Kentucky to Pass Law on Drug Testing for Welfare Recipeints. Thoughts.

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

@ the sig


the funniest thing is, as he types those responses, he prolly chuckles to himself before he clicks "post reply"

.......i HAD to. it speaks volumes to why the threads about the age at which you should move out of your parents house takes the route it usually takes. and the overall spoiled brat attitude of most NTers.

Originally Posted by Tony Goalie

How about getting RID of drugs as a whole but we cant have that now can we that's just asking for too much.


drugs been around since da dawn of was foolish for anyone to think you can curb human desire of a high and a demand for profits.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

......i wonder. do you also have an s/n over at Stormfront and the Hannity forum?

Stormfront, I believe, is a white nationalist/separatist forum. I've never posted anything in line with their 'values'. And no, I'm more of a Miller, Medved, Prager guy. Hannity's not my cup of tea. Just as anybody that was against the Iraq war was anti-American, so too is anybody that disagrees with the left a racist. Which is ironic because if I was a racist, being called one by Sarah Silverman and Janine Garafolo wouldn't bother me. Karl Rove would be proud. This is of course also ironic, because I didn't actually disagree with anybody regarding this issue. Most people supported this law, as I recall.  Not wanting to end up like Greece, the Ohio of Europe =/= racist.
like, its one thing to live a sheltered life and not experience hardship

but to literally lack any empathy for another human being is ridiculous to me.

i had a very unique upbringing, and i don't expect everyone to have the same worldview as me

but good lord...

you have the most pampered population on the entire planet actually JELLY of people who bring in annual incomes of like 10k IN FOOD in literal squalor.....dont recieve proper healthcare, nutrition nor education

like, "they're sooooo lucky"

it never even dawned on some of these people that living off welfare for a nice chunk of our population IS THE ONLY WAY TO SURVIVE....they literally have no education to even FATHOM a different way?

its the nasty underbelly of capitalism that people born into a position of privilege don't want to acknowledge...

i have no idea why, as if it somehow changes reality and makes those people go away....

there are americans who's only shot at basic survival is government assistance.

americans don't like to hear that, no, because, hey EYE MADE IT, THEY COULD TOO, IF THEY WERE AS GOOD AS ME, BUT THEY ARE INFERIOR PEOPLE

when a majorty of people in that position NEVER ACTUALLY WORKED FOR ANYTHING, PERSONALLY

and the people stuck in the poorest percent of the population are there AT NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN (and this is a class issue, not a color issue, it just so happens that the classes were originally separated by race)

they wanna say "my parents did a, b and c to ensure that i had a better life"

which is cool, but even a majority of THOSE situations can be traced back to their parents, and their parents and their parents and their parents and their parents...

and the further you go back in the lineage of "my parents worked hard so that i had a better life"

youll start finding HOW you and your parents and their parents came to be born in a position of power in this country....and realize, no, we didn't really DO ANYTHING to get in this position...there was a system set up for hundreds upon hundreds of years to systematically separate classes by race, which i still benefit from to this day....

im not discrediting hard work, and people actually setting a foundation for their future generations...

many immigrants do this all the time....many native-born white americans do this all the time...

but there IS a reality that a majority of americans want to ignore...

i believe the term they use for it is "white guilt"

lol @ the replies im bout to get now.

(look, its not YOUR fault the system was put in place nor is it your fault that you benefit from the system, but it is YOUR fault that you cant even man up and ACKNOWLEDGE reality.)
thats why you get called bigoted, thats why you get called racist, thats why you get called prejudiced, thats why you get called close-minded, that's why....
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

but there IS a reality that a majority of americans want to ignore...

i believe the term they use for it is "white guilt"

'White guilt' means the exact opposite of that.
Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

but there IS a reality that a majority of americans want to ignore...

i believe the term they use for it is "white guilt"

'White guilt' means the exact opposite of that.

cool, thanks.

what is what im describing called?
In Irish parlance, it would be called 'Narrowback Blinders', but I that wouldn't necessarily work for Anglos.
Originally Posted by Diego

We should drug test everyone in college receiving financial aid.

Guarantee you selfish bums youll be against that one even though the same principle applies.

How do we not expect to fail as a country when everyone is all about ME ME ME?
I agree with this TOO. 

