Kevin Samuels Thread

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:lol: at this point everyone involved is doing it for the screen time.

dude is definitely entertaining though. Can’t wait till he gets the TV show where these *****es pull up and sit down wit him live and start trying to fight this *****. :lol:

I swear if that happens he's going to be fighting some ratchet on the show. Wigs will be thrown :lol:
Man yall ninjas in here tripping. Kevin Samuels is the G.O.A.T.

Been speaking the truth about the faults of so many women these days.

Plus his thoughts on the black family are spot on.

He is just saying what men want to hear about women's supposed faults. Men who were already thinking this nonsense feel validated.

He is the male version of the "all men ain't sh#$" gossip columns in women's magazines. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
He is just saying what men want to hear about women's supposed faults. Men who were already thinking this nonsense feel validated.

He is the male version of the "all men ain't sh#$" gossip columns in women's magazines. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

True to an extent. But I just think it's necessary in this day and age where women have such bloated egos.

Look there is always going to be a sort of male groupthink when it comes to women. Especially in the case of relationships. But I believe his criticisms to be fair.
True to an extent. But I just think it's necessary in this day and age where women have such bloated egos.

Look there is always going to be a sort of male groupthink when it comes to women. Especially in the case of relationships. But I believe his criticisms to be fair.

This sounds like a problem for betas as much as I hate using that word. Women not wanting to settle is misinterpreted as having an "Ego".

I think Kevin provides catharsis for men with inadequacies.
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This sounds like a problem for betas as much as I hate using that word. Women not wanting to settle is misinterpreted as having an "Ego".

I think Kevin provides catharsis for men with inadequacies.

Oh, that's just straight bull. First of all these Alphas vs betas arguments are just stupid and ridiculous.

The idea that men can't have fair criticisms about women just reaks of men putting women on a pedestal.

I think women not wanting to settle is absolutely fair and reasonable. But as shown throughout his shows they have unreasonable standards.

It is fine to want 6 figure men but do you have the requirements necessary to meet THEIR standards.

It just seems that people are angry at the messenger without understanding the message.

Can men not have a platform to voice their frustrations with being considered incel, beta, inadequate.
Oh, that's just straight bull. First of all these Alphas vs betas arguments are just stupid and ridiculous.

The idea that men can't have fair criticisms about women just reaks of men putting women on a pedestal.

I think women not wanting to settle is absolutely fair and reasonable. But as shown throughout his shows they have unreasonable standards.

It is fine to want 6 figure men but do you have the requirements necessary to meet THEIR standards.

It just seems that people are angry at the messenger without understanding the message.

Can men not have a platform to voice their frustrations with being considered incel, beta, inadequate.

Unreasonable standards? That sounds like a problem for the men who fall outside of those standards.
I understand the message I just think it is absurd.
Yea there is a lot of 8chan nonsense trickling in here. My overall point is maybe these men are the problem, not the women who are out of their reach.

I wanna get with Michelle Obama but you don't see me going on rants about how her standards are too high. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Unreasonable standards? That sounds like a problem for the men who fall outside of those standards.
I understand the message I just think it is absurd.
Yea there is a lot of 8chan nonsense trickling in here. My overall point is maybe these men are the problem, not the women who are out of their reach.

I wanna get with Michelle Obama but you don't see me going on rants about how her standards are too high. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Your right many men do need to work on themselves. But again you put the onus on the men and not the women.

The major position I get from Kevin that you must go beyond your predetermined beliefs if you want to build a family or just find a long-term partner.

This mostly factors into professional women. Yes, you can have high standards, but if you are in the danger zone as he calls it, you should start reevaluating your criteria for men.

There are plenty of avenues men can go for self-improvement. Youtube has a long list to watch. But I just don't get the visceral hate for a man in a turtleneck telling women to lose weight and be cooperative.
Your right many men do need to work on themselves. But again you put the onus on the men and not the women.

The major position I get from Kevin that you must go beyond your predetermined beliefs if you want to build a family or just find a long-term partner.

This mostly factors into professional women. Yes, you can have high standards, but if you are in the danger zone as he calls it, you should start reevaluating your criteria for men.

