Lebron's Post Game Antics

Originally Posted by EB4President

i just read on ESPN that he did not get fined for the nba for not speaking to the media. WOW

LeStern, you should be ashamed of yourselves
My whole thing is everything is all good when you are blowing other teams out and sweeping them in a series
but when your reality check comes you can't stomach it.
I can't believe this dude LeBron said..."...I'm a winner." during his justifications.
about the kobe walking off from game 7 of suns-lakers... he did talk to the media after and also remember that the lakers and suns HATED each other... and bellwas trying to knock kobes head off in game 5, nash was whining and starting fights...it was a mess... but he still spoke with the media and took responsibliityand showed leadership.
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Why are you idiots making this little bigger than it is?

This is NOT THAT serious...smh

living vicariously through sports FTL

too worried he their kids model models

......he got ran off the court/series, fly to Akron to work on the game.....I guess yall shook the bullies hand after yall got dusted and handed him your lunchmoney

This dude is just straight classless. He's a punk. He thinks he's more than he is.

YOUR MOM? on national TV

and please dont make this about a KOBE thing. Dude already is looked down by the media.
Again, not the worst thing in the world, and I don't think most are upset or going after him due to the actions on Saturday night, but to come back thenext day and offer lame excuses, well, just not a great move by him. Even if that is how you feel, nothing good is going to come out of those comments. And thereason people "care" is because he is the NBA MVP, and it was IN A GAME (not like it was in his personal life, he didn't shake Phil Knights handwalking out of a meeting). It isn't like people are getting really worked up about it (well some defenders are but for the most part nobody is), but it isa bad move by him. He is scrutinized because he is LeBron James. Part of the territory. Again, he won't make this mistake again, he is learning
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Again, not the worst thing in the world, and I don't think most are upset or going after him due to the actions on Saturday night, but to come back the next day and offer lame excuses, well, just not a great move by him. Even if that is how you feel, nothing good is going to come out of those comments. And the reason people "care" is because he is the NBA MVP, and it was IN A GAME (not like it was in his personal life, he didn't shake Phil Knights hand walking out of a meeting). It isn't like people are getting really worked up about it (well some defenders are but for the most part nobody is), but it is a bad move by him. He is scrutinized because he is LeBron James. Part of the territory. Again, he won't make this mistake again, he is learning
He bounced after the Celtics series and after this one...and was every bit of unapologetic. And you're saying he won't make this mistakeagain?
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

I can't believe this dude LeBron said..."...I'm a winner." during his justifications.
I mean if he is such a "winner" why is he not in the finals...? I understand he's young and I'm sure he will get many rings
but honestly you cant justify not shaking their hands by saying "I'm a winner" after you just lost a series to that same
team. It's not the magic played dirty... I don't see how hard it would have been to take 5 minutes tops to shake their hands,
then maybe another 30 minutes to talk to the press...
He bounced after the Celtics series and after this one...and was every bit of unapologetic. And you're saying he won't make this mistake again?

Did he get this type of press last time or was it more low key? If it did, then he probably will continue doing it. I didn't remember himdoing that last year. I just figured with the amount of scrutiny this time, he would grow up a bit when this situation comes up again. But as you pointedout, perhaps not
Funny, but James stayed on the court to make sure the Detroit Pistons and Atlanta Hawks paid respect to him. As it turns out, there's one thing allowed to happen at the end of a playoff series: Everyone bows down and kisses the King's ring. Only, LeBron doesn't have a ring. He's never won a game in the NBA Finals.

LeBron doesn't want to win more than Michael Jordan did, but Jordan could stop and shake a winner's hand. Magic Johnson and Larry Bird could, too. Julius Erving did. Kobe Bryant(notes). Isiah Thomas led a walkout after losing to the Chicago Bulls after winning two NBA titles, but Joe Dumars never followed him. He stayed and shook Jordan's hand, the way Jordan had always shook his when the Pistons had beaten him.