Let's get the ball rolling. 
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

but good lord...

you have the most pampered population on the entire planet actually JELLY of people who bring in annual incomes of like 10k IN FOOD in literal squalor.....dont recieve proper healthcare, nutrition nor education

like, "they're sooooo lucky" know,
- when i was in the military i was stationed on Eglin AFB. the base also housed a federal prison. most of the offenders were white collar crime or major drug violent crimes. so they trusted the prisoners to be the grounds keepers with little supervision. Eglin is one of the largest state side bases, and it was like the prisoners had free roam. dudes was riding in ez-go's and golf carts enjoying the breeze as they lady watch, car watch, or chop it up with the fellas while they sweep a leaf or two.
- cats would kill me with the "ah, man! they treat those prisoners better than they do us" ...........
. bruh, i wouldnt even entertain such foolishness in my presense. im like my you know what he has to go back to on a daily basis? but cats was foreal jealous.
- this here reminds me of that.......
 the prison even made the list of Best Places To Go To Prison By FORBES  
- i remember they had a SERIOUS problem with the inmates sleeping with military wives while dudes was away. that got so bad while i was there that they confined them to just the dorm and work areas. then the dorm chicks was doing it too.

"those prisioners have it so easy. three square meals a day and cable......and EYE pay for it!"


go commit a crime then...

if you so jelly of the chick on section 8 who has a LV bag and smoked weed and drives on rims



if its so glamorous, DO IT

oh, yeah....
lol, the mere fact there are streets to drive on means the government has supported you, moron

when you buy food at a store, the food traveled along government-funded roadways, genius

No. Have you ever heard of this thing called taxes? Yeah, see, these are things people have to pay in order to participate in commerce regulated by government. When you go to the gas station, almost 25% of that price goes to roads. So don't you think that are doing it in their own financial interest? Ever heard of tolls? Yeah, that's just another way of the government taxing you twice for the samething. You think roads wouldn't exist without the government?

I like how you dodge the fact I just threw at you as well. They support the 40,000 that die every year?

with all your guns, a city in complete lawlessness is not whats up, there are more looters than you have bullets, the police force/standing army deters such actions

im not going to argue with you dudes anymore because you talk ridiculous

the things you say are so utterly ignorant, i have no desire to continue even this exchange.

Just because there is no police, that doesn't mean there would be "lawlessness". You actually think if there weren't any government police that there would be "lawlessness"? Ever heard of private security firms?










So the government refused to put out his fire because of a $75 fee, even though he pays Property Taxes that include EMERGENCY SERVICES.

the even funnier part about you using this as an example, its an example of what happens when people cry about paying taxes, vote levys down, and fire departments are so underfunded that they have to operate in a capitalistic way and charge each private homeowner a fee separate from the taxes that they DONT recieve.

Yeah, a Public Fire Department don't constitute a "capitalistic way". A Capitalist way would have been his Home Owners Insurance offer Emergency Services instead of the government having a monopoly. The man still pays his taxes, which doesn't only cover him, but it covers everyone else.

this dude lives in the united states and forreal believes he's never enjoyed any assistance from the government...

so you delivered yourself in a hospital? or you had a private doctor come to your house? nah, you were born in a private practice, right?

and the doctor that delivered you, he had no college loans from the government, correct?

I was actually born in a private practice owned by my grandfather. When he went to medical school, there wasn't any FAFSA.

oh, do you cook on your own private generator with your own self-contained butane gas stove?

when you flush your toilet, do you personally remove the waste from your house, by the bucket?

do you take your trash to a landfill, by yourself, every week?

oh, and im sure your cache of personal firearms stop counties like north korea from attacking YOU, huh?

again, you make yourself look alot dumber than i know you could possibly be.

Congrats, man. You're a good soldier. You are the epitome of what the purpose of compulsory government run school system is all about. They want you to think like this. They want you to think that they "protect" you and do all these things for you. At the end of the day, they rob you of even thinking critically. With thinking like this discourages people from innovation because "Why? government will do it!".

And look at you, you're sitting at a computer complaining about people making more money than you and what they should happen to money that doesn't even belong to you.

How would NorK attack me? I'm all the way in Florida.

Do they have some super duper Star Wars laser beam that can shoot 3/4 around the globe that we don't know about?
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by Diego

We should drug test everyone in college receiving financial aid.

Guarantee you selfish bums youll be against that one even though the same principle applies.

How do we not expect to fail as a country when everyone is all about ME ME ME?
I agree with this TOO. 

Let's get the ball rolling. 

LOL maybe federal grants, but we have to pay back subsidized student loans at some pretty high interest rates
. So...apples and oranges? Maybe the gov should require these people to pay back what they borrow, it may be a deterrent to abuse of funds.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by Diego

We should drug test everyone in college receiving financial aid.

