kid goes to school dressed as two face from Batman, shoots himself & commits suicide 0_o

That kid is soft

the thing about teen suicide imo is it weeds out the weak.

im sure like most kids he went thru some ups and downs but i can almost guarantee 

his life like most others was just gonna get harder ....girls,women, relationships 

heartache , financial troubles , family problems etc

that fact that he would even dress up as a character and make a spectacle 

of the situation lets u know this kid is soft , who knows how many kids he scarred

good riddance , u give that kid 6 more years and he's taking out a bank after losing his job

the thing about teen suicide imo is it weeds out the weak.

im sure like most kids he went thru some ups and downs but i can almost guarantee 

his life like most others was just gonna get harder ....girls,women, relationships 

heartache , financial troubles , family problems etc

that fact that he would even dress up as a character and make a spectacle 

of the situation lets u know this kid is soft , who knows how many kids he scarred

good riddance , u give that kid 6 more years and he's taking out a bank after losing his job
And it's people like you that make these kids feel like nobody cares.

Now, I don't condone suicide WHATSOEVER. This life is hard for everyone, we all deal with different levels of stress daily, so for somebody to take their own life is wrong. With that being said, who are you to decide that the weak are weeded out through this? The fact is a child died. DEAD fam. He ain't coming back. All he really needed was a support system after suffering from bullying. He wanted somebody to understand the pain.

Let me ask you something. If that was your kid, would you say the same thing? You would call him weak? Or are you going to give me the whole "I'm going to raise my son tough and not let him take that ****". Truth is not everybody is built like that. No kid should have to go through bullying, but every kid needs a outlet to debrief and vent about how mentally exhausting it is.
This thread should be closed/deleted, there is a lot of racist comments about white people as a whole on the first page. I don't see how this topic can still be open. Was the student even white, I believe he was latino? The ignorance in this thread is crazy, if someone were to make general comment about black people in this light a lot of people would be going crazy and thread would be @ 10+ pages.

the irony of it all is ppl did... not one posting in the mother thread tried to place/shed any positive light on the kid... if so please show me.. and btw latino isnt a race... and it still is white... again trying to avoid the point. White kid kills himself ppl say oh what a tragedy, the bully pushed him over the edge, he had it so hard, lol at the notion of society being so hard and rough on a white male at that in america, but i digress, and no one once mentioned the kid and how he may have played some sort of responsibility in killing himself, or the fact that maybe things werent that bad and he truly was just CRAZY... then when ppl say or even hint at it, its oh u dont know, u just dont get it... he was the perfect human being and bam someone talked about him and all of his sense and rationale went out of the window all because of harsh words..

Then ppl even mention oh i heard he was smart, he was such a bright young man etc... Yet in the thread about the BLACK kid its, he is a monster, nuttin was wrong with him, he possibly couldnt have had any emotional issues, had a distraught life, disfunctional home. he is black, so we no he couldnt have went thru hardship and pain, because we are the world we are the children...  bs and blacks in particularly young black males in ny. are treated with the upmost respect. he was just a crazy sick mfer. who was just a seed of the devil. matter of fact a few ppl even mentioned that maybe he really had a hard upbring messed up life/mother couldve treated him harsh, and ppl lol at that notion and even said nah he couldnt have because he smoked weed and got in trouble.. as if that has anything to do with the subject or how his mother treated him. Really so being on probation/weed smoking=parents couldnt have abused mistreated u on a physical/emotional level

i was just watching the news and they to try and do the same thing, was just catching the update on the colorado batman killing and they trying to spin it and said, he tried to seek out help, and he asked for a school therapist, pysch, etc.. and that he showed signs of what he would do, and tried to let ppl know he had it so bad.. oh and mentioned his gpa, and how he was well liked etc... Yet two minutes before hand they give an update on the trayvon case and they talking about how he skipped school once, and how he got suspended for smoking weed, and how he was to young to be out and alone at night...

Its crazy we are so subconsciously bias prejudice that even the thought or mention of it... and its oh ur crazy ur ignorant etc... I mean i can admit i am at times... and acknowledge when i am being called out on it by others... but alot of u guys.. iuno if its guilt, living in a bubble, a area that isnt very culturally diverse, limited contact interaction, and involvement with other races outside of neutral social/working common-grounds. so the thought or even mentioning of it is subject for banning a thread, and outrage... again like i said this is the internet... iuno why u guys act as if in real life u some ghandi, nelson mandela, we are the world we are the children act. I mean u can front on here and thats cool. But no need to get uptight and upset when ur card is pulled, and u r exposed for it. just accept it acknowledge it and hopefully grow from it and move forward.

