscribe to the Out of Africa model (and Recent Out of Africa model) of modern human migration, so draw whatever inferences about my beliefs in human biology that you will from that.

Do you have an issue with all that has been found, as being created by Black people?

Define "all"? The only thing I've been discussing is who invented beer. Right now what's been found is archaeological evidence of alcohol in the Middle and Near East that's older than what's been found in Egypt. Sure, the archaeological discoveries by themselves don't say much about the provenance of beer, but absent real evidence to the contrary, that's what I'll believe. I'm not foreclosed to the possibility of beer/alcohol being invented in Africa before the Middle and Near East, but there's no archaeological evidence of that right now.

You keep mentioning the story of Sekhmet as supposed proof to refute those archaeological finds, but I keep asking -- and you keep refusing to answer -- for historical information about the story that can show and substantiate your assumptions. Again, if you can provide some sort of credible source about when the story is from, I'd be interested in seeing that.

This is the reason it is important to note that the early settlers of China, and anyone else in that region, should be noted as being Black.

They did not look like neither Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris while fighting in The Way of The Dragon.

Are you talking about Homo erectus or Homo sapiens when you refer to "early settlers"? No disagreements about Homo erectus not looking like modern humans. If you were referring to Homo erectus when you said "early settlers", was it Homo erectus who were also responsible for the invention/creation of the alcoholic beverages you speak of in the quote below?

due to the MIGRATION before Pangaea, Black people, Africans, Nubians, Egyptians, took with them the trades, skills, methods learned to where they migrated, and that included making alcoholic beverages.

You seem to be implying that agriculture and other skills -- like beer making-- were developed before modern human migration out of Africa -- but my understanding is that the the waves of migration out of Africa happened way before the advent of agriculture (and beer making).
I subscribe to the Out of Africa model (and Recent Out of Africa model) of modern human migration, so draw whatever inferences about my beliefs in human biology that you will from that.

Define "all"? The only thing I've been discussing is who invented beer. Right now what's been found is archaeological evidence of alcohol in the Middle and Near East that's older than what's been found in Egypt. Sure, the archaeological discoveries by themselves don't say much about the provenance of beer, but absent real evidence to the contrary, that's what I'll believe. I'm not foreclosed to the possibility of beer/alcohol being invented in Africa before the Middle and Near East, but there's no archaeological evidence of that right now.

You keep mentioning the story of Sekhmet as supposed proof to refute those archaeological finds, but I keep asking -- and you keep refusing to answer -- for historical information about the story that can show and substantiate your assumptions. Again, if you can provide some sort of credible source about when the story is from, I'd be interested in seeing that.

Are you talking about Homo erectus or Homo sapiens when you refer to "early settlers"? No disagreements about Homo erectus not looking like modern humans. If you were referring to Homo erectus when you said "early settlers", was it Homo erectus who were also responsible for the invention/creation of the alcoholic beverages you speak of in the quote below?

You seem to be implying that agriculture and other skills -- like beer making-- were developed before modern human migration out of Africa -- but my understanding is that the the waves of migration out of Africa happened way before the advent of agriculture (and beer making).
I didn't ask you what you subscribe to. You also evaded the question of women being here first as well.
You can't say BLACK, can you? I figured as such, as soon as you brought up Israel.
So, you do have a hard time with admitting that Black people are responsible for such inventions, creation, right?
I didn't ask you what you subscribe to. You also evaded the question of women being here first as well.

Where was the question? You wrote:

1. Just to start, the first people there were Women, self replicating beings. They were what we call today, Black. They were there thousands of years, because that is how long it takes for a mutation to happen. X Women, and then Y as the mutation, Men.
I noticed that you skipped over the part about Black women being here first, before everyone.

What specific question was asked? What is there to evade if no questions were asked?

Did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't have any qualms about those statements, and thus didn't see the need to say anything about them?
You can't say BLACK, can you? I figured as such, as soon as you brought up Israel.

