Lady Gaga, The Illuminati Puppet vol. HueyPinLouisV

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by DJ bana

lady gaga. wouldnt be surprised.

if you have the time to read it all, it does make sense.

OH AND, href="" target=_blank>http href="" target=_blank>:// for all your news needs

Cool site.

Check this out... Yall think I'm crazy
, but I know I'm not the only one who notices these things... Once you kinda realize What's going on, the world becomes completely different in many aspects.

This is what we get when people %%@% with the weather.
Chemtrail conspiracy theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Atlanta #atlflood
4:06 PM Sep 21st from Power Twitter

All winter I was telling people to look at he chemtrail patterns in the sky. I made several posts about it here on NT, I even posted a video withan admission from the Russian Military that they were conducting the same weather altering experiments...What happens?...We get the rainiest June in thehistory of New York City and Atlanta is flash flooding.

The problem is people who don't take the time to do the proper research, hear all of these different theories, lump them together, get overwhelmed anddismiss them all out of fear....but if that same person took the time out to do a little research on the underlying subjects, they would see the undeniabletruths and the proper perspective to frame these theories and discussions.

Those who are sheep and enjoy being sheep (hate to come off condescending but it is what it is) are meant to be that way and wasting your energy screaming at adeaf person is fruitless. Some people are meant to flip burgers and live a meager existence (mentally and spiritually). Those that have an open mind and openheart will begin seeing the truths that are so abundant in this special time...the rest will just wonder why these seemingly weird and reoccurring trends arecoming about...but they will just go with the flow, being led like a puppet on a string or seaweed in a tidal wave.

If you look back at every period of human history, there was manipulation from the top down that is now crystal clear in hindsight...somehow all of that thatmagically disappeared for this generation are we are living in free and egalitarian society, where everything is as it seems...or as CNN says.

Airmaxpenny is right to a certain extent about being caught up in distractions too...things like the article posted by the OP is a distraction (not purposely,I don't think) littered with half truths and reaches...but it can help you too open your eyes if you don't get paranoid and plug into the wrong outletsif information...once you become aware of the basic structure behind the impetuses for global change and social structure however, you will move up a level onthe pyramid and realize that you can evade the traps by facing the mirror and bettering yourself. The movie The Matrix is a profound metaphor to the massmanipulation and struggle for enlightenment going on in the real world.
Originally Posted by Diego

How bout next time you feeling intelligent you hit me up and we go out for a cup of coffee. We could talk about whatever you want to talk about.

It could be someone else just using GaGa as an outlet. She's actually a good singer, and is talented, but makes dumbed down music to CONTROL THE MINDS OF YOUNG LISTENERS!
abeautifulhaze wrote:
Posted: 04/02/09

Originally Posted by nnarum

The chemtrails are even more interesting...

Virtually every morning over my hood....scary stuff.

I didn't post the pic...but I will swear on a stack of bibles that I see the exact same thing in the sky where I live.

How do you know it chemicals? serious?

Water and Steam are "chemicals"...whatever it is, it is certainly a chemical substance.

The issue is that is certainly is not, a vapor trail, which is produced by regular airplanes.

Those trails emerge behind very fast moving planes (presumably some type of jet), at about 7Am Eastern and fan out into the sky all the way up to 12PM - 1 o clock.
What conclusion am I coming to?

Im telling you what I see everyday with my own eyes.....I never made any assumptions about what it is that I see.....just stating exactly what I see
It is out of the norm though...this is a recent phenomenon and you can actually see regular airplanes pass by these trails, leaving a regular vapor trail, which disperses within minutes.

These trails last for hours and are always left in a criss cross pattern.

Whatever it is...its a chemical. Wether it be toxic or not.

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Where exactly do you live?
The Bronx.

In New York City, by June 24th, the month ofJune 2009 counted 21 days of rain - the rainiest June in known history.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

All winter I was telling people to look at he chemtrail patterns in the sky. I made several posts about it here on NT, I even posted a video with an admission from the Russian Military that they were conducting the same weather altering experiments...What happens?...We get the rainiest June in the history of New York City and Atlanta is flash flooding.

The problem is people who don't take the time to do the proper research, hear all of these different theories, lump them together, get overwhelmed and dismiss them all out of fear....but if that same person took the time out to do a little research on the underlying subjects, they would see the undeniable truths and the proper perspective to frame these theories and discussions.

Those who are sheep and enjoy being sheep (hate to come off condescending but it is what it is) are meant to be that way and wasting your energy screaming at a deaf person is fruitless. Some people are meant to flip burgers and live a meager existence (mentally and spiritually). Those that have an open mind and open heart will begin seeing the truths that are so abundant in this special time...the rest will just wonder why these seemingly weird and reoccurring trends are coming about...but they will just go with the flow, being led like a puppet on a string or seaweed in a tidal wave.

