Kanye West Snubbed by Quincy Jones

I see y'all not listening to the Models... y'all aint got no $+@!#+% Yeezy in y'all Sarato's...

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by MindOfCritic

Compared to Quincy Jones he IS just a rapper who makes beats. What are you kids smoking? I know you all love Kanyeezus but damn. You have to look at it from Q's POV. This is like asking Michael Jordan how he feels about some D-League player being compared to him. Before you say I'm +%*@%!+* on Kanye by saying D-League that's basically what rap is compared to other music.

I swear NT is so stupid. Be honest, did yuou even read the question they asked Quincy?
Yeah clearly this guy and many others did not read the question at all! SMH it truly is so sad that people do not read and digest before reacting.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by MindOfCritic

Compared to Quincy Jones he IS just a rapper who makes beats. What are you kids smoking? I know you all love Kanyeezus but damn. You have to look at it from Q's POV. This is like asking Michael Jordan how he feels about some D-League player being compared to him. Before you say I'm +%*@%!+* on Kanye by saying D-League that's basically what rap is compared to other music.

I swear NT is so stupid. Be honest, did yuou even read the question they asked Quincy?
Yeah clearly this guy and many others did not read the question at all! SMH it truly is so sad that people do not read and digest before reacting.
Originally Posted by MindOfCritic

Compared to Quincy Jones he IS just a rapper who makes beats. What are you kids smoking? I know you all love Kanyeezus but damn. You have to look at it from Q's POV. This is like asking Michael Jordan how he feels about some D-League player being compared to him. Before you say I'm +%*@%!+* on Kanye by saying D-League that's basically what rap is compared to other music.

Thats your opinion dude. Everyone has different minds this is always going to happen. But for me I dont even look at genres and try put them agianst one another I can apprecite rock and roll for what it brings same for jazz, hip hop etc.
But its people who look at rappers and producers like they dont have to work hard at what they do. Kanye actually produces and tries to push boundaries of hip hop. I mean just go and listen to MBDTF and tell me he didn't have to work as hard as any other producer in another genre. All im saying is show some respect to Ye for what he does.
Originally Posted by MindOfCritic

Compared to Quincy Jones he IS just a rapper who makes beats. What are you kids smoking? I know you all love Kanyeezus but damn. You have to look at it from Q's POV. This is like asking Michael Jordan how he feels about some D-League player being compared to him. Before you say I'm +%*@%!+* on Kanye by saying D-League that's basically what rap is compared to other music.

Thats your opinion dude. Everyone has different minds this is always going to happen. But for me I dont even look at genres and try put them agianst one another I can apprecite rock and roll for what it brings same for jazz, hip hop etc.
But its people who look at rappers and producers like they dont have to work hard at what they do. Kanye actually produces and tries to push boundaries of hip hop. I mean just go and listen to MBDTF and tell me he didn't have to work as hard as any other producer in another genre. All im saying is show some respect to Ye for what he does.
Originally Posted by MindOfCritic

I did read the question. You guys are just here to defend Kanye no matter what.
Yes because everyone in this thread has said Kanye>Quincy. Stop it 5. Kanye has been wanted in high demand in the last decade. During Quincy's run he was in high demand. End of story. You guys are trying to downplay Hip Hop as a whole to make your point. Funny from a dude who reviews hip hop on a blog. Nit pick +*$ N's

Originally Posted by MindOfCritic

I did read the question. You guys are just here to defend Kanye no matter what.
Yes because everyone in this thread has said Kanye>Quincy. Stop it 5. Kanye has been wanted in high demand in the last decade. During Quincy's run he was in high demand. End of story. You guys are trying to downplay Hip Hop as a whole to make your point. Funny from a dude who reviews hip hop on a blog. Nit pick +*$ N's

Originally Posted by RoOk

Q Jones is 110% correct. I dont see why NT'ers is arguing about what he said. smh

It's because the majority of Kanye West fans on here are just as SENSITIVE as Kanye is.
Originally Posted by RoOk

Q Jones is 110% correct. I dont see why NT'ers is arguing about what he said. smh

It's because the majority of Kanye West fans on here are just as SENSITIVE as Kanye is.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by MindOfCritic