There are plenty of avenues men can go for self-improvement. Youtube has a long list to watch. But I just don't get the visceral hate for a man in a turtleneck telling women to lose weight and be cooperative.

A woman who rejects you is not inherently the problem though. :lol:

Long term actually means you should probably be more discerning than usual when picking a partner. I know I had very high standards for marriage.

This isn't as much of a problem as dude is making it out to be, there are many professional women who have found partners. I think he is just making excuses for undesirable men and said men are just eating it up. >D
A woman who rejects you is not inherently the problem though. :lol:

Long term actually means you should probably be more discerning than usual when picking a partner. I know I had very high standards for marriage.

This isn't as much of a problem as dude is making it out to be, there are many professional women who have found partners. I think he is just making excuses for undesirable men and said men are just eating it up. >D

I think there is definitely an issue with professional women and marriage. I always like to go back to this article by the Harvard Business Review
I think there is definitely an issue with professional women and marriage. I always like to go back to this article by the Harvard Business Review

You DO have the option of not going after these women. That waitress at IHOP is always available. Highly successful women tend to just get married later and start a family later in life which is ok. I think men are having an existential crisis of women not universally being available to start a family.

So what's your solution, you want women to drop out of residency or law school just to cater to Tyrone? :rofl:
You DO have the option of not going after these women. That waitress at IHOP is always available. Highly successful women tend to just get married later and start a family later in life which is ok. I think men are having an existential crisis of women not universally being available to start a family.

So what's your solution, you want women to drop out of residency or law school just to cater to Tyrone? :rofl:

Bruh I give up. I feel like this argument is becoming circular at this point.
Man yall ninjas in here tripping. Kevin Samuels is the G.O.A.T.

Been speaking the truth about the faults of so many women these days.

Plus his thoughts on the black family are spot on.

men are just as responsible for women being this way too. I *** with Kev and his movement too. Men and women need to be held accountable. Men have simped for far too long
Once again who does Kevin benefit besides himself? Everything you do has a purpose correct? What is the purpose of his platform and message?

Besides getting paid of course (Which he has all the right to do and I hope he keeps getting the bag).
discussion aside i think kevin samuels would do himself a lot of favors if he tightened up his production.
i wonder where he wants to take this "show." i've watched a couple of videos and there's a lot of garbage time being wasted on sound issues and delay etc. if i was to stumble upon his videos on youtube i would have never given them a chance. i only watched them cause of NT recommendations as i know there will be a pay off.
i could see him getting his own show on a streaming service if he really wanted it. i'm not sure he could be as disrespectful as he is to some women though. but you can see how polarizing he is.
i just imagine him having some really high profile guests and him having that same energy would be great tv for a larger audience.
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discussion aside i think kevin samuels would do himself a lot of favors if he tightened up his production.
i wonder where he wants to take this "show." i've watched a couple of videos and there's a lot of garbage time being wasted on sound issues and delay etc. if i was to stumble upon his videos on youtube i would have never given them a chance. i only watched them cause of NT recommendations as i know there will be a pay off.
i could see him getting his own show on a streaming service if he really wanted it. i'm not sure he could be as disrespectful as he is to some women though. you can see how polarizing he is.
i just imagine him having some really high profile guests and him having that same energy would be great tv for a larger audience.
He had one of them IG famous/VH1 chick's on there. She thought she was going to ruffle him, but instead ended up agreeing with him at the end.
Matriachies are hierarchies but human beings aren't unanimously matriarchal or patriarchal which goes against the DNA hypothesis and favors culture and social constructs.

LOL human beings aren't the most complex of animals? Are you seriously denying that? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I feel like you headed down the road of “your woman shouldn’t make more then you”

I’m damn sure gonna teach my daughter how to operate without a man, my son as well. I guess the structure of the house is down the drain by your logic.
This sounds like a problem for betas as much as I hate using that word. Women not wanting to settle is misinterpreted as having an "Ego".

I think Kevin provides catharsis for men with inadequacies.