*ding ding ding*

If general manager Danny Ferry and coach Mike Brown privately disdain the ridiculous posing for pictures that James started with his teammates on a 13-game winning streak, the owner is believed to see the foolishness as a marketing dream.
Someone should've told James that the pregame Polaroid act was belittling and beneath a championship contender, but it never happened.

All season, the Cavaliers acted too entitled, too arrogant for a team that's won nothing. They ran out demanding that Mo Williams(notes) be made an All-Star, when the truth bore itself out in the playoffs: Cleveland has one All-Star. Nevertheless, Williams still embarrassed the Cavs with foolish proclamations and guarantees his middling talent couldn't deliver.

Got em.
Dude is +%!+$ made

No it's not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things but it just shows dude's personality. I won't have problems going to sleep at nightbecause son stormed off like a 6th grader.

Great competitors who have actually accomplished something in the league do it so that "I'm a winner, I'm a competitor" nonsense is bull +$*@

Son is spoiled. His actions in the face of adversity show that he is of poor character.

Because a cat is talented he's above sportsmanship and respect for others?
i get it when he said you dont congratulate someone who beat you up.
but damn lebron. sore %$* loser. haha
Originally Posted by dmxfury

He bounced after the Celtics series and after this one...and was every bit of unapologetic. And you're saying he won't make this mistake again?
Did he get this type of press last time or was it more low key? If it did, then he probably will continue doing it. I didn't remember him doing that last year. I just figured with the amount of scrutiny this time, he would grow up a bit when this situation comes up again. But as you pointed out, perhaps not
naw because he talk to the press after the game, just like when kobe did it he talk to the media after the game still

i will like to point out we should also call out KG for doing all that *#@# talking in the 1st 2 rounds then he team takes the L and he did the same as lebronwalks off and talks to NO ONE

This might come as little to no consolation to LeBron James: He won't be fined for blowing off reporters after Game 6 of the Eastern Conference finals.



The NBA's MVP stormed out of Orlando's Amway Arena without speaking to the media Saturday night after the Cleveland Cavaliers were ousted from the playoffs 103-90 by the Magic.

"We are not going to fine LeBron for that," NBA spokesman Tim Frank told 1050 ESPN New York's Andrew Marchand. "We haven't had any issues with him before at all."

If James and the Cavs were still alive in the playoffs, James would have received a warning.

NBA is a joke
Originally Posted by got shoes

EB4President wrote:

i just read on ESPN that he did not get fined for the nba for not speaking to the media. WOW

LeStern, you should be ashamed of yourselves

Why would he be fined?? He doenst owe anyone anything.. His job is to play basketball, not do BS post game interviews
Originally Posted by JD617

Funny, but James stayed on the court to make sure the Detroit Pistons and Atlanta Hawks paid respect to him. As it turns out, there's one thing allowed to happen at the end of a playoff series: Everyone bows down and kisses the King's ring. Only, LeBron doesn't have a ring. He's never won a game in the NBA Finals.

LeBron doesn't want to win more than Michael Jordan did, but Jordan could stop and shake a winner's hand. Magic Johnson and Larry Bird could, too. Julius Erving did. Kobe Bryant(notes). Isiah Thomas led a walkout after losing to the Chicago Bulls after winning two NBA titles, but Joe Dumars never followed him. He stayed and shook Jordan's hand, the way Jordan had always shook his when the Pistons had beaten him.
*ding ding ding*

If general manager Danny Ferry and coach Mike Brown privately disdain the ridiculous posing for pictures that James started with his teammates on a 13-game winning streak, the owner is believed to see the foolishness as a marketing dream.
Someone should've told James that the pregame Polaroid act was belittling and beneath a championship contender, but it never happened.

All season, the Cavaliers acted too entitled, too arrogant for a team that's won nothing. They ran out demanding that Mo Williams(notes) be made an All-Star, when the truth bore itself out in the playoffs: Cleveland has one All-Star. Nevertheless, Williams still embarrassed the Cavs with foolish proclamations and guarantees his middling talent couldn't deliver.