Guarantee you selfish bums youll be against that one even though the same principle applies.

How do we not expect to fail as a country when everyone is all about ME ME ME?
I agree with this TOO. 

Let's get the ball rolling. 

LOL maybe federal grants, but we have to pay back subsidized student loans at some pretty high interest rates
. So...apples and oranges? Maybe the gov should require these people to pay back what they borrow, it may be a deterrent to abuse of funds.

Thats why I say financial aid, not student loans.

I see them threads on NT where everyone talks about how they plan on ballin with their financial aid money. It be interesting to see how many of the people here who think they are "middle class" are the sames ones receiving financial aid (poor) and talking down on those in need.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by Diego

We should drug test everyone in college receiving financial aid.

Guarantee you selfish bums youll be against that one even though the same principle applies.

How do we not expect to fail as a country when everyone is all about ME ME ME?
I agree with this TOO. 

Let's get the ball rolling. 

LOL maybe federal grants, but we have to pay back subsidized student loans at some pretty high interest rates
. So...apples and oranges? Maybe the gov should require these people to pay back what they borrow, it may be a deterrent to abuse of funds.

These people= welfare recipients?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

like, its one thing to live a sheltered life and not experience hardship

but to literally lack any empathy for another human being is ridiculous to me.

i had a very unique upbringing, and i don't expect everyone to have the same worldview as me

but good lord...

you have the most pampered population on the entire planet actually JELLY of people who bring in annual incomes of like 10k IN FOOD in literal squalor.....dont recieve proper healthcare, nutrition nor education

like, "they're sooooo lucky"

it never even dawned on some of these people that living off welfare for a nice chunk of our population IS THE ONLY WAY TO SURVIVE....they literally have no education to even FATHOM a different way?

its the nasty underbelly of capitalism that people born into a position of privilege don't want to acknowledge...

i have no idea why, as if it somehow changes reality and makes those people go away....

there are americans who's only shot at basic survival is government assistance.

americans don't like to hear that, no, because, hey EYE MADE IT, THEY COULD TOO, IF THEY WERE AS GOOD AS ME, BUT THEY ARE INFERIOR PEOPLE

when a majorty of people in that position NEVER ACTUALLY WORKED FOR ANYTHING, PERSONALLY

and the people stuck in the poorest percent of the population are there AT NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN (and this is a class issue, not a color issue, it just so happens that the classes were originally separated by race)

they wanna say "my parents did a, b and c to ensure that i had a better life"

which is cool, but even a majority of THOSE situations can be traced back to their parents, and their parents and their parents and their parents and their parents...

and the further you go back in the lineage of "my parents worked hard so that i had a better life"

youll start finding HOW you and your parents and their parents came to be born in a position of power in this country....and realize, no, we didn't really DO ANYTHING to get in this position...there was a system set up for hundreds upon hundreds of years to systematically separate classes by race, which i still benefit from to this day....

im not discrediting hard work, and people actually setting a foundation for their future generations...

many immigrants do this all the time....many native-born white americans do this all the time...

but there IS a reality that a majority of americans want to ignore...

i believe the term they use for it is "white guilt"

lol @ the replies im bout to get now.

(look, its not YOUR fault the system was put in place nor is it your fault that you benefit from the system, but it is YOUR fault that you cant even man up and ACKNOWLEDGE reality.)
this whole post reeks of self pity.

"its not my fault, its the system..."

Americans need to stop blaming the next man and just blame themselves for where they're at in their lives. but hey, just like you said, americans are the most pampered population in the world - that applies to the poor that get welfare to the rich that get special tax credits.
Originally Posted by rashi

lol, the mere fact there are streets to drive on means the government has supported you, moron

when you buy food at a store, the food traveled along government-funded roadways, genius

No. Have you ever heard of this thing called taxes? Yeah, see, these are things people have to pay in order to participate in commerce regulated by government. When you go to the gas station, almost 25% of that price goes to roads. So don't you think that are doing it in their own financial interest? Ever heard of tolls? Yeah, that's just another way of the government taxing you twice for the samething. You think roads wouldn't exist without the government?

I like how you dodge the fact I just threw at you as well. They support the 40,000 that die every year?

hey, thats still recieving benefits from the government. although, indirectly, without the government, we had no highways.....therefore, use of a highway is benefiting from a government program....youre benefiting from the government. the government is affording you a

you pay no more for that highway than i did...its OUR highway.....but its definitely a government program that we benefit driving to work to buying food at the supermarket...

with all your guns, a city in complete lawlessness is not whats up, there are more looters than you have bullets, the police force/standing army deters such actions

im not going to argue with you dudes anymore because you talk ridiculous

the things you say are so utterly ignorant, i have no desire to continue even this exchange.

