Kevin Samuels Thread

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Well I'm heterosexual so yeah...personally, I need women.

All jokes aside though, you guys actually do not need a woman in your life? Like no women at all?

How does that work?

I know what you are TRYING to say but the word NEED isn't the word you should be using right now.

Just follow the actual definition of the word NEED.

Again, Prefer to have around, nice to have around, yes but that doesn't mean NEED.
Y’all are just getting in a semantics argument. Humans need companionship period.

I think we are arguing semantics to a degree.

Human companionship makes life MUCH better.

But that isn't a NEED.

When EYE think of need, I think of Food/Water/Clothing/Shelter.

Without it, you are physically dead.
Well I'm heterosexual so yeah...personally, I need women.

All jokes aside though, you guys actually do not need a woman in your life? Like no women at all?

How does that work?
You've got to have a good relationship with yourself, before being in a productive relationship with anyone else. Most people get into relationships in order to feel safe, being with someone who'll protect your insecurity.

Stating that you do not need anyone to be in a relationship with, really speaks to your own development because again, you should be in a relationship because you have chosen to do so, not doing such out of desperation or pressure. In different cultures, you are forced to be in relationships because they think that it is how it is supposed to be. So individuals never get a good chance to live under their own accord, never developing into their own potential.

I do not need my wife in order to be happy, well rounded and secure. It goes vice versa as well.

We are independent within our relationship, our marriage.

If you are talking about women in regard to needing them due to sex?

Well, you actually, technically, do not need that either.
As far as the whole who "NEEDS who" argument the same women who claim they don't need a man are still getting piped out at night. So I don't really see the end goal here.

Personally I can go weeks without talking to another soul outside of work and it doesn't faze me a bit.
As far as the whole who "NEEDS who" argument the same women who claim they don't need a man are still getting piped out at night. So I don't really see the end goal here.
I know of several high level executives, Black women, seven figure careers, two homes, and I hear them speak of not having had a man in years. These are my wife's friends. I am speaking of sexually. Two, went to a sperm bank in order to have children.

I hear them speak, and they truly didn't need men for a damned thing.
Stating that you do not need anyone to be in a relationship with, really speaks to your own development because again, you should be in a relationship because you have chosen to do so, not doing such out of desperation or pressure.

I know of several high level executives, Black women, seven figure careers, two homes, and I hear them speak of not having had a man in years. These are my wife's friends. I am speaking of sexually. Two, went to a sperm bank in order to have children.

I hear them speak, and they truly didn't need men for a damned thing.
Bless those kids. Especially if they are boys. You can play that I don’t need anyone stuff all you want. Those kids are different.
Bless those kids. Especially if they are boys. You can play that I don’t need anyone stuff all you want. Those kids are different.
Do you mean by getting the best of everything? In the cases that I am speaking of, these kids are well off, so yeah. They are going to be different. I'd think that everyone should be so lucky.
Do you mean by getting the best of everything? In the cases that I am speaking of, these kids are well off, so yeah. They are going to be different. I'd think that everyone should be so lucky.
If they’re well off, that’s great. I believe that we need the balance of a masculine and feminine presence.
If they’re well off, that’s great. I believe that we need the balance of a masculine and feminine presence.
That depends. I do not personally believe that masculine nor feminine is exclusive to gender. For example, the late artist Prince. He played with the gender identity thing well, and was an incredible ladies man. Then you have a women like Candace Parker, or perhaps a Laila Ali, both of whom encompasses what would be deemed a masculine demeanor without excuses, yet are both incredibly attractive to many.

I'm just saying, that balance is overrated in some respects.

That depends. I do not personally believe that masculine nor feminine is exclusive to gender. For example, the late artist Prince. He played with the gender identity thing well, and was an incredible ladies man. Then you have a women like Candace Parker, or perhaps a Laila Ali, both of whom encompasses what would be deemed a masculine demeanor without excuses, yet are both incredibly attractive to many.

I'm just saying, that balance is overrated in some respects.

They may have those traits but just because Prince may have been effeminate to a degree, doesn’t mean he’s capable of helping a little girl grow up, navigate and understand the word as a female. You can learn those things, but having that presence is highly beneficial IMO.
They may have those traits but just because Prince may have been effeminate to a degree, doesn’t mean he’s capable of helping a little girl grow up, navigate and understand the word as a female. You can learn those things, but having that presence is highly beneficial IMO.
I think that one of the biggest misconceptions of being a parent is that you are going to teach that child, how to navigate the world as a specific gender. You can't do that at all. All you can really do, is to give them every opportunity to succeed, regardless of gender.
You've got to have a good relationship with yourself, before being in a productive relationship with anyone else. Most people get into relationships in order to feel safe, being with someone who'll protect your insecurity.

Stating that you do not need anyone to be in a relationship with, really speaks to your own development because again, you should be in a relationship because you have chosen to do so, not doing such out of desperation or pressure. In different cultures, you are forced to be in relationships because they think that it is how it is supposed to be. So individuals never get a good chance to live under their own accord, never developing into their own potential.

I do not need my wife in order to be happy, well rounded and secure. It goes vice versa as well.

We are independent within our relationship, our marriage.

If you are talking about women in regard to needing them due to sex?