I did read the question. You guys are just here to defend Kanye no matter what.
Yes because everyone in this thread has said Kanye>Quincy. Stop it 5. Kanye has been wanted in high demand in the last decade. During Quincy's run he was in high demand. End of story. You guys are trying to downplay Hip Hop as a whole to make your point. Funny from a dude who reviews hip hop on a blog. Nit pick +*$ N's


No one is downplaying hip hop but what's frustrating is watching you dudes sit here and put Kanye and Quincy on the same pedestal. They're not. And i'm 23 years old. I'm too young to even really remember Quincy's dominance but let's be for real here. Michael Jackson's dominance on music came with Quincy. Not before or after.  And that's the greatest entertainer of all time. You just can't even put Kanye and Quincy in the same sentence right now and that's not a slight to Kanye but that's just due to Quincy's dominance on music. I don't think there is a modern day producer you can even compare Quincy to.

And you guys keep talking about "Quincy's run". Man that +%$ went on for decades. He didn't just have 5 or 10 strong years. He had STRONG DECADES. In comparison yea Kanye just looks like a rapper to him. And I read Quincy's comments and i'm sure they were taken out of context in some form or fashion but you put up Quincy's impact on music against Kanye's and yea Kanye does just look liek a rapper to him.

And this is to all of you dudes who keep saying Kanye is a "mediocre rapper". At what point is he gonna shed that label because on his last album he's spitting with some of the best in the game to me.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by MindOfCritic

I did read the question. You guys are just here to defend Kanye no matter what.
Yes because everyone in this thread has said Kanye>Quincy. Stop it 5. Kanye has been wanted in high demand in the last decade. During Quincy's run he was in high demand. End of story. You guys are trying to downplay Hip Hop as a whole to make your point. Funny from a dude who reviews hip hop on a blog. Nit pick +*$ N's


No one is downplaying hip hop but what's frustrating is watching you dudes sit here and put Kanye and Quincy on the same pedestal. They're not. And i'm 23 years old. I'm too young to even really remember Quincy's dominance but let's be for real here. Michael Jackson's dominance on music came with Quincy. Not before or after.  And that's the greatest entertainer of all time. You just can't even put Kanye and Quincy in the same sentence right now and that's not a slight to Kanye but that's just due to Quincy's dominance on music. I don't think there is a modern day producer you can even compare Quincy to.

And you guys keep talking about "Quincy's run". Man that +%$ went on for decades. He didn't just have 5 or 10 strong years. He had STRONG DECADES. In comparison yea Kanye just looks like a rapper to him. And I read Quincy's comments and i'm sure they were taken out of context in some form or fashion but you put up Quincy's impact on music against Kanye's and yea Kanye does just look liek a rapper to him.

And this is to all of you dudes who keep saying Kanye is a "mediocre rapper". At what point is he gonna shed that label because on his last album he's spitting with some of the best in the game to me.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by Tupack Shaker

I personally think that musically other genres $+!# on rap. The reason I listen to rap is for the lyrics wordplay storytelling methaphors etc not so much for the actual music. It really doesn't take much effort to produce a beat in some rap song compared to writing a symphony.
Let's just analyze this nonsense you're spewing here. So according to you music only consists of instrumentation? There's no music in lyrics. Right. Rap is the sincerest form of music to date. And you're singling out rap as if other genres don't pale in comparison versus a symphony when it comes to instrumentation.
I get what dudes saying....  i got musician friends who i argue with about this +%%# all the time

Just cause it's relatively 'simple' though, doesn't mean it should always be deemed inferior.

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by Tupack Shaker

I personally think that musically other genres $+!# on rap. The reason I listen to rap is for the lyrics wordplay storytelling methaphors etc not so much for the actual music. It really doesn't take much effort to produce a beat in some rap song compared to writing a symphony.
Let's just analyze this nonsense you're spewing here. So according to you music only consists of instrumentation? There's no music in lyrics. Right. Rap is the sincerest form of music to date. And you're singling out rap as if other genres don't pale in comparison versus a symphony when it comes to instrumentation.
I get what dudes saying....  i got musician friends who i argue with about this +%%# all the time

Just cause it's relatively 'simple' though, doesn't mean it should always be deemed inferior.