If you look back at every period of human history, there was manipulation from the top down that is now crystal clear in hindsight...somehow all of that that magically disappeared for this generation are we are living in free and egalitarian society, where everything is as it seems...or as CNN says.

Airmaxpenny is right to a certain extent about being caught up in distractions too...things like the article posted by the OP is a distraction (not purposely, I don't think) littered with half truths and reaches...but it can help you too open your eyes if you don't get paranoid and plug into the wrong outlets if information...once you become aware of the basic structure behind the impetuses for global change and social structure however, you will move up a level on the pyramid and realize that you can evade the traps by facing the mirror and bettering yourself. The movie The Matrix is a profound metaphor to the mass manipulation and struggle for enlightenment going on in the real world.
OK after all this and then what? Facing the mirror and bettering yourself? You mean stop eating red meat? Plant more trees? You want to starta revolution? Military Coup of the White House?

I mean it's fine and dandy to be informed but what's next? Protest? Write your Congressman? What exactly is it that you want people to do? Do Ibelieve in conspiracies? Sure I like to read about them but also with a grain of salt because ABSOLUTELY nothing can be done to prove it regardless. Youeither go with the flow, pay your taxes, go to your 9-5 job or move somewhere more peaceful like Antarctica and chill with the penguins.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

OK after all this and then what? Facing the mirror and bettering yourself? You mean stop eating red meat? Plant more trees? You want to start a revolution? Military Coup of the White House?

Thats for you to decide.

I have my own ideas.
Originally Posted by Diego

You dont see the irony in telling me to get over myself and then make that statement?
Did you really just subliminally hit me with the "I been on NT longer than you" card?

Its cool that you hit us up with a source for those of us that are interested in these topics, but you went and did it multiple times.
I wasnt the only one that commented on your shameless plugging.
Sorry that I dont look to your brothers word to help me explore different subjects, sorry that I dont believe Lady Gaga uses symbols as part of some bigger mission.
Whatever happened to the days when people were just creative? People cant be artistic anymore without having to be tied to some type of New World Order group.

Scared of smart girls, ME?
How bout next time you feeling intelligent you hit me up and we go out for a cup of coffee. We could talk about whatever you want to talk about.


and chem trails, we should leave that for a whole new discussion.
at people thinking planes circle around for the fun of it. but again,nothing is for sure, nothing is for certain... la la laaaaaaaaaaaa.

Hint: google "HAARP ALASKA"
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

OK after all this and then what? Facing the mirror and bettering yourself? You mean stop eating red meat? Plant more trees? You want to start a revolution? Military Coup of the White House?

Thats for you to decide.

I have my own ideas.

....Im listening.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Here is the thing. Some of these artistes have no idea what they are representing or have any
control of their very own image at all.
They just are going with the flow of those who are in control.
Do I believe Lady Gaga herself is an 33 degree scottish rite mason. No.
But he her image is def being controlled to expose certian viewings and messages.
She may have no idea what she is giving off.
The record company determines the name, video direction, what songs are on the albums, and etc.
It would be very simple-minded to just sit back and think Lady Gaga is just some wild lady who
became famous and now want to brainswash everyone.
Its bigger than her. She may just simply want the fame and wants to be a product of music.
The responsibilty of the rest of it are to the powers that be.
Bingo!! my dude hit the nail right on the head... We have to look at the record labels who push this image. Gaga is a victim playing a puppet andthe labels are the geppetto's.
I've always been fascinated with topics of the Illuminati. Free Masons, Conspiracy Theories, etc. I wish I could learn more about them by reading books,but I haven't found a good book about it.

The only problem I see with all this is that everything somehow becomes attached to this. If Gaga acts weird, it's because she's a free mason. If Kanyeoutbursts, it's cause he's a free mason.

As for the article, I really do believe in all the symbolism. She's not normal by our standards, but we have all been drawn to her for some reason. If thisis true, the message is being seen (or not seen) by men, woman, kids, Hispanics, blacks, whites, etc. I really doubt that this "act" by Gaga is all amere coincidence.

Now, I'm gonna go read more about those Chem Trails. Never seen or heard of them before.
Listen the only thing I have against topics like these is that people act like there is something we can do about it when indeed we can't. so what if weknow that they are freemasons and illuminati ties to stars we know, we cant do %!%+ about it.
Chemtrails is an interesting topic. First heard about it in the barbershop,
and thought about it. Being as I work at the ATL airport, I kno planes dont
leaves trails with their fumes. Also thought about this the other day, that
u dont even hear them planes as they pass back and forth. Hmm.....
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