Just because there is no police, that doesn't mean there would be "lawlessness". You actually think if there weren't any government police that there would be "lawlessness"? Ever heard of private security firms?
sure, the private security firms did a stand up job during katrina....they also did stand up jobs everytime there were riots in LA....also, when the st. louis race riots went down, those private security firms got things in order ASAP, youre sooooo right! look how well not having police is going in the middle east, i mean afghanistan is such a nice place to hang out, its not lawless at all.










So the government refused to put out his fire because of a $75 fee, even though he pays Property Taxes that include EMERGENCY SERVICES.

i actually know this story. The township he was apart of voted down the levy for the fire department. therefore, they were being so severely underfunded, the only way they could stay open was to charge private owners a fee. dude forgot to pay the fee. would have paid it if he knew, tried to pay it on the spot, they wouldnt accept it. Neighbors who pay into the pot told the dept. it was fine, they would pay for him....they refused to put the fire out. now, if there WAS NO FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNDED BY THE GOVERNMENT, THEY WOULD CHARGE YOU AN INDIVIDUAL FEE AND IF YOU DIDNT PAY IT YOUR HOUSE WOULD BURN...this example is actually supporting my argument, genius..his fire dept. wasnt funded by the government, it was funded by the private fees they charged each individual operated like a private firefighting company....genius

the even funnier part about you using this as an example, its an example of what happens when people cry about paying taxes, vote levys down, and fire departments are so underfunded that they have to operate in a capitalistic way and charge each private homeowner a fee separate from the taxes that they DONT recieve.

Yeah, a Public Fire Department don't constitute a "capitalistic way". A Capitalist way would have been his Home Owners Insurance offer Emergency Services instead of the government having a monopoly. The man still pays his taxes, which doesn't only cover him, but it covers everyone else.

you dont even know the story you're using as an example LOL

this dude lives in the united states and forreal believes he's never enjoyed any assistance from the government...

so you delivered yourself in a hospital? or you had a private doctor come to your house? nah, you were born in a private practice, right?

and the doctor that delivered you, he had no college loans from the government, correct?

I was actually born in a private practice owned by my grandfather. When he went to medical school, there wasn't any FAFSA.

tight. so your gradfather delivered you free of government help. thats tight. did he register you and get you a social security number? or are you completely off the grid like a true american?

oh, do you cook on your own private generator with your own self-contained butane gas stove?

when you flush your toilet, do you personally remove the waste from your house, by the bucket?

do you take your trash to a landfill, by yourself, every week?

oh, and im sure your cache of personal firearms stop counties like north korea from attacking YOU, huh?

again, you make yourself look alot dumber than i know you could possibly be.

Congrats, man. You're a good soldier. You are the epitome of what the purpose of compulsory government run school system is all about. They want you to think like this. They want you to think that they "protect" you and do all these things for you. At the end of the day, they rob you of even thinking critically. With thinking like this discourages people from innovation because "Why? government will do it!".

And look at you, you're sitting at a computer complaining about people making more money than you and what they should happen to money that doesn't even belong to you.
while that's cute, i don't think the government is supposed to protect me. i mean, from other governments, sure. these questions i posed to you were from an extreme opposite of the extreme you sit on. you claim that you have never once recieved any sort of benefit from the US government...and you even breathing american air IS a benefit from the american COULD be mexican, I truthfully fall someone inbetween your extreme and this extreme. I know the government is robbing us blind. we get taxed on our labor....they tax our income...what we make. we basically work for the government 20 percent of the time. But we DO enjoy benefits from our government, we still live in arguably the best country in the attribute that to yourself, not to the actual government? nice. by the way, do you take your own garbage to a private landfill? do you take your own poop outside by bucket? do you have your own self-contained generator and a butane gas stove? i like how you basically refused to answer those ones, but since your grandfather privately delivered you, you answered that one. cute.

How would NorK attack me? I'm all the way in Florida.

yeah, how in the world would they deploy people to invade our country when you have 4 guns in your house and like 1200 rounds of ammo?

Do they have some super duper Star Wars laser beam that can shoot 3/4 around the globe that we don't know about?

thankfully we'll never find out because our government is in place to keep them from doing just that...... whew.

yesssss, im brainwashed because your extremist views toward the government sound laughable to me!



Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by Diego

We should drug test everyone in college receiving financial aid.

Guarantee you selfish bums youll be against that one even though the same principle applies.

How do we not expect to fail as a country when everyone is all about ME ME ME?
I agree with this TOO. 

Let's get the ball rolling. 

LOL maybe federal grants, but we have to pay back subsidized student loans at some pretty high interest rates
. So...apples and oranges? Maybe the gov should require these people to pay back what they borrow, it may be a deterrent to abuse of funds.

These people= welfare recipients?

Originally Posted by rashi

this idiot really said the government has never supported him.

so the streets he drives on, the safety of society (police, firemen, public hospitals) have never once helped him, he never once recieved a vaccination at school, he doesnt enjoy having poison-free foods compliments of the wack +*% FDA, you know, he's not protected, nationally, by a US army or anything,

this guy is on his own in this world, doing it big.

The streets I drive on are safe? Dude, do you know around 40,000+ people a year die on those same GOVERNMENT ROADS? You consider that safe?

I don't need police protection, I have an alarm system, a Glock 23, Kimber 1911, and Colt AR-15. Nobody is breaking into my house and leaving alive. If I ever needed the Fire Department, I surely would hope that even if I did, this wouldn't happen to me:


Considering the property taxes that this man pays, which pays for that Fire Department. I hope they just wouldn't watch my house burn down.

I waive vaccinations and so did my parents when I was younger, I don't want the government telling what "I have to have". Who are they? They don't know what's best for me.

The FDA "protects" me?

This is a list of things that have been recalled this year alone, yet they are protecting me with their "minimal standards"? They start protecting after someone had gotten sick?

Who does the U.S. Military protect me from exactly? Muslims that live in caves half way around the world? The big bad Chinese? The Canadians? The Mexicans that are afraid of drug dealers on our border? Who poses a threat to us? If we didn't have a military who would invade us and why? Clearly, you aren't thinking rationally. The U.S. Government invaded Afghanistan, we have unlimited resources, but yet we can't win over there. Why is that?

thinking the military "protects" YOU. My man, the U.S. Military protects and represents the U.S. Government, not YOU not ME. Who are you?

Name a country with:

-no standing military
-no fire department
-no transportation regulations/service
-no competent police force
-and no Food regulations

..That YOU would live in.....

Hating on your own country's faults is acceptable, but ignoring the successes of your country is stupid...
Americans need to stop blaming the next man and just blame themselves for where they're at in their lives. but hey, just like you said, americans are the most pampered population in the world - that applies to the poor that get welfare to the rich that get special tax credits.


i give up.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Americans need to stop blaming the next man and just blame themselves for where they're at in their lives. but hey, just like you said, americans are the most pampered population in the world - that applies to the poor that get welfare to the rich that get special tax credits.


i give up.
and thats why most people continue to stay on welfare. they give up. don't try to make things better for themselves.
Originally Posted by DownyBoy

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Americans need to stop blaming the next man and just blame themselves for where they're at in their lives. but hey, just like you said, americans are the most pampered population in the world - that applies to the poor that get welfare to the rich that get special tax credits.


i give up.
and thats why most people continue to stay on welfare. they give up. don't try to make things better for themselves.

The real question is why do they give up.....
Originally Posted by DownyBoy

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Americans need to stop blaming the next man and just blame themselves for where they're at in their lives. but hey, just like you said, americans are the most pampered population in the world - that applies to the poor that get welfare to the rich that get special tax credits.


i give up.
and thats why most people continue to stay on welfare. they give up. don't try to make things better for themselves.

 So it has nothing to do that some people on welfare have mental illnesses or handicaps?  Some of ya all really need to spend a week in public housing and then tell me how easy it is for those people to just pick themselves up and make things better. 
 @ ignorant folks talking out of their @$%@!. 
The real question is why do they give up.....
that, in my book, is a personal problem. these people will not find pity from me. my parents had a middle school education AND didn't know english when they came to this country, dad worked his !*# off, put three kids through top 25 universities, and never once took a welfare check. so if an immigrant that doesn't know English can make a better life for his family, then so can a any other family born in the hood.

 So it has nothing to do that some people on welfare have mental illnesses or handicaps?  Some of ya all really need to spend a week in public housing and then tell me how easy it is for those people to just pick themselves up and make things better. 
 @ ignorant folks talking out of their @$%@!.
if they have a mental illness then this law should not affect them.
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