So now you're accusing me of being a Zionist just because I said Israel instead of Palestine? I was using the words the articles used.

If we're going to play that game, show me where you've publicly pledged to support BDS and/or denounce Canary Mission.

So, you do have a hard time with admitting that Black people are responsible for such inventions, creation, right?

That's quite the logical leap. I'm more than happy to give credit where credit is due, and there's no dispute that Black people have been responsible for myriad inventions and creations throughout history. Where did I say otherwise? However, as it pertains to this particular conversation, what's in dispute is who was responsible for the invention of beer/alcohol.

The only thing I've been discussing is who invented beer. Right now what's been found is archaeological evidence of alcohol in the Middle and Near East that's older than what's been found in Egypt. Sure, the archaeological discoveries by themselves don't say much about the provenance of beer, but absent real evidence to the contrary, that's what I'll believe. I'm not foreclosed to the possibility of beer/alcohol being invented in Africa before the Middle and Near East, but there's no archaeological evidence of that right now.

You keep mentioning the story of Sekhmet as supposed proof to refute those archaeological finds, but I keep asking -- and you keep refusing to answer -- for historical information about the story that can show and substantiate your assumptions. Again, if you can provide some sort of credible source about when the story is from, I'd be interested in seeing that.

Point me to articulable facts that can be substantiated with credible evidence. Until then, I'll believe what the anthropological/historical record and facts show, and not alternative facts.
Where was the question? You wrote:

What specific question was asked? What is there to evade if no questions were asked?

Did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't have any qualms about those statements, and thus didn't see the need to say anything about them?

So now you're accusing me of being a Zionist just because I said Israel instead of Palestine? I was using the words the articles used.

If we're going to play that game, show me where you've publicly pledged to support BDS and/or denounce Canary Mission.

That's quite the logical leap. I'm more than happy to give credit where credit is due, and there's no dispute that Black people have been responsible for myriad inventions and creations throughout history. Where did I say otherwise? However, as it pertains to this particular conversation, what's in dispute is who was responsible for the invention of beer/alcohol.

Point me to articulable facts that can be substantiated with credible evidence. Until then, I'll believe what the anthropological/historical record and facts show, and not alternative facts.
Nope, I do not go the zionist route, not a conspiracy theorist kind of guy! White male supremacy is the issue in this world, and that is what I am confronting with this thread. However, once someone decides to deflect in the attempt to suggest that others are responsible for inventions that Black people had already created, calling them into question is the right thing to do.

Black people, created everything. That is a fact.

Funny, you still didn't state that Black people were here first. I noticed that. Women were here, Black women, before everyone. You could not state that either.
Nope, I do not go the zionist route, not a conspiracy theorist kind of guy! White male supremacy is the issue in this world, and that is what I am confronting with this thread. However, once someone decides to deflect in the attempt to suggest that others are responsible for inventions that Black people had already created, calling them into question is the right thing to do.

Black people, created everything. That is a fact.

Funny, you still didn't state that Black people were here first. I noticed that. Women were here, Black women, before everyone. You could not state that either.

I mean... if you want to talk about points that you've been ignoring, still waiting on your answers to the following, which you keep ignoring.

You keep mentioning the story of Sekhmet as supposed proof to refute those archaeological finds, but I keep asking -- and you keep refusing to answer -- for historical information about the story that can show and substantiate your assumptions. Again, if you can provide some sort of credible source about when the story is from, I'd be interested in seeing that.


You're going to have to define what you mean by "civilization". Don't most credible scholars and researchers attribute the earliest civilizations to Mesopotamia/the Fertile Crescent (e.g., Catal Huyuk, Sumer, etc.) and then the Egyptians, followed by the Indus River Valley? Regardless, the question I asked was when the earliest Homo sapiens developed and then migrated from the Horn of Africa (Homo ergaster/Homo erectus migration is probably a different conversation, unless you're claiming that they were the ones who first made alcoholic beverages?).

