**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Kuzma is the centerpiece, which is what gets Minnesota to do the deal. We can add Chef Cook and Daniels and be within 75% of the required salaries to match. Don't have to give up Green or KCP.
If you’re the wolves you’d have KAT wiggins and Kuzma That’s a disaster front court defensively
If you’re the wolves you’d have KAT wiggins and Kuzma That’s a disaster front court defensively
If I'm the Wolves, its whatever we can do to sell tickets until KAT wants out because the franchise ain't competing for a chip anytime soon. Kuz's 28 ppg will be a treat for the fans chanting "Kuuuuuz" all season long for the next 5 years.

Big picture maing.
Covington is a quality defender, average three point shooter. One less weapon to throw out on offense, but one less worry on the defensive end come playoff time.

I still probably wouldn't trade Kuz for him, but I understand the stance.
Bron and Caruso are 1 and 2 in DRPM in the entire league. He needs more minutes. If he could shoot more consistently I'd say run him at the closing lineup but Vogel don't trust him.
Bron and Caruso are 1 and 2 in DRPM in the entire league. He needs more minutes. If he could shoot more consistently I'd say run him at the closing lineup but Vogel don't trust him.
Exactly why stats aren’t everything LOL
AC is the goods
even if his offense isn't entirely all the way there he's so good on the defensive end it might compensate
he has really good instincts and a knack to make big defensive plays
this man be stopping lobs, passes, shot attempts, getting charges, and pretty much really good on-ball defense :lol:
If Caruso was like 10% better handling the ball, I would feel more comfortable with him closing playoff games.
As far as rest goes, we had a decent schedule. Will back to backs for us increase further in the season?
They need to go back to wearing three unis; home, away, and sunday whites. Totally forgot they got the purples yet they wearing them at home.
No Rondo just puts a lot of pressure on Bron, Kuz, Caruso and Cook to make plays even more.
one of those games where they don't show up because they're playing a bunch of fodder
but said fodder shows up and putting it down their throat :lol:
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