Kyle Cured Cancer ... 4/1/19

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Your age does matter when you're immature and ignorant. You demand people just take your word for everything, and you refuse to provide proof. If I made some absurd claims, you wouldn't believe me If I didn't provide proof.
Immature and ignorant? I'm not demanding anyone to believe me. I'm just letting all of you know that you can cure yourself through natural methods. Cancer, AIDS, Herpes, they're all curable. If you want to go through traditional treatments, thats fine. It's your choice. If I was ever told I have cancer, (I don't think it will happen due to everything I do to prevent it to get to that point (Still could of course)) I'm not doing chemo. I'd trust a holistic health doctor or a shaman in the middle of some South American Jungle before I let a doctor that insists chemo on me touch me. Also I'm 22 now. I was 16 when I joined this site.

water water is trolling btw
I want to make it clear that I'm not. If you know me, you know I'm a huge advocate for a raw plant based diet. I believe in the power of healing through nature and raw organic foods. I've always participated in vegan threads on this site. I water fast all the time, at least once a week for 36 hours. Sometimes, 3,5, 7 days and I eat a predominately fruit based diet.
He had me fooled with the flat earth shtick at one point so don't feel bad

This is off topic and I don't want to bring this into this thread but bring me to space and then I'll believe. You can argue with me in the other thread. Otherwise, people really need to stop believing that everything the government tells them is whats best for them. Sometimes you just have to think for yourself. Go into nature and just observe. Think. Ponder. Realize that everything we need is in nature. Nothing less, nothing more. Theres a reason why people today are so sick and are dying so young. Its the fake foods that we put into our bodies everyday. A diseased society will only breed even more disease. Pls wake up
I want to make it clear that I'm not. If you know me, you know I'm a huge advocate for a raw plant based diet. I believe in the power of healing through nature and raw organic foods. I've always participated in vegan threads on this site. I water fast all the time, at least once a week for 36 hours. Sometimes, 3,5, 7 days and I eat a predominately fruit based diet.

That's nice

I don't believe a word of if, but still sounds nice
That's nice

I don't believe a word of if, but still sounds nice
Yeah there's no way a pseudo scientist, flat earther, 16 yr old Trump supporter isn't trolling. Ya'll gotta take everything with a grain of salt and don't just grab it and run because it partially agrees with your thoughts .

*benefits of plant based diet are legit though.
I'm sorry but you cant just negate the truth like that. The truth is the truth. Even if you say otherwise, you'll just be living a life of lies.
i'm saying anything else you post will just be dismissed in my mind. it might be correct but anyone that believes that the scientific evidence pointing towards a "round" earth is not as convincing as some youtube nonsense is just plain foolish. i scanned some of what you wrote and i fully agree with the benefits of a plant-based, organic diet. good friend of mine was diagnosed with colon cancer. it was pretty far along. in addition to his chemo, he completely changed his diet. no more crappy snacks, no more processed sugar, mostly plant protein, and organic wherever he could. he used cbd oil for a bit. dude has been cancer-free for over 3 years now. healthy diet, exercise, and chemo.
Coworker had a friend die from breast cancer, just last week.

She said her friend went 100% holistic, my coworker is still partially upset with that decision.

Just be smart about when and where you do yhe ALL NATURAL thing
Coworker had a friend die from breast cancer, just last week.

She said her friend went 100% holistic, my coworker is still partially upset with that decision.

Just be smart about when and where you do yhe ALL NATURAL thing

No matter which way a person decides to treat cancer... understand it is a race against time.

The longer the person has cancer, the longer the suppressions (ice) grows.

If a person doesn't go all in or intense enough by using the holistic methods... the cancer will over power the holistic method in those cases.
yes, i agree to an extent. holistic and ayurvedic type treatments are effective mostly if you’ve taken them a long time (years) and if you began them quite early.

I do say chemos are killer. However chemo treatment with surgeries, and possibly additional treatments like radiation or trials can aid in destroying cancer.
First, I'm happy for your recovery and I wish you continued health.

There's a lot we don't understand still. But we do understand a lot. Countless efforts across many fronts have brought us a long, long way in understanding health and disease. And from countless missteps we know that treatments have to be validated. Because there are always outliers, there are always exceptional cases, and biology is complex.

Some of us deal with a handful of cases in our life, and a couple anecdotes one way or another can convince you of something that is false. Others deal with hundreds or thousands of cases every year, and it becomes a little clearer what the truth is and is not. Understanding a couple hundred years of good science also helps.
Immature and ignorant? I'm not demanding anyone to believe me. I'm just letting all of you know that you can cure yourself through natural methods. Cancer, AIDS, Herpes, they're all curable. If you want to go through traditional treatments, thats fine. It's your choice. If I was ever told I have cancer, (I don't think it will happen due to everything I do to prevent it to get to that point (Still could of course)) I'm not doing chemo. I'd trust a holistic health doctor or a shaman in the middle of some South American Jungle before I let a doctor that insists chemo on me touch me. Also I'm 22 now. I was 16 when I joined this site.

I want to make it clear that I'm not. If you know me, you know I'm a huge advocate for a raw plant based diet. I believe in the power of healing through nature and raw organic foods. I've always participated in vegan threads on this site. I water fast all the time, at least once a week for 36 hours. Sometimes, 3,5, 7 days and I eat a predominately fruit based diet.
One of my shorties is trying to convince me that Fruit, ALL FRUIT is bad for you.
Some Bird she follows on the Tube, and then of course her reading more into it, now she won't **** with any Fruit at all, NONE.
Said it's poision.
Didn't Steve Jobs try to treat his cancer with alternative medicine?

He caught it early, he denied regular treatment for some alternative medicine (juices and acupuncture I believe), he got worst, went back to his regular doctors but it was too late.

Toward the end, he admitted that he regretted his decision.

He caught it early, he denied regular treatment for some alternative medicine (juices and acupuncture I believe), he got worst, went back to his regular doctors but it was too late.

Toward the end, he admitted that he regretted his decision.
I think the prognosis was good had he gone with conventional evil western treatment. That ******* jumped in line to get a liver transplant, too.
Immature and ignorant? I'm not demanding anyone to believe me. I'm just letting all of you know that you can cure yourself through natural methods. Cancer, AIDS, Herpes, they're all curable. If you want to go through traditional treatments, thats fine. It's your choice. If I was ever told I have cancer, (I don't think it will happen due to everything I do to prevent it to get to that point (Still could of course)) I'm not doing chemo. I'd trust a holistic health doctor or a shaman in the middle of some South American Jungle before I let a doctor that insists chemo on me touch me. Also I'm 22 now. I was 16 when I joined this site.

I want to make it clear that I'm not. If you know me, you know I'm a huge advocate for a raw plant based diet. I believe in the power of healing through nature and raw organic foods. I've always participated in vegan threads on this site. I water fast all the time, at least once a week for 36 hours. Sometimes, 3,5, 7 days and I eat a predominately fruit based diet.

Sometimes you can’t reach everyone. 85% will always be lost.
This is off topic and I don't want to bring this into this thread but bring me to space and then I'll believe. You can argue with me in the other thread. Otherwise, people really need to stop believing that everything the government tells them is whats best for them. Sometimes you just have to think for yourself. Go into nature and just observe. Think. Ponder. Realize that everything we need is in nature. Nothing less, nothing more. Theres a reason why people today are so sick and are dying so young. Its the fake foods that we put into our bodies everyday. A diseased society will only breed even more disease. Pls wake up

were you eating romaine lettuce last week?
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