I haven't looked inside that thread but the title said dude killed his mom...

do you think ppl are going to feel sorry for people that commit suicide, or people that kill their mom.. cmon son.. stop reaching
he looked like a genuinely happy kid in those pics..

it must have been pure hell for him to mask his true emotions and feelings.
It's certainly unfortunate that he felt enough pain inside at 13 to decide the only solution was the final checkout, but I can't for the life of me understand why these kids today are so damn vulnerable to what's called bullying.

I and I'm sure everybody else took some **** in our school days just for the crime of being ourselves somehow (you're fat, you're skinny, you're too black, you talk white, you have a weird name, I don't like your shirt) and we seemed to get past it. Now every other month you hear about some kid getting harassed in the lunchroom or on Twitter and ending it. I really do not get it. It's really just sad though.
Every time I hear about this kind of stuff  this^^ is my exact thought, and I can't understand for the life of me why these kids think life will always be that way.  It's as if they have no hope at all for a better tomorrow, and are selfish as hell.
I haven't looked inside that thread but the title said dude killed his mom...
do you think ppl are going to feel sorry for people that commit suicide, or people that kill their mom.. cmon son.. stop reaching
it isnt about feeling sorry... and a life is a life...the reasoning behind it is the key... thats like saying oh we shouldnt feel sorry and as america we dont for the casualties associated recently with our so called war on terror, but should for someone who offs themselves. Matter fact if this was a thread about someone offing themselves because of losing job, or didnt want to deal with being a parent etc... most would be calling him a coward,(yes they would because this actually happened in a thread here) and being selfish... Why is it wrong if some ppl feel this way towards this dude? If anything i could get ppl feeling sorry for his friends/love ones... but him... lets not act like this was a knee jerk reaction... like he didnt methodically plan and prepare for this act to happen. I mean yes bullying could have played a roll in it... but the convenient overlooking of maybe dude was just out right crazy is what im getting at. And the fact ppl are being e-scolded for suggesting it.

Matter of fact why wasnt this same empathy expressed in the thread about the kid who possibly committed suicide in the back of the police car? was it because he had dope on him? or because he wasnt bullied... If sorrow is suppose to be solely on the premise of killing yourself... why wasnt the logic applied by many on this board in his case? So i guess ur saying only feel sorry for ppl who commit suicide who live in rural areas, make good grades and are teased at school...

And keyword u didnt look inside the thread... and based on that u still admittedly made an assumption... Without reading it... for all u know it could have said he killed his mom because she molested him, caged him like a dog, didnt feed him etc... u dont know yet u still felt compelled to say why should ppl feel sorry for him.

I swear how ppl are going to defend there thoughts actions, by doing the very thing they are being accused of doing is beyond me.
I made an assumption yes, based off the info you had given and the title of the thread. I actually wasn't explaining why I felt sorry for him, I'm saying you're talking about how people are showing sympathy because he's white, and aren't showing the other kid sympathy because he's black... its a reach
What is with people using characters as a vehicle to express inner feelings outwardly? Dudes watch Batman and think they are some downtrodden soul. 

the thing about teen suicide imo is it weeds out the weak.

im sure like most kids he went thru some ups and downs but i can almost guarantee 

his life like most others was just gonna get harder ....girls,women, relationships 

heartache , financial troubles , family problems etc

that fact that he would even dress up as a character and make a spectacle 

of the situation lets u know this kid is soft , who knows how many kids he scarred

good riddance , u give that kid 6 more years and he's taking out a bank after losing his job
And it's people like you that make these kids feel like nobody cares.

Now, I don't condone suicide WHATSOEVER. This life is hard for everyone, we all deal with different levels of stress daily, so for somebody to take their own life is wrong. With that being said, who are you to decide that the weak are weeded out through this? The fact is a child died. DEAD fam. He ain't coming back. All he really needed was a support system after suffering from bullying. He wanted somebody to understand the pain.

Let me ask you something. If that was your kid, would you say the same thing? You would call him weak? Or are you going to give me the whole "I'm going to raise my son tough and not let him take that ****". Truth is not everybody is built like that. No kid should have to go through bullying, but every kid needs a outlet to debrief and vent about how mentally exhausting it is.
I agree with a lot of what you said, but you're way off base on suicide, at least in making it such a black and white issue. You can't compare daily levels of stress to people suffering through years of severe mental health issues or depression, who aren't thinking rationally. Or what if you're facing a terminal disease and you know you're going to suffer, put your family through hell watching you die, and you want to go out on your terms. Or what if you're just old and you've had enough? If you don't have family, you're alone... if you're unhappy with your life and can't find joy, it's selfish to ask that person to keep on living just so those who know him don't feel bad.

