**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Man Nike needs to sell us those Kobe shirts and give money to charity. It’s so obvious. Not sure why they aren’t.
I think it’s either one of two ways tonight. Lakers either win by 40 points. Or lose by 40. No in between.
I think CP finally need to update his avatar in memory of Bean. It's time CP.....from Alba to Mamba

Anyone else kind of wishes we signed melo now that he’s a super Kobe loyalist.

Mood the first time ended in joy with that 60 point performance
Mood tonight and going forward will leave a sting and heartbreak.
Growing up, I always loved seeing players rocking shoes other than their own. If Bron laces up Kobe's tonight on game night...man :emoji_cry:

We're gonna be in for a heck of a night my brethren. 💛💜
I want bron to wear the Kobe 2 Strength. That’d be dope. One of the Kobe shoes Bron could hoop in. That and the 1.
Thread title changed.

And avatar.

I know I haven't been on NT much the last few years, but I grew to being a Kobe fan. This week has been an emotional trainwreck for me, but nowhere near as big of a trainwreck as those of you who HAVE been a fan for Mamba's whole career. Those of you who were paying attention before remember that I wasn't a fan his whole career, but those of you paying even more attention would know exactly why I BECAME a fan of that man (and no, it's not "Well duh, he retired.")

I had really gotten to a point where I was starting to idolize him. For real.

But I'm truly sorry to those of you who have been a fan of him since Day 1. It's barely been a few years for me, but it's been 2 effing DECADES for you.

I love y'all, man.

This hurts.

Any of you that have wondered: this hurts.

I don't want it to be real. My son cried the other day. He said "Maybe, do you think that they could have maybe made it out of the helicopter and maybe they've been like stuck out in the hills with broken arms or something and maybe they'll like..."

I was holding him and had to stop him. "No, bud. They're gone."

Explaining to your kid that sometimes you go to basketball practice... and you die...

... this hurts.

Actually typing it out hurts as much as saying it and I'm legit crying now. Every time I talk to people this week, I get choked up.
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