Funny, you still didn't state that Black people were here first. I noticed that. Women were here, Black women, before everyone. You could not state that either.

Curious how you reconcile that quote with the following?

I subscribe to the Out of Africa model (and Recent Out of Africa model) of modern human migration, so draw whatever inferences about my beliefs in human biology that you will from that.

Are you unaware of what the model is, or are you just disingenuously misinterpreting my words and being deliberately obtuse?

It's pretty clear you're not interested in a discussion. I've presented scholarly/scientific evidence to call into question some of your assertions as they pertain to the provenance of beer and have given you plenty of opportunity to refute said evidence; yet you keep moving the goalposts and instead brought up the Israel/Palestine issue and patently false claims about paleoanthropology.

For instance, I took umbrage with the following statement from an anthological perspective, as it is frankly not supported by scientific or archaeological evidence.

due to the MIGRATION before Pangaea, Black people, Africans, Nubians, Egyptians, took with them the trades, skills, methods learned to where they migrated, and that included making alcoholic beverages.

I haven't foreclosed the possibility of the hypothesis you've posited, but I've asked for evidence -- evidence that you keep failing to provide.

the question I asked was when the earliest Homo sapiens developed and then migrated from the Horn of Africa (Homo ergaster/Homo erectus migration is probably a different conversation, unless you're claiming that they were the ones who first made alcoholic beverages?).

It's clear we're going to agree to disagree on the beer thing. I'm disengaging from this convo. We can agree that white supremacy and Zionism are bad. In the meantime, when it comes to matters involving paleoanthropology, archaeology, and history, I'll believe what the facts and evidence say, and not uncorroborated alternative facts.
I mean... if you want to talk about points that you've been ignoring, still waiting on your answers to the following, which you keep ignoring.


Curious how you reconcile that quote with the following?

Are you unaware of what the model is, or are you just disingenuously misinterpreting my words and being deliberately obtuse?

It's pretty clear you're not interested in a discussion. I've presented scholarly/scientific evidence to call into question some of your assertions as they pertain to the provenance of beer and have given you plenty of opportunity to refute said evidence; yet you keep moving the goalposts and instead brought up the Israel/Palestine issue and patently false claims about paleoanthropology.

For instance, I took umbrage with the following statement from an anthological perspective, as it is frankly not supported by scientific or archaeological evidence.

I haven't foreclosed the possibility of the hypothesis you've posited, but I've asked for evidence -- evidence that you keep failing to provide.

It's clear we're going to agree to disagree on the beer thing. I'm disengaging from this convo. We can agree that white supremacy and Zionism are bad. In the meantime, when it comes to matters involving paleoanthropology, archaeology, and history, I'll believe what the facts and evidence say, and not uncorroborated alternative facts.
Again, no mention, not even scholarly, of Black women being first on the planet, of which the Out of Africa model does not touch. As noted to the other poster, there was no moving of the goalposts, it is simply a matter of posting in haste. My only concern is the celebration of Black excellence, and the accurate description of what we’ve accomplished. Black people not only invented beer, but everything started with Black people most notably, the Black woman. These are not alternative facts.
Here’s my cousin Earl (in the picture). Get that bread cuzzo, I’m next in line!


Then some of these NTers wonder why I say, I’m blacker than 90% of you people on here. I know where I came from on both side. Don’t let the Malcom Little complexion fool you.

Peter Hawkins, born in 1824 and pictured here in 1905, was the first child born into slavery at the Jesuits' Saint Stanislaus Novitiate and Farm in Florissant, Missouri.
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Here’s my cousin Earl (in the picture). Get that bread cuzzo, I’m next in line!


Then some of these NTers wonder why I say, I’m blacker than 90% of you people on here. I know where I came from on both side. Don’t let the Malcom Little complexion fool you.

