:smh:at melo
at turiaf
at sasha...20 something pts in a
Originally Posted by ultrasur1

again. he should get fined for that move at the very least. bum

So says the Knick fan.....

!#%! wasn't even that bad...Sasha just got his [Charles Barkley]GINOBLIIIIIII[/CharlesBarkley] on....

He still sucks, but he had a good game....

Nuggets need a pg in the WORST way.....

Melo still played well.....Was very efficient....Gave LO buckets...
I like Melo, but dude is stupid. He's CARMELO ANTHONY, he shouldn't even know Sasha stupidvich exsists let alone waste the effort to choke a dude. That is just dumb on so many levels. He's upset, he wants to choke someone, go get Odom, or Kobe, even Bynum, but Sasha???? Inexscusable.

Good win, someone please tell me they saw after the Sasha interview when he was walking to the locker room, did anyone see the mid 40's guy with acamera wait til Sasha passed by and then try to snap a shot sorta no look at his backside?
I know that guy has to be an NTer. Just has to be. Anyone know who it mightbe?
Originally Posted by CP1708

I like Melo, but dude is stupid. He's CARMELO ANTHONY, he shouldn't even know Sasha stupidvich exsists let alone waste the effort to choke a dude. That is just dumb on so many levels. He's upset, he wants to choke someone, go get Odom, or Kobe, even Bynum, but Sasha???? Inexscusable.

Good win, someone please tell me they saw after the Sasha interview when he was walking to the locker room, did anyone see the mid 40's guy with a camera wait til Sasha passed by and then try to snap a shot sorta no look at his backside?
I know that guy has to be an NTer. Just has to be. Anyone know who it might be?

C'mon... You're talking as if Melo wanted to take Sasha out or something. It was just another example of the carelessness this team exhibits. Sashawas appearing to be lowered 5 ft 11 inches into his grave, then goes on to say he doesn't know why Melo "tried" to choke him. And it'sridiculous to think that the situation would have been somehow justified had he "tried" to choke a bigger name on the team.
I just can't believe how terribly we are playing right now. This team takes victories as a given. This is just another "good enough"squad that will creep into the 7th or 8th slot and get bounced again. There is NO passion on this squad. I think they've realized that they don't havethe heart to win 60 games as they claimed, even at full strength. George Karl refuses to put any offensive philosophy into this squad. He thinks if he teachesdefense (which I don't see or hear of when I listen to broadcasts), then the offense will take care of itself. Then he gets upset when JR Smith makes abone-headed play. Well if there was a structure to play within, I'm sure these players would understand their roles a little better. To say just run andplay an open style is a just asking for individual mistakes. There has to be continuity at BOTH ends of the floor. One side will not "take care" ofthe other, especially when they're not even doing a decent job on the "one side" to begin with. This team needs structure in the worst way, whichmeans they need a new coach in the worst way. I can't stand how Karl accuses his players of "cheating the game of basketball" when he's thebiggest cheater of all. Letting your team "play through" bad spots is not coaching, it's spectating for a paycheck. If this keeps up, attitudeson this team will sour quickly.
That was the other thing I noticed, Sasha needs to file them chicklets somethin fierce. When I was watchin his interview I couldn't beleive how differentall his teeth were.

I dunno, I think I'm starting to like this guy. KB8 has worn me down or something.
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