Kyle Cured Cancer ... 4/1/19

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combo gd combo gd why are you charging money for the book? shouldn’t you be giving back to the universe what you were so freely blessed with? if it really works, i’m sure whoever gets cured using your method would have no problem giving you a thousand times what the book would cost.
What do you want? What kind of proof? I have so many quotes and notifications I gotta go through....
Show me the Supreme Court Opinion that sided with Dr. Sebbi.

It should be simple, I provided you a link with all of them. I did half of the work for you.

Or you can just admit you have no proof and were spreading a lie.

Don't deflect, prove your claim.
Immature and ignorant? I'm not demanding anyone to believe me. I'm just letting all of you know that you can cure yourself through natural methods. Cancer, AIDS, Herpes, they're all curable. If you want to go through traditional treatments, thats fine. It's your choice. If I was ever told I have cancer, (I don't think it will happen due to everything I do to prevent it to get to that point (Still could of course)) I'm not doing chemo. I'd trust a holistic health doctor or a shaman in the middle of some South American Jungle before I let a doctor that insists chemo on me touch me. Also I'm 22 now. I was 16 when I joined this site.

Exactly. Can. Just like one can be treated via traditional western methods.
were you eating romaine lettuce last week?

I eat a predominately fruit diet. If I do eat leafy greens its spinach, but thats kind of rare. Don't even remember the last time I had lettuce >D

This raises a great point. What happens when da holistic approach gives you E. coli?

Plant based diet helps create a healthier digestive tract which protects me from bacteria such as E. coli. :wow: :wink:
I eat a predominately fruit diet. If I do eat leafy greens its spinach, but thats kind of rare. Don't even remember the last time I had lettuce >D

Plant based diet helps create a healthier digestive tract which protects me from bacteria such as E. coli. :wow: :wink:
That's great unless you contract the type that produce a toxin.
You didn't read this document, did you?

First off, thanks for just providing evidence that Sebbi never had a trial heard by the US Supreme Court.

Furthermore, it seems like this is saying the trial happened, and then Sebi wanted to settle the case to avoid further expenses. And in the settlement, he has to instruct all of his employees that they are not to illegally practice medicine and has to give refunds to the people he defrauded.

Where is the 70 witness Sebi claims forced the judge's hands to give a summary judgment in his favor?

Do you don't even realize you post something that destroyed your argument, do you?

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