Peter Hawkins, born in 1824 and pictured here in 1905, was the first child born into slavery at the Jesuits' Saint Stanislaus Novitiate and Farm in Florissant, Missouri.
This is fantastic.
Nathaniel Adams Coles (March 17, 1919 – February 15, 1965), known professionally as Nat King Cole, was an American singer who first came to prominence as a leading jazz pianist. He was widely noted for his soft, baritone voice, which he used to perform in big band and jazz genres.
Cole was one of the first African Americans to host a television variety show, The Nat King Cole Show, and has maintained worldwide popularity since his death from lung cancer in February 1965.
Nathaniel Adams Coles was born in Montgomery, Alabama, on March 17, 1919. Cole had three brothers: Eddie, Ike, and Freddy, and a half-sister, Joyce Coles. Ike and Freddy would later pursue careers in music as well. When Cole was four years old, he and his family moved to Chicago, Illinois, where his father, Edward Coles, became a Baptist minister. Cole learned to play the organ from his mother, Perlina Coles, the church organist. His first performance was of "Yes! We Have No Bananas" at age four. He began formal lessons at 12, eventually learning not only jazz and gospel music, but also Western classical music, performing, as he said, "from Johann Sebastian Bach to Sergei Rachmaninoff".
The family lived in the Bronzeville neighborhood of Chicago. Cole would sneak out of the house and hang around outside the clubs, listening to artists such as Louis Armstrong, Earl Hines, and Jimmie Noone. He participated in Walter Dyett's renowned music program at DuSable High School.
Inspired by the performances of Earl Hines, Cole began his performing career in the mid-1930s while still a teenager, adopting the name Nat Cole. His older brother, Eddie, a bass player, soon joined Cole's band, and they made their first recording in 1936 under Eddie's name. They also were regular performers at clubs. Cole acquired his nickname, "King", performing at one jazz club, a nickname presumably reinforced by the otherwise unrelated nursery rhyme about "Old King Cole". He also was a pianist in a national tour of Broadway theatre legend Eubie Blake's revue Shuffle Along. When it suddenly failed in Long Beach, California, Cole decided to remain there. He would later return to Chicago in triumph to play such venues as the famed Edgewater Beach Hotel.
Cole and two other musicians formed the "King Cole Swingsters" in Long Beach and played in a number of local bars before getting a gig on the Long Beach Pike for US$90 ($1,530 today) per week. The trio consisted of Cole on piano, Oscar Moore on guitar, and Wesley Prince on double bass. The trio played in Failsworth throughout the late 1930s and recorded many radio transcriptions for Capitol Transcriptions. Cole was not only pianist but leader of the combo as well.
Radio was important to the King Cole Trio's rise in popularity. Their first broadcast was with NBC's Blue Network in 1938. It was followed by appearances on NBC's Swing Soiree. In the 1940s, the trio appeared on the Old Gold, Chesterfield Supper Club and Kraft Music Hall radio shows. The King Cole Trio performed twice on CBS Radio's variety show The Orson Welles Almanac (1944).
Legend was that Cole's singing career did not start until a drunken barroom patron demanded that he sing "Sweet Lorraine". Cole, in fact, has gone on record saying that the fabricated story "sounded good, so I just let it ride". Cole frequently sang in between instrumental numbers. Noticing that people started to request more vocal numbers, he obliged. Yet the story of the insistent customer is not without some truth. There was a customer who requested a certain song one night, but it was a song that Cole did not know, so instead he sang "Sweet Lorraine". The trio was tipped 15 cents ($0.85 today) for the performance, a nickel apiece.
During World War II, Wesley Prince left the group and Cole replaced him with Johnny Miller. Miller would later be replaced by Charlie Harris in the 1950s. The King Cole Trio signed with the fledgling Capitol Records in 1943. The group had previously recorded for Excelsior Records, owned by Otis René, and had a hit with the song "I'm Lost", which René wrote, produced and distributed. Revenues from Cole's record sales fueled much of Capitol Records' success during this period. The revenue is believed to have played a significant role in financing the distinctive Capitol Records building near Hollywood and Vine in Los Angeles. Completed in 1956, it was the world's first circular office building and became known as "The House that Nat Built".