for real. hip-hop takes work to make. I mean it's all music in the end, you can look down at a genre because it's easier to make. That's not what music is about, that's people thinking they're high and mighty for understanding other music better. it takes alot of work to understand music on a high level (instrumentation, sequencing, etc.), but music is from the heart and either made for the people or because someone what's to let people know what's on their mind, it's an art. making good music is not easy, people who can make good music deserve their props, regardless of the genre. I know if quincy jones tried to rap like jsy or lupe he wouldn't be able to do it. I don't knwo quincy, but i also don't know if he really understand the art that is rhyming. Put your self in the others shoes and understanding is so much easier.
No disrespect with the above, but please don't disrespect hip-hop. Kanye is a great producer, if people think that all a hip-hop producer does is take a sample and loop it, you're not listening to the music. if people think that rapping is just rhyming words, they're wrong.

I feel like there are 3 groups people. people who are kanye stans, people who hate kanye so much that they're lost reason, and people who don't care about kanye but can appreciate music for what it is.
for real. hip-hop takes work to make. I mean it's all music in the end, you can look down at a genre because it's easier to make. That's not what music is about, that's people thinking they're high and mighty for understanding other music better. it takes alot of work to understand music on a high level (instrumentation, sequencing, etc.), but music is from the heart and either made for the people or because someone what's to let people know what's on their mind, it's an art. making good music is not easy, people who can make good music deserve their props, regardless of the genre. I know if quincy jones tried to rap like jsy or lupe he wouldn't be able to do it. I don't knwo quincy, but i also don't know if he really understand the art that is rhyming. Put your self in the others shoes and understanding is so much easier.
No disrespect with the above, but please don't disrespect hip-hop. Kanye is a great producer, if people think that all a hip-hop producer does is take a sample and loop it, you're not listening to the music. if people think that rapping is just rhyming words, they're wrong.

I feel like there are 3 groups people. people who are kanye stans, people who hate kanye so much that they're lost reason, and people who don't care about kanye but can appreciate music for what it is.
Originally Posted by 13saldana13

for real. hip-hop takes work to make. I mean it's all music in the end, you can look down at a genre because it's easier to make. That's not what music is about, that's people thinking they're high and mighty for understanding other music better. it takes alot of work to understand music on a high level (instrumentation, sequencing, etc.), but music is from the heart and either made for the people or because someone what's to let people know what's on their mind, it's an art. making good music is not easy, people who can make good music deserve their props, regardless of the genre. I know if quincy jones tried to rap like jsy or lupe he wouldn't be able to do it. I don't knwo quincy, but i also don't know if he really understand the art that is rhyming. Put your self in the others shoes and understanding is so much easier.
No disrespect with the above, but please don't disrespect hip-hop. Kanye is a great producer, if people think that all a hip-hop producer does is take a sample and loop it, you're not listening to the music. if people think that rapping is just rhyming words, they're wrong.

I feel like there are 3 groups people. people who are kanye stans, people who hate kanye so much that they're lost reason, and people who don't care about kanye but can appreciate music for what it is.
I don't see anyone who hates Kanye though. I see some sensitive cats who feel the need to come to his defense every chance they get but aside from that I think everyone can appreciate Kanye's music.
Originally Posted by 13saldana13

for real. hip-hop takes work to make. I mean it's all music in the end, you can look down at a genre because it's easier to make. That's not what music is about, that's people thinking they're high and mighty for understanding other music better. it takes alot of work to understand music on a high level (instrumentation, sequencing, etc.), but music is from the heart and either made for the people or because someone what's to let people know what's on their mind, it's an art. making good music is not easy, people who can make good music deserve their props, regardless of the genre. I know if quincy jones tried to rap like jsy or lupe he wouldn't be able to do it. I don't knwo quincy, but i also don't know if he really understand the art that is rhyming. Put your self in the others shoes and understanding is so much easier.
No disrespect with the above, but please don't disrespect hip-hop. Kanye is a great producer, if people think that all a hip-hop producer does is take a sample and loop it, you're not listening to the music. if people think that rapping is just rhyming words, they're wrong.