Ok I see the pattern now. Somehow this conversation is taking place between your feelings and facts. This is what I mean by Men becoming more feminine and putting feelings where facts are. So far you've made slick comments about me directly as a person, which I have ignored, but TBH it comes off with female energy also. Like Samuels says. Shame, Insults, Guilt, and the Need to be Right. But I digress because this aint about you or me.

Let me try again.

Matriarchy is a social system in which females hold the primary power positions in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property. While those definitions apply in general English, definitions specific to the disciplines of anthropology and feminism differ in some respects

Patriarchy is a social system in which men hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property. Some patriarchal societies are also patrilineal, meaning that property and title are inherited by the male lineage.

The argument has been framed that we have to chose between these two options.

I call that a false dilemma.

A false dilemma, also referred to as false dichotomy, is an informal fallacy based on a premise that erroneously limits what options are available.

This premise has the form of a disjunctive claim: it asserts that one among a number of alternatives must be true.

Both Matriarchies and Patriarchies are forms of Hierarchies.

These hierarchies have developed over a millions of years based on competence and ability for survival.

In general men evolved to be better at hunting (more dangerous / men more expendable) and women evolved to be better gatherers (safer than hunting / women and children less expendable) by nature, physically / biologically.

These cultures still exist today in Africa, the Pacific, and South America.

Groups of people who have never seen a television or heard a radio.

If you were to visit them there are definitely traditional roles for men and women.

In certain areas of the World this is changing as Women and Men have undergone certain societal evolutions.

These evolutions have changed the hierarchy because we no longer have to go out and hunt dangerous animals or gather berries.

All I'm saying is these changes have an impact, and the traditional gender roles of the patriarchal hierarchy are changing to some form of hybrid (not a patriarchy or a matriarchy) and BOTH sexes are feeling it.

Some argue that its we as humans are simply doing what we have always done. Try to survive as best we can.

I agree with that POV.

What Kevin Samuels is pointing to are the women who are calling in who want it both ways.

They want all the benefits of the traditional gender roles w/o complying with said roles.

I wouldn't teach my daughter to "not to need a man" or "to need a man".

I wouldn't teach my son to "not need a woman" or "to need a woman".

I would teach them both to survive because none of us are an island.

I would teach them not the be a greedy selfish spoiled rotten trash human being who expect to get everything out of the world and the people around her while offering nothing in return.

Its about being a decent human being and having enough empathy for other people to not be a selfish arrogant jerk who looks down on 90% of the male / female population.

I would teach them a college degree doesn't make them better than the man that works at the sanitation department.

I would teach them that what's between their legs doesn't entitle them to anything from anybody.

I would teach her that hypergamy comes with a cost and that if she wants to shed traditional gender roles then she better let hypergamy go as well.

I would teach my son that hypogamy gotta go if he wants to shed traditional gender roles because his wife might end up making more money than him.

There is no place for men or women in a the world that the women who call into Samuels show want to live in.

Only users.

These people are terrible human beings.

The other thing is the Men who call in acting like *****es.

All feelings and no facts.

Crying about wearing suits and cutting hair not realizing that NOBODY IS TALKING TO YOU!

He's talking about "HIGH VALUE MEN" who (as defined by these women callers) are in the top 2% of all men for multiple years, making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, on career paths in the upper echelon of white collar Corporate America, working 80 hours a week, owning businesses, in a circle of other "high value men", wants a trophy wife who stays home with three kids and pays no significant bills, etc. etc.

If you aspire to be this "high value man" and think you don't have to offer anything (give up the Jordans and wear some dress shoes) then you Sir are exactly like those delusional women...delusional.

I've never wanted to be that guy so I had to get out of my feelings and realize Samuels message doesn't apply to me. I'm perfectly fine being "average" with my hair and my Jordans.
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Ok I see the pattern now. Somehow this conversation is taking place between your feelings and facts. This is what I mean by Men becoming more feminine and putting feelings where facts are. So far you've made slick comments about me directly as a person, which I have ignored, but TBH it comes off with female energy also. Like Samuels says. Shame, Insults, Guilt, and the Need to be Right. But I digress because this aint about you or me.

Let me try again.