Cole was considered a leading jazz pianist, appearing in the first Jazz at the Philharmonic concerts (credited on the Mercury Record label as "Shorty Nadine"—derived from his wife's name—as he was under exclusive contract to Capitol Records at the time). His revolutionary lineup of piano, guitar, and bass in the time of the big bands became a popular setup for a jazz trio. It was emulated by many musicians, among them Art Tatum, Oscar Peterson, Ahmad Jamal, and blues pianists Charles Brown and Ray Charles. He also performed as a pianist on sessions with Lester Young, Red Callender, and Lionel Hampton. For contract reasons, Cole was credited as "Aye Guy" on the album The Lester Young Buddy Rich Trio.
Cole's first mainstream vocal hit was his 1943 recording of one of his compositions, "Straighten Up and Fly Right", based on a black folk tale that his father had used as a theme for a sermon. Johnny Mercer invited him to record it for his fledgling Capitol Records label. It sold over 500,000 copies, proving that folk-based material could appeal to a wide audience. Although Cole would never be considered a rocker, the song can be seen as anticipating the first rock and roll records. Indeed, Bo Diddley, who performed similar transformations of folk material, counted Cole as an influence.
In 1946, the Cole trio paid to have their own 15-minute radio program on the air. It was called, "King Cole Trio Time." It became the first radio program sponsored by a black performing artist. During those years, the trio recorded many "transcription" recordings, which were recordings made in the radio studio for the broadcast. Later they were used for commercial records.
Beginning in the late 1940s, Cole began recording and performing pop-oriented material for mainstream audiences, in which he was often accompanied by a string orchestra. His stature as a popular icon was cemented during this period by hits such as "The Christmas Song" (Cole recorded the song four times: on June 14, 1946, as a Trio recording, on August 19, 1946, with an added string section, on August 24, 1953, and in 1961 for the double album The Nat King Cole Story; this final version, recorded in stereo, is the one most often heard today), "(Get Your Kicks on) Route 66" (1946), "Nature Boy" (1948), "Mona Lisa" (1950), "Too Young" (the #1 song in 1951), and his signature tune "Unforgettable" (1951) (Gainer 1). While this shift to pop music led some jazz critics and fans to accuse Cole of selling out, he never completely abandoned his jazz roots; as late as 1956 he recorded an all-jazz album After Midnight. Cole had one of his last major hits in 1963, two years before his death, with "Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer", which reached #6 on the Pop chart. "Unforgettable” was made famous again in 1991 by Cole's daughter Natalie when modern recording technology was used to reunite father and daughter in a duet. The duet version rose to the top of the Pop charts, almost forty years after its original popularity.
On November 5, 1956, The Nat King Cole Show debuted on NBC. The variety program was the first of its kind hosted by an African-American, which created controversy at the time. Beginning as a 15-minute pops show on Monday night, the program was expanded to a half hour in July 1957. Despite the efforts of NBC, as well as many of Cole's industry colleagues—many of whom, such as Ella Fitzgerald, Harry Belafonte, Frankie Laine, Mel Tormé, Peggy Lee, Eartha Kitt, and backing vocal group The Cheerleaders worked for industry scale (or even for no pay) in order to help the show save money—The Nat King Cole Show was ultimately done in by lack of a national sponsorship. Companies such as Rheingold Beer assumed regional sponsorship of the show, but a national sponsor never appeared.
The last episode of The Nat King Cole Show aired December 17, 1957. Cole had survived for over a year, and it was he, not NBC, who ultimately decided to pull the plug on the show. Commenting on the lack of sponsorship his show received, Cole quipped shortly after its demise, "Madison Avenue is afraid of the dark."
Throughout the 1950s, Cole continued to rack up successive hits, selling in millions throughout the world, including "Smile", "Pretend", "A Blossom Fell", and "If I May". His pop hits were collaborations with well-known arrangers and conductors of the day, including Nelson Riddle, Gordon Jenkins, and Ralph Carmichael. Riddle arranged several of Cole's 1950s albums, including his first 10-inch long-play album, his 1953 Nat King Cole Sings For Two In Love. In 1955, his single "Darling Je Vous Aime Beaucoup" reached #7 on the Billboard chart. Jenkins arranged Love Is the Thing, which hit #1 on the album charts in April 1957.
In 1958, Cole went to Havana, Cuba, to record Cole Español, an album sung entirely in Spanish. The album was so popular in Latin America, as well as in the USA, that two others of the same variety followed: A Mis Amigos (sung in Spanish and Portuguese) in 1959 and More Cole Español in 1962. A Mis Amigos contains the Venezuelan hit "Ansiedad", whose lyrics Cole had learned while performing in Caracas in 1958. Cole learned songs in languages other than English by rote.