I feel like there are 3 groups people. people who are kanye stans, people who hate kanye so much that they're lost reason, and people who don't care about kanye but can appreciate music for what it is.
I don't see anyone who hates Kanye though. I see some sensitive cats who feel the need to come to his defense every chance they get but aside from that I think everyone can appreciate Kanye's music.
Originally Posted by rocyaice

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by MindOfCritic

I did read the question. You guys are just here to defend Kanye no matter what.
Yes because everyone in this thread has said Kanye>Quincy. Stop it 5. Kanye has been wanted in high demand in the last decade. During Quincy's run he was in high demand. End of story. You guys are trying to downplay Hip Hop as a whole to make your point. Funny from a dude who reviews hip hop on a blog. Nit pick +*$ N's


No one is downplaying hip hop but what's frustrating is watching you dudes sit here and put Kanye and Quincy on the same pedastal. They're not. And i'm 23 years old. I'm too young to even really remember Quincy's dominance but let's be for real here. Michael Jackson never had a impact on music before or after Quincy. NEVER. And that's the greatest entertainer of all time. You just can't even put Kanye and Quincy in the same sentence right now and that's not a slight to Kanye but that's just dude to Quincy's dominance on music. I don't think there is a modern day producer you can even compare Quincy too.

And you guys keep talking about "Quincy's run". Man that ##@ went on for decades. He didn't just have 5 or 10 strong years. He had STRONG DECADES. In comparison yea Kanye just looks like a rapper to him. And I read Quincy's comments and i'm sure they were taken out of context in some form or fashion but you put up Quincy's impact on music against Kanye's and yea Kanye does just look liek a rapper to him.

And this is to all of you dudes who keep saying Kanye is a "mediocre rapper". At what point is he gonna shed that label because on his last album he's spitting with some of the best in the game to me.

This is a common case of arguing everything but the topic to seem right. No one is arguing everything you mentioned. AT ALL. But if you look at the first post it just says HUGE DEMAND! That's it. Radiohead is in huge demand for every festival across the globe JUST LIKE THE BEATLES. "OMGZ DID HE JUST COMPARE SOMEONE TO THE BEATLES?!" Reggie Bush was in high demand coming out of college JUST LIKE BARRY SANDERS. "OMGZ DID HE JUST COMPARE REGGIE BUSH TO BARRY SANDERS?!"

You guys love to take everything out of context and just get offended for no reason. Read the question and if you disagree with it then argue that. But don't say "Kanye isn't in high demand like Quincy was because of IMPACT, DOMINANCE, KNOWING MORE INSTRUMENTS, WORKING WITH MICHAEL JACKSON ETC, ETC". If your argument is "Kanye isn't in high demand like Quincy was because.....he isn't." that is a much more logical argument
Originally Posted by rocyaice

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by MindOfCritic

I did read the question. You guys are just here to defend Kanye no matter what.
Yes because everyone in this thread has said Kanye>Quincy. Stop it 5. Kanye has been wanted in high demand in the last decade. During Quincy's run he was in high demand. End of story. You guys are trying to downplay Hip Hop as a whole to make your point. Funny from a dude who reviews hip hop on a blog. Nit pick +*$ N's


No one is downplaying hip hop but what's frustrating is watching you dudes sit here and put Kanye and Quincy on the same pedastal. They're not. And i'm 23 years old. I'm too young to even really remember Quincy's dominance but let's be for real here. Michael Jackson never had a impact on music before or after Quincy. NEVER. And that's the greatest entertainer of all time. You just can't even put Kanye and Quincy in the same sentence right now and that's not a slight to Kanye but that's just dude to Quincy's dominance on music. I don't think there is a modern day producer you can even compare Quincy too.

And you guys keep talking about "Quincy's run". Man that ##@ went on for decades. He didn't just have 5 or 10 strong years. He had STRONG DECADES. In comparison yea Kanye just looks like a rapper to him. And I read Quincy's comments and i'm sure they were taken out of context in some form or fashion but you put up Quincy's impact on music against Kanye's and yea Kanye does just look liek a rapper to him.

And this is to all of you dudes who keep saying Kanye is a "mediocre rapper". At what point is he gonna shed that label because on his last album he's spitting with some of the best in the game to me.

This is a common case of arguing everything but the topic to seem right. No one is arguing everything you mentioned. AT ALL. But if you look at the first post it just says HUGE DEMAND! That's it. Radiohead is in huge demand for every festival across the globe JUST LIKE THE BEATLES. "OMGZ DID HE JUST COMPARE SOMEONE TO THE BEATLES?!" Reggie Bush was in high demand coming out of college JUST LIKE BARRY SANDERS. "OMGZ DID HE JUST COMPARE REGGIE BUSH TO BARRY SANDERS?!"