Matriarchy is a social system in which females hold the primary power positions in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property. While those definitions apply in general English, definitions specific to the disciplines of anthropology and feminism differ in some respects

Patriarchy is a social system in which men hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property. Some patriarchal societies are also patrilineal, meaning that property and title are inherited by the male lineage.

The argument has been framed that we have to chose between these two options.

I call that a false dilemma.

A false dilemma, also referred to as false dichotomy, is an informal fallacy based on a premise that erroneously limits what options are available.

This premise has the form of a disjunctive claim: it asserts that one among a number of alternatives must be true.

Both Matriarchies and Patriarchies are forms of Hierarchies.

These hierarchies have developed over a millions of years based on competence and ability for survival.

In general men evolved to be better at hunting (more dangerous / men more expendable) and women evolved to be better gatherers (safer than hunting / women and children less expendable) by nature, physically / biologically.

These cultures still exist today in Africa, the Pacific, and South America.

Groups of people who have never seen a television or heard a radio.

If you were to visit them there are definitely traditional roles for men and women.

In certain areas of the World this is changing as Women and Men have undergone certain societal evolutions.

These evolutions have changed the hierarchy because we no longer have to go out and hunt dangerous animals or gather berries.

All I'm saying is these changes have an impact, and the traditional gender roles of the patriarchal hierarchy are changing to some form of hybrid (not a patriarchy or a matriarchy) and BOTH sexes are feeling it.

Some argue that its we as humans are simply doing what we have always done. Try to survive as best we can.

I agree with that POV.

What Kevin Samuels is pointing to are the women who are calling in who want it both ways.

They want all the benefits of the traditional gender roles w/o complying with said roles.

I wouldn't teach my daughter to "not to need a man" or "to need a man".

I wouldn't teach my son to "not need a woman" or "to need a woman".

I would teach them both to survive because none of us are an island.

I would teach them not the be a greedy selfish spoiled rotten trash human being who expect to get everything out of the world and the people around her while offering nothing in return.

Its about being a decent human being and having enough empathy for other people to not be a selfish arrogant jerk who looks down on 90% of the male / female population.

I would teach them a college degree doesn't make them better than the man that works at the sanitation department.

I would teach them that what's between their legs doesn't entitle them to anything from anybody.

I would teach her that hypergamy comes with a cost and that if she wants to shed traditional gender roles then she better let hypergamy go as well.

I would teach my son that hypogamy gotta go if he wants to shed traditional gender roles because his wife makes more than him.

There is no place for men or women in a the world that the women who call into Samuels show want to live in.

Only users.

Feelings=Insecure men not wanting women to be in a position of power EVER
Facts=Matriarchal societies existing all over the world across many cultures and time periods

Again I only brought up matriarchy in response to your "DNA" argument. Many cultures do choose one or the other, or somewhere in between and it is based on culture and tradition, NOT "DNA". There are men who have changed their views on gender roles and hierarchy throughout their lives, and to my knowledge it isn't because their "DNA" changed. :rofl: :rofl:

I'm teaching my daughters to find her equal and that eliminates many men I see on this forum :rofl:

A lot of the advantages men have had historically don't offer any real advantages in the modern/developed world. I don't need to go out and hunt for food, I got the Kroger delivery app. I think some backwards thinking men don't know how to deal with this. Especially men not well equipped to be successful in a changing developed world where it is BRAINS over BRAWN.

I think there is a lot of frustration in this thread coming from men who realize they have nothin to offer. Pobrecito.

Where is the mans place in this new world?

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Feelings=Insecure men not wanting women to be in a position of power EVER
Facts=Matriarchal societies existing all over the world across many cultures and time periods

I'm teaching my daughter to find her equal and that eliminates many men I see on this forum :rofl:

A lot of the advantages men have had historically don't offer any real advantages in the modern/developed world. I don't need to go out and hunt for food, I got the Kroger delivery app. I think some backwards thinking men don't know how to deal with this. Especially men not well equipped to be successful in a changing developed world where it is BRAINS over BRAWN.

Where is the mans place in this new world?


Judging by your juvenile posts I'm betting her Mother left you huh?

My bad, I shouldn't have said that.

I apologize.
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