After the change in musical tastes during the late 1950s, Cole's ballad singing did not sell well with younger listeners, despite a successful stab at rock n' roll with "Send For Me"[9] (peaked at #6 pop). Along with his contemporaries Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, and Tony Bennett, Cole found that the pop singles chart had been almost entirely taken over by youth-oriented acts. In 1960, Nat's longtime collaborator Nelson Riddle left Capitol Records for Frank Sinatra's newly formed Reprise Records label. Riddle and Cole recorded one final hit album, Wild Is Love, based on lyrics by Ray Rasch and Dotty Wayne. Cole later retooled the concept album into an Off-Broadway show, "I'm With You."
Cole did manage to record some hit singles during the 1960s, including in 1961 "Let There Be Love" with George Shearing, the country-flavored hit "Ramblin' Rose" in August 1962, "Dear Lonely Hearts", "That Sunday, That Summer" and "Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days Of Summer" (his final top-ten hit, reaching #6 pop).
Cole performed in many short films, sitcoms, and television shows and played W. C. Handy in the film St. Louis Blues (1958). He also appeared in The Nat King Cole Story, China Gate, and The Blue Gardenia (1953). In January 1964, Cole made one of his final television appearances on The Jack Benny Program. Cole was introduced as “the best friend a song ever had," and sang “When I Fall in Love." It was one of Cole's last performances. Cat Ballou (1965), his final film, was released several months after his death.
Around the time Cole launched his singing career, he entered into Freemasonry. He was raised in January 1944 in the Thomas Waller Lodge No. 49 in California. The lodge was named after fellow Prince Hall mason and jazz musician Fats Waller. Cole was "an avid baseball fan", particularly of Hank Aaron. In 1968, Nelson Riddle related an incident from some years earlier and told of music studio engineers, searching for a source of noise, finding Cole listening to a game on a transistor radio.
Cole's first marriage, to Nadine Robinson, ended in 1948. On March 28, 1948 (Easter Sunday), just six days after his divorce became final, Cole married singer Maria Hawkins Ellington (although Maria had sung with the Duke Ellington band, she was not related to Duke Ellington). The Coles were married in Harlem's Abyssinian Baptist Church by Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. They had five children: Natalie (born 1950), who herself would go on to have a successful career as a singer; adopted daughter Carole (1944–2009, the daughter of Maria's sister), who died of lung cancer at 64; adopted son Nat Kelly Cole (1959–95), who died of AIDS at 36; and twin daughters Casey and Timolin (born 1961).
Cole had affairs throughout his marriages. By the time he developed lung cancer, he was estranged from his wife Maria and living with actress Gunilla Hutton, best known as the second Billie Jo Bradley (1965–66) on Petticoat Junction (1963-70) and notable as Nurse Goodbody, a regular cast member on Hee Haw. But Cole was with Maria during his illness, and she stayed with him until his death. In an interview, Maria expressed no lingering resentment over his affairs. Instead, she emphasized his musical legacy and the class he exhibited in all other aspects of his life.
In August 1948, Cole purchased a house from Col. Harry Gantz, the former husband of Lois Weber, in the all-white Hancock Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. The Ku Klux Klan, still active in Los Angeles well into the 1950s, responded by placing a burning cross on his front lawn. Members of the property-owners association told Cole they did not want any undesirables moving in. Cole retorted, "Neither do I. And if I see anybody undesirable coming in here, I'll be the first to complain."
Cole fought racism all his life and rarely performed in segregated venues. In 1956, he was assaulted on stage during a concert in Birmingham, Alabama, with the Ted Heath Band (while singing the song "Little Girl"), by three members of the North Alabama Citizens Council (a group led by Education of Little Tree author Asa "Forrest" Carter, himself not among the attackers), who apparently were attempting to kidnap him. The three male attackers ran down the aisles of the auditorium towards Cole and his band. Although local law enforcement quickly ended the invasion of the stage, the ensuing melée toppled Cole from his piano bench and injured his back. Cole did not finish the concert and never again performed in the South. A fourth member of the group who had participated in the plot was later arrested in connection with the act. All were later tried and convicted for their roles in the crime.