You guys love to take everything out of context and just get offended for no reason. Read the question and if you disagree with it then argue that. But don't say "Kanye isn't in high demand like Quincy was because of IMPACT, DOMINANCE, KNOWING MORE INSTRUMENTS, WORKING WITH MICHAEL JACKSON ETC, ETC". If your argument is "Kanye isn't in high demand like Quincy was because.....he isn't." that is a much more logical argument
Originally Posted by 13saldana13

for real. hip-hop takes work to make. I mean it's all music in the end, you can look down at a genre because it's easier to make. That's not what music is about, that's people thinking they're high and mighty for understanding other music better. it takes alot of work to understand music on a high level (instrumentation, sequencing, etc.), but music is from the heart and either made for the people or because someone what's to let people know what's on their mind, it's an art. making good music is not easy, people who can make good music deserve their props, regardless of the genre. I know if quincy jones tried to rap like jsy or lupe he wouldn't be able to do it. I don't knwo quincy, but i also don't know if he really understand the art that is rhyming. Put your self in the others shoes and understanding is so much easier.
No disrespect with the above, but please don't disrespect hip-hop. Kanye is a great producer, if people think that all a hip-hop producer does is take a sample and loop it, you're not listening to the music. if people think that rapping is just rhyming words, they're wrong.

I feel like there are 3 groups people. people who are kanye stans, people who hate kanye so much that they're lost reason, and people who don't care about kanye but can appreciate music for what it is.
I don't see anyone who hates Kanye though. I see some sensitive cats who feel the need to come to his defense every chance they get but aside from that I think everyone can appreciate Kanye's music.
Originally Posted by 13saldana13

for real. hip-hop takes work to make. I mean it's all music in the end, you can look down at a genre because it's easier to make. That's not what music is about, that's people thinking they're high and mighty for understanding other music better. it takes alot of work to understand music on a high level (instrumentation, sequencing, etc.), but music is from the heart and either made for the people or because someone what's to let people know what's on their mind, it's an art. making good music is not easy, people who can make good music deserve their props, regardless of the genre. I know if quincy jones tried to rap like jsy or lupe he wouldn't be able to do it. I don't knwo quincy, but i also don't know if he really understand the art that is rhyming. Put your self in the others shoes and understanding is so much easier.
No disrespect with the above, but please don't disrespect hip-hop. Kanye is a great producer, if people think that all a hip-hop producer does is take a sample and loop it, you're not listening to the music. if people think that rapping is just rhyming words, they're wrong.

I feel like there are 3 groups people. people who are kanye stans, people who hate kanye so much that they're lost reason, and people who don't care about kanye but can appreciate music for what it is.
I don't see anyone who hates Kanye though. I see some sensitive cats who feel the need to come to his defense every chance they get but aside from that I think everyone can appreciate Kanye's music.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by rocyaice

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by MindOfCritic

I did read the question. You guys are just here to defend Kanye no matter what.
Yes because everyone in this thread has said Kanye>Quincy. Stop it 5. Kanye has been wanted in high demand in the last decade. During Quincy's run he was in high demand. End of story. You guys are trying to downplay Hip Hop as a whole to make your point. Funny from a dude who reviews hip hop on a blog. Nit pick +*$ N's


No one is downplaying hip hop but what's frustrating is watching you dudes sit here and put Kanye and Quincy on the same pedastal. They're not. And i'm 23 years old. I'm too young to even really remember Quincy's dominance but let's be for real here. Michael Jackson never had a impact on music before or after Quincy. NEVER. And that's the greatest entertainer of all time. You just can't even put Kanye and Quincy in the same sentence right now and that's not a slight to Kanye but that's just dude to Quincy's dominance on music. I don't think there is a modern day producer you can even compare Quincy too.

And you guys keep talking about "Quincy's run". Man that ##@ went on for decades. He didn't just have 5 or 10 strong years. He had STRONG DECADES. In comparison yea Kanye just looks like a rapper to him. And I read Quincy's comments and i'm sure they were taken out of context in some form or fashion but you put up Quincy's impact on music against Kanye's and yea Kanye does just look liek a rapper to him.

And this is to all of you dudes who keep saying Kanye is a "mediocre rapper". At what point is he gonna shed that label because on his last album he's spitting with some of the best in the game to me.