Got em.


And I was just shaking my head when "I'm a winner" came out of his mouth. No LeBron, you actually aren't. You haven't won anything ofnote in the NBA until this year with the MVP award, but the greatest of the greats aren't recognized for that, they have these thing called championshiprings, you're puppet should know what those are since he's been hanging around the KB puppet. You didn't have any team accomplishments of noteuntil Lakers SG#24 came in and saved you from another Olympic embarassament and helped you capture a gold medal.

I'll be very interested to see how his peers react if they are asked about this, Dwight seemed surprised that Bron did that and Chauncey Billups even wroteon his twitter last night "Bron show some class" or something.

But what can you expect when people are crowning you "King" when you ain't done *+#*.
but who is gonna tell him no?

his team of advisors? these guys arent gonna bite the hand that feeds them.
management? they dont want to "offend" him in fear of him leaving.

nobody, (maybe his mom?), can tell this guy he has done wrong.
about the kobe walking off from game 7 of suns-lakers... he did talk to the media after and also remember that the lakers and suns HATED each other... and bell was trying to knock kobes head off in game 5, nash was whining and starting fights...it was a mess... but he still spoke with the media and took responsibliity and showed leadership.

Forreal? So this is all about the fact that Lebron didn't speak to the media rather than not showing a mutual respect to his opponent?
Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 510

Originally Posted by got shoes

EB4President wrote:

i just read on ESPN that he did not get fined for the nba for not speaking to the media. WOW

LeStern, you should be ashamed of yourselves

Why would he be fined?? He doenst owe anyone anything.. His job is to play basketball, not do BS post game interviews

Yeah, but you are obligated to do interviews. So he should of got fined. There excuse was that they didn't have any previous problems with Bron. The NBA isnot standing by their law
What's lost in this is the fact James meets with the media before EVERY game and that is optional. As the league said, he's never had a slip-up before.Never pulled a pistol in a club, never got busted for drunk driving, never threw a ball into the stands, never tested positive for drugs, never beat a woman,etc-- NEVER has he disgraced the league.

This was a mistake because he knew what was expected of him. I think he said "ya know what, everybody thinks I'm perfect but I have flaws. I'm madas hell we lost and I'm going to get criticized either way by the biased media and ignorant fans who say ESPN overhypes me yet they'd rather watchSportscenter talk about me than smash their girl".
NBA doesn't want to fine Lebron because it will make it look worse than it already is.
lebron needs to sit down and watch mike's old commercial where he talks about all of his losses , and all of his negatives and how those are the reasonswhy he succeeds.
wow, do players HAVE to do the post game interviews? does Lebron HAVE to? they couldnt get Z or Mo or Varajao?

shoot, they had Mo evens doin interviews for the Hawks
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

about the kobe walking off from game 7 of suns-lakers... he did talk to the media after and also remember that the lakers and suns HATED each other... and bell was trying to knock kobes head off in game 5, nash was whining and starting fights...it was a mess... but he still spoke with the media and took responsibliity and showed leadership.

Forreal? So this is all about the fact that Lebron didn't speak to the media rather than not showing a mutual respect to his opponent?

Its not what it is all about. It is one of the parts that makes this whole situation bad for LeBron.

1. He didnt shake hands with his opponent after the game, which shows his lack of respect for the Orlando Magic.
2. He blew off the the post game interviews, which shows his lack of respect for the NBA and his childish ways of handling defeat.
3. He didnt address his teammates before leaving the arena by HIMSELF not the team, which shows a lack of respect for his team.
4. He didnt apologize for anything and gave some crap excuse justifying it, which shows that he feels he did no wrong.

This topic is very black and white. LeBron is/was wrong, and he sees nothing wrong with what he did. If you are the best (2nd) player in the world, you have ajob and responsibility to the NBA, your team and the sport of basketball. If you mess up along the road, fine. But at least be sympathetic about it and showyou have the ability to handle the tough situations and circumstances that comes with being the poster child of your sport.
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