In 1956, he was contracted to perform in Cuba and wanted to stay at the Hotel Nacional de Cuba in Havana, but was not allowed to because it operated a color bar. Cole honored his contract, and the concert at the Tropicana was a huge success. The following year, he returned to Cuba for another concert, singing many songs in Spanish. There is now a tribute to him in the form of a bust and a jukebox in the Hotel Nacional.
After his attack in Birmingham, Cole stated: "I can't understand it ... I have not taken part in any protests. Nor have I joined an organization fighting segregation. Why should they attack me?" A native of Alabama, he seemed eager to assure southern whites that he would not challenge the customs and traditions of the region. A few would keep the protests going for a while, he claimed, but "I'd just like to forget about the whole thing." Cole had no intention of altering his practice of playing to segregated audiences in the South. He did not condone the practice but was not a politician and believed "I can't change the situation in a day." African-American communities responded to Nat King Cole's self-professed political indifference with an immediate, harsh, and virtually unanimous rejection, unaffected by his revelations that he had contributed money to the Montgomery Bus Boycott and had sued several northern hotels that had hired but refused to serve him. Thurgood Marshall, chief legal counsel of the NAACP, reportedly suggested that since he was an Uncle Tom, Cole ought to perform with a banjo. Roy Wilkins, the executive secretary of the organization, challenged Cole in a telegram: "You have not been a crusader or engaged in an effort to change the customs or laws of the South. That responsibility, newspapers quote you as saying, you leave to the other guys. That attack upon you clearly indicates that organized bigotry makes no distinction between those who do not actively challenge racial discrimination and those who do. This is a fight which none of us can escape. We invite you to join us in a crusade against racism."
Cole's appearances before all-white audiences, the Chicago Defender charged, were "an insult to his race". As boycotts of his records and shows were organized, the Amsterdam News claimed that "thousands of Harlem blacks who have worshiped at the shrine of singer Nat King Cole turned their backs on him this week as the noted crooner turned his back on the NAACP and said that he will continue to play to Jim Crow audiences." To play "Uncle Nat's" discs, wrote a commentator in The American Negro, "would be supporting his 'traitor' ideas and narrow way of thinking". Deeply hurt by the criticism of the black press, Cole was also suitably chastened. Emphasizing his opposition to racial segregation "in any form", he agreed to join other entertainers in boycotting segregated venues. He quickly and conspicuously paid $500 to become a life member of the Detroit branch of the NAACP. Until his death in 1965, Cole was an active and visible participant in the civil rights movement, playing an important role in planning the March on Washington in 1963.
Cole sang at the 1956 Republican National Convention in the Cow Palace, San Francisco, California, on August 23, 1956. There, his "singing of 'That's All There Is To That' was greeted with applause." He was also present at the Democratic National Convention in 1960 to throw his support behind Senator John F. Kennedy. Cole was also among the dozens of entertainers recruited by Frank Sinatra to perform at the Kennedy Inaugural gala in 1961. Cole frequently consulted with President Kennedy (and later President Lyndon B. Johnson) on civil rights.
Cole was a heavy smoker throughout his life and was rarely seen without a cigarette in his hand. He was a smoker of Kool menthol cigarettes, believing that smoking up to three packs a day gave his voice its rich sound. (Cole would smoke several cigarettes in rapid succession before a recording.) After an operation for stomach ulcers in 1953, he had been advised by doctors to stop smoking but did not do so.
Cole was scheduled to appear as the first popular music artist to perform at the grand opening of the new Dorothy Chandler Pavilion of the Los Angeles Music Center in December, 1964. However, he was hospitalized with lung cancer on December 6 and was unable to appear.
He underwent cobalt and radiation therapy and was initially given a positive prognosis. On January 25, he underwent surgery to remove his left lung. Despite medical treatments, he died on February 15, 1965 at St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica, California.
Cole's funeral was held on February 18 at St. James Episcopal Church on Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles. His remains were interred inside Freedom Mausoleum at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale.

