Lebron James had to apologize for quoting "jewish money" lyrics

I never got why people are offended by a “good” stereotype. Like I wish I would let a chick of another ethnicity tell me “I bet you’re packing since you’re black” and I get offended :lol: part of me feels like Jews are just trying to throw off the scent. They know we know...
I guess the problem is someone can just as easily turn on you and come up with a negative stereotype when they have a feud with you. I've seen it time and time again.
The thing is that they’re kind of proud of it behind closed doors. The industry I work in has a ton of Jews at the top positions, but are a minority at the lower levels. They’ll usually say that their motivation to make it to the top is money, not even power or anything else. Most of them are pretty cool though, so not bashing on them as people.
Maybe this is kinda why they were upset. Everything is not owned by Jews. Stop it.

Which companies aren't owned by Jews?

Which NBA, NFL and MLB teams aren't owned by Jews?

Google Amazon what else? Lol. We can go for days.. Facebook IG keep it going....
It has alot to do with it. People that excuse it and say BS like "this didn't happen". Ain't no black person lying about that. Just like when white folks thought (some still do) that black people was lying about police brutality. It's a ignorant, head in the clouds mindset.
My man... this isn't in the same realm as an average so called black man claiming to have been the victim of racism. Often times, there's evidence, witnesses, or even video footage, and it doesn't matter.

And for the record, I never said it didn't happen, because there's no evidence to prove whether it did or didn't happen, which is why I stated that it was alleged.

Here is a list of companies owned by Jewish people.

List includes Baskin Robbins, Ben and Jerrys, BK, McD, Starmarket, Snapple, Pepsi., hundreds more

Not to mention the things they bankroll behind the scenes. MLK Jr's Svengali behind the scenes was Stanley Levison. I might be wrong, but isn't the NAACP still headed by a caucasian jew?
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I never got why people are offended by a “good” stereotype. Like I wish I would let a chick of another ethnicity tell me “I bet you’re packing since you’re black” and I get offended :lol: part of me feels like Jews are just trying to throw off the scent. They know we know...

1. Historically, Racial minorities that specialize in money and finance are frequently the targets of genocide.
2. White supremacy in america is rooted in conspiracy about Jews using their money and control over finance to de-stabilize america.

So it makes sense Jews would be sensitive about the whole "Jewish money" thing.
Agreed, but when a person evaluates if a statement is racist the check list starts off as
1. Does it contain a racial slur?
2. Does it have to do with physical appearance?
3. Does it ridicule a deficiency?
How about, is it a mistepresentation of a person based on ethnicity, religion, culture, etc?
Agreed, but when a person evaluates if a statement is racist the check list starts off as
1. Does it contain a racial slur?
2. Does it have to do with physical appearance?
3. Does it ridicule a deficiency?
Does it reinforce a stereotype that has often been used as the pretext for ethnic cleansing?

it's not a big deal that lebron didn't realize what he was doing but, i wouldn't have either in the past but a dumber idea would be to ignore jewish peoples concerns after the fact with the "you're too sensitive" stuff.
I'd take Jewish money over fried chicken and black on black crime any day.
How is the line offensive though? Because of the stereotype of jews getting money? I guess it's like the Asians being smart stereotype. Even though it's positive people don't like to hear it.

It's funny that no one will hold the actual artist to this standard.

Yea those positive stereotypes that are still stereotypes
Crazy thing is that was probably the safest/cleanest line on the album to quote to let people know he was listening to it:lol:

He should have played it safe and quoted J Cole verse
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serious question
do jewish people predominately own the media
and entertainment industry

They created Hollywood bro.


Some oppressed minorities are able to hide in plain site.
Can't hide blackness.
Crazy thing is that was probably the safest/cleanest line on the album to quote to let people know he was listening to it:lol:

He should have played it safe and quoted J Cole verse

The same rap artist getting paid millions to perform at Bar Mitzvahs

Da ironing
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