This is a common case of arguing everything but the topic to seem right. No one is arguing everything you mentioned. AT ALL. But if you look at the first post it just says HUGE DEMAND! That's it. Radiohead is in huge demand for every festival across the globe JUST LIKE THE BEATLES. "OMGZ DID HE JUST COMPARE SOMEONE TO THE BEATLES?!" Reggie Bush was in high demand coming out of college JUST LIKE BARRY SANDERS. "OMGZ DID HE JUST COMPARE REGGIE BUSH TO BARRY SANDERS?!"

You guys love to take everything out of context and just get offended for no reason. Read the question and if you disagree with it then argue that. But don't say "Kanye isn't in high demand like Quincy was because of IMPACT, DOMINANCE, KNOWING MORE INSTRUMENTS, WORKING WITH MICHAEL JACKSON ETC, ETC". If your argument is "Kanye isn't in high demand like Quincy was because.....he isn't." that is a much more logical argument
I'm not debating the question. I'm moreso debating the replies in this thread that came from Quincy's answer to the question. And when the interviewer said "demand" I thought he was referring to artist lining up to get a Kanye beat like they use to do for Quincy Jones. And with the way Quincy answered the question i'm assuming that's what he thought too. And i'm not offended. I am shocked by some of the idiocy people are displaying in this thread however starting with dude who said outside of Thriller everything Quincy has done has been trash.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by rocyaice

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by MindOfCritic

I did read the question. You guys are just here to defend Kanye no matter what.
Yes because everyone in this thread has said Kanye>Quincy. Stop it 5. Kanye has been wanted in high demand in the last decade. During Quincy's run he was in high demand. End of story. You guys are trying to downplay Hip Hop as a whole to make your point. Funny from a dude who reviews hip hop on a blog. Nit pick +*$ N's


No one is downplaying hip hop but what's frustrating is watching you dudes sit here and put Kanye and Quincy on the same pedastal. They're not. And i'm 23 years old. I'm too young to even really remember Quincy's dominance but let's be for real here. Michael Jackson never had a impact on music before or after Quincy. NEVER. And that's the greatest entertainer of all time. You just can't even put Kanye and Quincy in the same sentence right now and that's not a slight to Kanye but that's just dude to Quincy's dominance on music. I don't think there is a modern day producer you can even compare Quincy too.

And you guys keep talking about "Quincy's run". Man that ##@ went on for decades. He didn't just have 5 or 10 strong years. He had STRONG DECADES. In comparison yea Kanye just looks like a rapper to him. And I read Quincy's comments and i'm sure they were taken out of context in some form or fashion but you put up Quincy's impact on music against Kanye's and yea Kanye does just look liek a rapper to him.

And this is to all of you dudes who keep saying Kanye is a "mediocre rapper". At what point is he gonna shed that label because on his last album he's spitting with some of the best in the game to me.

This is a common case of arguing everything but the topic to seem right. No one is arguing everything you mentioned. AT ALL. But if you look at the first post it just says HUGE DEMAND! That's it. Radiohead is in huge demand for every festival across the globe JUST LIKE THE BEATLES. "OMGZ DID HE JUST COMPARE SOMEONE TO THE BEATLES?!" Reggie Bush was in high demand coming out of college JUST LIKE BARRY SANDERS. "OMGZ DID HE JUST COMPARE REGGIE BUSH TO BARRY SANDERS?!"

You guys love to take everything out of context and just get offended for no reason. Read the question and if you disagree with it then argue that. But don't say "Kanye isn't in high demand like Quincy was because of IMPACT, DOMINANCE, KNOWING MORE INSTRUMENTS, WORKING WITH MICHAEL JACKSON ETC, ETC". If your argument is "Kanye isn't in high demand like Quincy was because.....he isn't." that is a much more logical argument
I'm not debating the question. I'm moreso debating the replies in this thread that came from Quincy's answer to the question. And when the interviewer said "demand" I thought he was referring to artist lining up to get a Kanye beat like they use to do for Quincy Jones. And with the way Quincy answered the question i'm assuming that's what he thought too. And i'm not offended. I am shocked by some of the idiocy people are displaying in this thread however starting with dude who said outside of Thriller everything Quincy has done has been trash.
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