Lets get a tips, tricks & steps 2 help Produce STICKY PL

Aight, just give me a little while to find the albums and rip the audio.
No girl can freak me I'm just too nasty.
how would using a sample from the mpc ( voice, drums, etc) work with with whats going on with the vst (reason, sampletank, etc)?

edit: i believe i found out how to do, just sync up the midi controller and the mpc with reason and sequnce in normally, but im curious how it will all save together or if it can at all? how would you put that in pro tools?

this seems like a hassle compared to using an external keyboard with an mpc hooked up to a daw
^ I haven't tried hooking up my MIDI to my MPC yet, so I haven't even attempted to do any of that yet. But I believe you would just open Pro Tools, while having your MIDI and your MPC hooked up you open Reason as a ReWire to Pro Tools...that would be my guess but I might be wrong....
Why can't we get this stickied?

Someone needs to PM one of the mods...

I would, but I don't know how to do it on this yuku bull @#%$.
No girl can freak me I'm just too nasty.
^ Sorry I don't...but speaking of the piano I'm trying to understand transitional chords, do you guys know any websites that have some tutorials or some good explanations on how to write a good transition?

And on another note, does anyone have BFD (the software)? I've been thinking about picking this up for the longest, but I heard it takes up a lot of CPU usage and if you try to rewire it to Pro Tools it'll crash...depending on your CPU...so does anyone own it and have problems with it?

where do you guys see yourself taking this producer thing in the long run? are a lot of you dudes doing it just for the hobby hoping to get paid or are you actually learning how to master, mix and engineer? Takes a lot of work though, Im thinking about it.
i got into making beats which led me to audio engineering school. i went there to learn how to record and am about to come out wanting to do post production for film. i'll still be making music, but just in a different way. its ridiculous how much money people in post make in post and how easy it is to do 5.1
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where do you guys see yourself taking this producer thing in the long run? are a lot of you dudes doing it just for the hobby hoping to get paid or are you actually learning how to master, mix and engineer? Takes a lot of work though, Im thinking about it.
SAE I heard is a good school..I don't know what kind degree they offer though
don't sell yourself
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ive been considering the music thing for a career too. i just graduated with my asso at a commumity college. i want to get a ba but im not feelin my options that i originally planned on majoring in. i want to get into somthing that is fun and enjoy doing it. and of course making a decent living. is music ed really worth going to school for? i really dont have to much of a music background. i played and instrument in elementry and thats it. i cant play the keys and i cant read music but ive been messing around with all these different elements and getting pretty good with this production thing. right now for me its just a hobby sort of. i also have a buddy that im hangin with whos serious about this. we are even going out of state to digg for reocrds friday morning. i really am considering learning more about this stuff but im lost on how i should go about it. i used to work with this guy that graduated from full sail. now hes back home doin and intern then hes goin to work for the kc chiefs in this field which sounds like alot of fun. now if i went to school for all this. how easy would it be for me to jump into a profession in the music field? what do some of you guys do. do you work around professionals that give you advice?
DeadStock Military IVs sz11- - - - $120 Shipped (((MUST GO)))
^ Some schools actually help students get into the business, my school for example has 80% of its students that graduate get into the business through the school, with the other 20% either doing there own thing in the industry or they just don't care or whatever...a big advantage I think of going to a school for this is really the networking, you meet a lot of people who learn the stuff with you and at my school A LOT of people in the industry come through here, even some big time artists and especially a lot of local artists...

As far as a profession, there are different opportunities in a couple of fields...a big hit that is going through my school right now are video games, where you can help do sounds for video games..post production and of course engineering for studios.

Like I said before, some good schools that I've heard of are Full Sail and SAE...the homie ClassicBdub said that you can get a bachelors at SAE...and like I said before I go to a school out here in the Bay Area called Ex'Pression College, which also offers a bachelors degree. They also offer 12 hours a month of studio time after you pass a certain class, which you can use even after you graduate. I'm sure the others schools offer some type of thing like that, but maybe a little different...but you should definetley do your research and google it. the website for my school is www.expression.edu
yeah im in the bay area, where if expressions located, my friend told me about it. Whats the prices like?
Have you spent any time in the stuidos and Do you get access to keyboards, live instruments and software?
Ex'Pression is located in Emeryville...about 3 or 4 miles away from Ikea. I've spent a lot of time in the studio, the thing about booking your own time in the studio is that you have to have an underclassmen with you so you can teach him so theres a lot of opportunity for students to spend time in the studios.

As far as access to keyboards and software, once you pass a certain class and pass a performance evaluation of that class you can start booking time in some of the suites that are available to you with MIDI keyboards and programs like Logic, Pro Tools, Reason etc...as far as instruments I'm not sure if you can check out live instruments, I know that they have them, they have drum kits and guitars but I'm not sure if your able to check them out...Checking out gear is basically done the same way, once you pass certain classes you are able to check out cameras, certain mics, cables etc...
if you wanna do music, you're only chance of landing solid gigs would be in LA or new york (or nashville for country) so keep that in mind. hip hop? you can almost forget about it. you dont really even need an engineer to run a hip hop session and most rappers already have a home studio anyways. rock is a whole different story though. theres so much crap you gotta know. i just got home from a 4 hour session with a 5 piece band and we only got one track done. i couldve engineered like 8 hip hop tracks in that time :lol:
don't sell yourself
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