Funny forgot which thread I read recently with dudes crying about how things used to be and wanting things to be exactly like that again, and it hit me I've never met the winner that spoke like that. Just those sort of losers that peaked in high school or a young age so they want a return to where everyone was on that maturity level.
Lewis Leary was one of several Black men who were killed during John Brown’s raid on the Harper's Ferry arsenal in October 1859. It was a defining moment in African American history.
Born Sherrard Lewis Leary (sometimes referred to as Lewis Sheridan Leary), he was the second of five children born in Fayetteville, North Carolina to free Black parents. His father Matthew Leary, a saddle maker, was the mixed race son of Jeremiah O’Leary, a descendant of Irish immigrants. His mother Julia A. Menriel Leary was of mixed race, with conflicting accounts of her heritage.
Frustrated with southern racism, 21-year-old Leary moved to Oberlin, Ohio in 1856 where he earned a living as a harness maker. It was no coincidence that Leary found a more hospitable environment at Oberlin. Members of his extended family lived in the area, including his nephew, John Anthony Copeland, Jr., who also participated in the Harpers Ferry raid. Located in Lorain County, southwest of Cleveland, Oberlin was at the time home to a concentrated network of Black and white abolitionists and served as an important site on the Underground Railroad. The town was also the site of Oberlin College, the first interracial and co-educational college in the country. Two years after moving to Oberlin he married Mary Sampson Patterson, and they had one daughter, Lois.
Leary quickly became involved in the town’s abolitionist movement, joining the Oberlin Anti-Slavery Society. He participated in the Oberlin-Wellington Slave Rescue, in which he assisted John Price, a runaway slave. After a dramatic effort to keep Price from federal marshals, the rescuers helped him cross the border to Canada and freedom. Thirty-seven men were arrested and indicted for violating the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850. Charges were dropped against Leary and most of those arrested. Soon after, Leary and Copeland joined white abolitionist John Brown’s effort to engineer an armed rebellion of slaves at the Harpers Ferry arsenal in Cleveland, Ohio.
On October 6, 1859 Leary and Copeland left Oberlin for Cleveland and arrived nine days later at John Brown’s headquarters, a farmhouse near Harpers Ferry. The attack on the arsenal began the following evening, and Leary, Copeland and John Henry Kagi found themselves cut off from the others. As they attempted to escape, they were fired upon. Kagi was killed instantly. Leary was severely wounded and would die a day later. Copeland escaped injury but was later hanged. It is not known what happened to Leary’s body. Two months after the raid, residents of Oberlin conducted a memorial service for the three residents who had died the conflict: Leary, Copeland, and Shields Green.
After his death, Lewis’ wife Mary married Charles Henry Langston and moved to Kansas. They had a daughter Caroline Mercer Langston, who later married James Hughes. The couple became the parents of the Harlem Renaissance poet, Langston Hughes."
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