Similar to your hypothetical, your tune might change if you'e had someone close in your life commit suicide or be severely depressed and consider doing it. Maybe you have, I don't know.. and I'm not saying you're going to change your mind, but it's hard to put yourself in that state of mind and really understand. Like I said, maybe you have gone through that and know better than I'm assuming, sorry in that case, but I see a lot of people against suicide who don't have any first-hand experience with it, depression, etc. 
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lol yall know damn well that when yall was little everybody made fun of everybody smh... why not try to fight or nothing... lil man aint had no heart, but he had enough heart to pull that trigger smh ... carrot top

LMAO, got me weak homie

no sympathy for suicides when there are poor in India/Africa/THE WORLD struggling to LIVE
It's certainly unfortunate that he felt enough pain inside at 13 to decide the only solution was the final checkout, but I can't for the life of me understand why these kids today are so damn vulnerable to what's called bullying.

I and I'm sure everybody else took some **** in our school days just for the crime of being ourselves somehow (you're fat, you're skinny, you're too black, you talk white, you have a weird name, I don't like your shirt) and we seemed to get past it. Now every other month you hear about some kid getting harassed in the lunchroom or on Twitter and ending it. I really do not get it. It's really just sad though.
Well obviously nobody is the same, someone with a mind frame who believe's there is life after middle school, high school will just drag through it, I mean I sure as hell didn't want to go to school i pretty much hated almost everybody. But I said when I go to college, if I go to college it will be different.

Some people can't take being bullied day in and day out, nobody is emotionless people snap all the time, just some people direct their frustration towards themselves, other outwardly like if instead shoot the bully/bullies.

I also think this country is out of control, parents can't control their children, people are so screwed up today you mix a bunch of irrational volatile people and put them in society day in and out I'm surprised stuff like this doesn't happen regularly. If it's even reported.
This thread should be closed/deleted, there is a lot of racist comments about white people as a whole on the first page. I don't see how this topic can still be open. Was the student even white, I believe he was latino? The ignorance in this thread is crazy, if someone were to make general comment about black people in this light a lot of people would be going crazy and thread would be @ 10+ pages.

the irony of it all is ppl did... not one posting in the mother thread tried to place/shed any positive light on the kid... if so please show me.. and btw latino isnt a race... and it still is white... again trying to avoid the point. White kid kills himself ppl say oh what a tragedy, the bully pushed him over the edge, he had it so hard, lol at the notion of society being so hard and rough on a white male at that in america, but i digress, and no one once mentioned the kid and how he may have played some sort of responsibility in killing himself, or the fact that maybe things werent that bad and he truly was just CRAZY... then when ppl say or even hint at it, its oh u dont know, u just dont get it... he was the perfect human being and bam someone talked about him and all of his sense and rationale went out of the window all because of harsh words..

Then ppl even mention oh i heard he was smart, he was such a bright young man etc... Yet in the thread about the BLACK kid its, he is a monster, nuttin was wrong with him, he possibly couldnt have had any emotional issues, had a distraught life, disfunctional home. he is black, so we no he couldnt have went thru hardship and pain, because we are the world we are the children...  bs and blacks in particularly young black males in ny. are treated with the upmost respect. he was just a crazy sick mfer. who was just a seed of the devil. matter of fact a few ppl even mentioned that maybe he really had a hard upbring messed up life/mother couldve treated him harsh, and ppl lol at that notion and even said nah he couldnt have because he smoked weed and got in trouble.. as if that has anything to do with the subject or how his mother treated him. Really so being on probation/weed smoking=parents couldnt have abused mistreated u on a physical/emotional level

i was just watching the news and they to try and do the same thing, was just catching the update on the colorado batman killing and they trying to spin it and said, he tried to seek out help, and he asked for a school therapist, pysch, etc.. and that he showed signs of what he would do, and tried to let ppl know he had it so bad.. oh and mentioned his gpa, and how he was well liked etc... Yet two minutes before hand they give an update on the trayvon case and they talking about how he skipped school once, and how he got suspended for smoking weed, and how he was to young to be out and alone at night...