Well, you actually, technically, do not need that either.

:lol: @ that last part.

I see what you're saying and yeah I think we are arguing semantics like others have said but I get it. You're not wrong at all in the example provided.

The way I see it is I need women. Women were the majority of my teachers throughout school / college, my doctor is a woman, my supervisor that hired me is a woman, my Mother is a woman, my sisters, women in civil rights, my GF, etc. I wouldn't be the man I am today w/o women. Matter of fact I wouldn't even exist.

Men built the world and it strikes me as odd that women now say that they don't need us while living in the world we created & die to defend.

Just a weird stance to have IMO.
:lol: @ that last part.

I see what you're saying and yeah I think we are arguing semantics like others have said but I get it. You're not wrong at all in the example provided.

The way I see it is I need women. Women were the majority of my teachers throughout school / college, my doctor is a woman, my supervisor that hired me is a woman, my Mother is a woman, my sisters, women in civil rights, my GF, etc. I wouldn't be the man I am today w/o women. Matter of fact I wouldn't even exist.

Men built the world and it strikes me as odd that women now say that they don't need us while living in the world we created & die to defend.

Just a weird stance to have IMO.
Many very intelligent people are also now saying that men, have destroyed the world as well.

I tend to agree with that.
Emotional Fam.

So you're telling me that feminists / the whole "me too" movement, "Strong Black Woman" / The Color Purple / Tyler Perry BS narratives, child support courts, marriage laws, etc haven't had an affect on Men and our positions in society?

All these simp songs out about men having sex with the next mans girl / blowing all their money on women, "making it rain" as some sort of merit badge isn't cultural conditioning?

All because your Dad is a blue collar worker and your Grandad was a garbage man?


I imagine your Dad and Grand-Dad were able to meet women who were more realistic and less entitled than those calling in to Sameul's show.

These women out here acting like your Dad and Grand-Dad aren't good enough.

We've been culturally conditioned Fam. Its the society we are living in where you've gotta be 6 foot 5, muscle bound, drive a 100K car, live in a 500K house etc etc just to smell some raggedy broads panties. Samuels interviews are proof. Women out here trippin and men are just now waking up and speaking out.

women are acting like this because modern day men are WEAK minded and are paymasters

My mom has gotten off her behind for 35+ years straight and worked. As have a lot of my female relatives. I will NEVER sponsor or take care of a woman. We should both be equally yoked
KHUFU KHUFU Have male animals also made this world a more toxic place to live?
What kind? There are some who are most def responsible. Uncultured, lacking civility and class, raping and pillaging other cultures, running around not wanting to wear masks...:lol:
What kind? There are some who are most def responsible. Uncultured, lacking civility and class, raping and pillaging other cultures, running around not wanting to wear masks...:lol:
Not the human-kind,

Those that are walking around on all 4's. Flying, Swimming.


Do male animals also prop-up "da patriarchies" ?
:lol: @ that last part.

I see what you're saying and yeah I think we are arguing semantics like others have said but I get it. You're not wrong at all in the example provided.

The way I see it is I need women. Women were the majority of my teachers throughout school / college, my doctor is a woman, my supervisor that hired me is a woman, my Mother is a woman, my sisters, women in civil rights, my GF, etc. I wouldn't be the man I am today w/o women. Matter of fact I wouldn't even exist.

Men built the world and it strikes me as odd that women now say that they don't need us while living in the world we created & die to defend.

Just a weird stance to have IMO.

They don’t need YA’LL because you nag, are catty, pillow talk, whine and blow up their phones all day. It’s simple as that. Men nowadays are simply weak
women are acting like this because modern day men are WEAK minded and are paymasters

My mom has gotten off her behind for 35+ years straight and worked. As have a lot of my female relatives. I will NEVER sponsor or take care of a woman. We should both be equally yoked

Eh...its nature Fam.

Women are by nature hypergamous.

Hypergamy is a term used in social science for the act or practice of a person marrying a spouse of higher caste or social status than themselves. The antonym "hypogamy" refers to the inverse: marrying a person of lower social class or status.

Combine hypergamy with capitalism and a "you can have it all and have it all right now / working is for suckers" sense of entitlement...

I'm speaking to the types of women that call into the show demanding a "high value man" offering nothing men want in return.

Your Mom doesn't sound like one of them.
women are acting like this because modern day men are WEAK minded and are paymasters

My mom has gotten off her behind for 35+ years straight and worked. As have a lot of my female relatives. I will NEVER sponsor or take care of a woman. We should both be equally yoked

Dudes be weak, get finessed, then been mad about getting finessed :lol:

If a woman try to use you as an ATM just say “nope”. You don’t gotta rant or be mad or nothing. Cut her off and move on.
Dudes be weak, get finessed, then been mad about getting finessed :lol:

If a woman try to use you as an ATM just say “nope”. You don’t gotta rant or be mad or nothing. Cut her off and move on.

I’ve seen it firsthand. I cannot understand how a man, can a allow a woman who has nothing and/or is flat out lazy, call him “broke” or try demean him. There are plentyyyyyy six and seven figure women out here who hustle and make bank. I will never let a lazy female with a lack of work ethic or hustle ever talk down on me.
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