Lamar Odom done with Dallas

With that said i'll gladly take this Bum on the Lakers again With no qualms about it
He's a punk **+%@

Weak minded, scarecrow, tinman %$* human being. Pathetic. Gave up on basketball, himself and the Mavs. Had a real opportunity to win, and decided to let his stupid reality show, wife, and weakness get in the way of his job.

He's a POS and doesn't deserve to play ball.
He is soft. You know how many people would love to be where he is at? I don't care what is going on in your life, you are getting paid MILLIONS to play a game. I can understand being hurt because you have been traded but get over it dummy. That should have lit a fire up under his #$#, not be a sissy about it.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

He's a punk **+%@

Weak minded, scarecrow, tinman %$* human being. Pathetic. Gave up on basketball, himself and the Mavs. Had a real opportunity to win, and decided to let his stupid reality show, wife, and weakness get in the way of his job.

He's a POS and doesn't deserve to play ball.
Admitted his play on the court is inexcusable but your talking about a man who has lost his new born child, his aunt, Is currently losing his father, All in the past year, most of which would probably crumble your soul so stop acting like this man is your personal toy. His purpose in life isn't to entertain you and he's done more for other peoples lives than you could ever imagine about doing.
Keep it to a basketball level but don't question a man who's been through so much adversity and act as if he's suppose to be robotic in emotions to please your !%$%@ %%%
He wasn't just hurt over the Lakers trying to trade him.

He was out of shape, didn't work the whole lockout because he was dealing with off-court problems (and probably his show).

Lakers knew he'd be in a funk and wanted to get rid of him. When the CP3 trade failed it just amplified the problem and the need to find a taker.

Doubt the Lakers would offer him a contract. MAYBE if it's for cheap.
Originally Posted by tyisny

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

He's a punk **+%@

Weak minded, scarecrow, tinman %$* human being. Pathetic. Gave up on basketball, himself and the Mavs. Had a real opportunity to win, and decided to let his stupid reality show, wife, and weakness get in the way of his job.

He's a POS and doesn't deserve to play ball.
Admitted his play on the court is inexcusable but your talking about a man who has lost his new born child, his aunt, Is currently losing his father, All in the past year, most of which would probably crumble your soul so stop acting like this man is your personal toy. His purpose in life isn't to entertain you and he's done more for other peoples lives than you could ever imagine about doing.
Keep it to a basketball level but don't question a man who's been through so much adversity and act as if he's suppose to be robotic in emotions to please your !%$%@ %%%
Oh, so lamar is the only person to ever face adversity in the NBA? Effff outta here cuz.. 
Dude is right, Lamar is trash and has the mental capacity of a middle school preteen girl. He doesn't deserve to put on an NBA jersey ever again. 
^ Just because he's in the NBA doesn't make those problems any easier to face.

With that said, if he had the time and energy to film his reality show, then he could've put more effort into dealing with his issues... however serious they were.
Wonder if he'll just quit basketball after this. Doubt the Lakers are gonna resign him, after all they did trade him in the first place. If he can pull it together, wouldn't mind seeing him in a team like Denver, Bucks, or the T-Wolves, teams who are still piecing together to make that play off run.
@ the thought of Mitch signing Lamar again next season. There is absolutely no way that will happen.
Well, there might be one way...if he takes the veterans minimum. For that cheap, of course we'll take him. But you know his sensitive %*@ will be too offended to take such a low contract. 
The same dudes who are calling him a mental ****** be the dudes in general simpin over GF's and damn near plottin suicide because they failed exams, the nerve of you dudes

I already said it isnt acceptable for him to quit on his team, but to sit here and attack him personally and call him soft for not being able to focus when he just lost his infant son, an aunt, An a father that is severely ill is just disrespectful. Let me see you lose three family members and show up to work with a smile on your face the next day. people act like money cures everything
Damn y'all are harsh 

If your mind and heart aren't into it at the moment, then why should he try and fake it? 

Sometimes it aint about just money.
crazy how he was almost an all star to being in the d league and now this. He going to the clippers or a californa team
Originally Posted by MaxElite

Damn y'all are harsh 

If your mind and heart aren't into it at the moment, then why should he try and fake it? 

Sometimes it aint about just money.
He had no problem taking the money....Dude is a bum.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by MaxElite

Damn y'all are harsh 

If your mind and heart aren't into it at the moment, then why should he try and fake it? 

Sometimes it aint about just money.
He had no problem taking the money....Dude is a bum.

What was he supposed to do?  Turn it down, and give em a refund?

All im saying is, everyone's calling him a bum and throwing personal insults bc he had the worst year of what has been a pretty solid career. No one knows the circumstances.

Maybe dude is mentally soft.  I dont know, but if his heart aint in the game, then so be it. He shouldnt be playing. I don't think its worthy of being called names, though especially for a guy who never lacked in effort or hustle until this year.
^ Max, you could not be more wrong. Lamar's entire career dating back to when he originally attended UNLV has been marred. He has a lot of talent & ability but fades or goes MIA from games for weeks at a time. Last year was the first time he ever played consistently for an entire year. 

Man, dude is 6'10", can handle the peel, shoot a midrange when he wants to, plays D when he wants to, & can get to the hole but again goes ghost for long periods of time.

If you were to get traded from the Lakers, you couldn't have asked for a better team than the Mavs. Cuban is commited to building competitive teams and has shown he takes care of his players.

I think there is definately more to this story, at least I hope so but dude needs to get over it. These younger guys don't understand the meaning of being a professional anymore.

Such a waste of talent.

Lulz at his pops always asking for stuff though...
Originally Posted by MaxElite

especially for a guy who never lacked in effort or hustle until this year.

 You gotta be kidding me. Did you watch him as a Clipper? What about the time he cried in front of the press because he got caught smoking weed?

And who could forget this? Odom as gifted as he was talent wise was probably one of the dumbest players ever in the NBA
Originally Posted by psk2310

^ Max, you could not be more wrong. Lamar's entire career dating back to when he originally attended UNLV has been marred. He has a lot of talent & ability but fades or goes MIA from games for weeks at a time. Last year was the first time he ever played consistently for an entire year. 

Man, dude is 6'10", can handle the peel, shoot a midrange when he wants to, plays D when he wants to, & can get to the hole but again goes ghost for long periods of time.

If you were to get traded from the Lakers, you couldn't have asked for a better team than the Mavs. Cuban is commited to building competitive teams and has shown he takes care of his players.

I think there is definately more to this story, at least I hope so but dude needs to get over it. These younger guys don't understand the meaning of being a professional anymore.

Such a waste of talent.
Agreed 100% with this post.

Look up 'underachiever' in a dictionary, Lamar Odom's picture will be there.
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