Its crazy we are so subconsciously bias prejudice that even the thought or mention of it... and its oh ur crazy ur ignorant etc... I mean i can admit i am at times... and acknowledge when i am being called out on it by others... but alot of u guys.. iuno if its guilt, living in a bubble, a area that isnt very culturally diverse, limited contact interaction, and involvement with other races outside of neutral social/working common-grounds. so the thought or even mentioning of it is subject for banning a thread, and outrage... again like i said this is the internet... iuno why u guys act as if in real life u some ghandi, nelson mandela, we are the world we are the children act. I mean u can front on here and thats cool. But no need to get uptight and upset when ur card is pulled, and u r exposed for it. just accept it acknowledge it and hopefully grow from it and move forward.
repped, white privilege homie

honestly tho, everyone needs to just stop with the race thing, just dont mention it

its lame because whites downplay how racist they are, but when blacks say something its OD

glad im Japanese
there is 7 billion people in the world....why do we spend so much time reading about stories like this?
I made an assumption yes, based off the info you had given and the title of the thread. I actually wasn't explaining why I felt sorry for him, I'm saying you're talking about how people are showing sympathy because he's white, and aren't showing the other kid sympathy because he's black... its a reach
and that is my point... if everything was so called a reach... and no validity in it... we would live in the utopian, harmonious world... but guess what we dont... i mean ppl take subtle things and when they get called out on it they take that and run with it as if they are being crucified and chastised. i mean subtle things we do all the time... its not like im or anyone is saying ppl are in here the ayran nation or nothing... but folks act as if they are being depict as such just for ppl stating anything that remotely looks as it could be racial bias... I mean it happens really bad on here.

There could be a posting about show the most ghetto things u ever seen. 95& of ppl on here would post something a minority does.. and lets say a cat like futuremd state " man it seems like 95% of the posting are of minorities, yall act like no one else do ghetto things" then its always someone who not saying u, but in this case will say "oh nah man ur reaching ur overacting" even tho there are 1000 pics of minorities there is 5 that arent so see its not like that, im not racist, im not evil... u reaching u trying to make me out to be a klan member..

All im saying is one it isnt a reach... because the proof is in the pudding..."thing is about stuff on the web it is permanent" I am not calling nor anyone else who noticed it in this thread saying we got white sheet devils in here.. What is said is sometimes ppl subconsciously have racial biases, and generalizations..

I mean it happens from going to the park and seeing a white kid and asian and a black and automatically picking him up for ur bball team, to walking into a music store and seeing the goth looking white chic and a black guy and assuming he would know where the latest lupe cd is... to seeing a group of mixed race ppl and first thought is to ask the white guy where is the nearest starbucks... I mean the real reach is being on this forum over 10 years and few and far between has a person had the humility and honesty to just admit that often times we are racially bias, view certain aspect occurrences in life a view them differently based on the sex/race of the person. Just cause WE do this, doesnt mean when some one acknowledges they are making ppl out to be a villian...
I made an assumption yes, based off the info you had given and the title of the thread. I actually wasn't explaining why I felt sorry for him, I'm saying you're talking about how people are showing sympathy because he's white, and aren't showing the other kid sympathy because he's black... its a reach

and that is my point... if everything was so called a reach... and no validity in it... we would live in the utopian, harmonious world... but guess what we dont... i mean ppl take subtle things and when they get called out on it they take that and run with it as if they are being crucified and chastised. i mean subtle things we do all the time... its not like im or anyone is saying ppl are in here the ayran nation or nothing... but folks act as if they are being depict as such just for ppl stating anything that remotely looks as it could be racial bias... I mean it happens really bad on here.

There could be a posting about show the most ghetto things u ever seen. 95& of ppl on here would post something a minority does.. and lets say a cat like futuremd state " man it seems like 95% of the posting are of minorities, yall act like no one else do ghetto things" then its always someone who not saying u, but in this case will say "oh nah man ur reaching ur overacting" even tho there are 1000 pics of minorities there is 5 that arent so see its not like that, im not racist, im not evil... u reaching u trying to make me out to be a klan member..

All im saying is one it isnt a reach... because the proof is in the pudding..."thing is about stuff on the web it is permanent" I am not calling nor anyone else who noticed it in this thread saying we got white sheet devils in here.. What is said is sometimes ppl subconsciously have racial biases, and generalizations..

I mean it happens from going to the park and seeing a white kid and asian and a black and automatically picking him up for ur bball team, to walking into a music store and seeing the goth looking white chic and a black guy and assuming he would know where the latest lupe cd is... to seeing a group of mixed race ppl and first thought is to ask the white guy where is the nearest starbucks... I mean the real reach is being on this forum over 10 years and few and far between has a person had the humility and honesty to just admit that often times we are racially bias, view certain aspect occurrences in life a view them differently based on the sex/race of the person. Just cause WE do this, doesnt mean when some one acknowledges they are making ppl out to be a villian...

I actually agree with the whole last paragraph, and I know what you mean in the second paragraph. There always has been racial bias, I just didn't think this thread vs the son murdering his mother was an example of it.
Prob cus he was a ginger in all seriousness. In highschool dudes used to go in if you were a ginger.
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