Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

You the one who stated a musician can't be a genius because it's an art.....whatever that means.

No, I stated that you cannot objectively demonstrate that someone who creates something that a lot of people like and is ultimately a matter of taste is a genius. You may point out that a lot of others are of the opinion that that person is a genius, but that is not objective proof like proof you can assert to an athlete in form of hard data.
Since when can artists not be considered geniuses? I've never heard that **** in my life :lol:

It's why the phrase "creative genius" exists.
Since when can artists not be considered geniuses?

Considering I never said that they cannot be considered geniuses.. I guess always?

You may be of the opinion that Kanye is a genius. I'm not and never was.
You will never be able to "prove" that Kanye is a genius like you can prove that someone is good at sports, which was the post I was initially replying to. You may think that Usain Bolt's running syle is ugly. But his world record time, which is not based on opinion, cannot be disputed like one person can say Kanye is overrated and another one cannot.
No, I stated that you cannot objectively demonstrate that someone who creates something that a lot of people like and is ultimately a matter of taste is a genius. You may point out that a lot of others are of the opinion that that person is a genius, but that is not objective proof like proof you can assert to an athlete in form of hard data.

  1. 1.
    exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.
    "she was a teacher of genius"
    synonyms: brilliance, intelligence, intellect, ability, cleverness, brains, erudition, wisdom, fine mind; More

  2. 2.
    a person who is exceptionally intelligent or creative, either generally or in some particular respect.
    "one of the great musical geniuses of the 20th century"
    synonyms: brilliant person, gifted person, mastermind, Einstein, intellectual, great intellect, brain, mind; More
Considering I never said that they cannot be considered geniuses.. I guess always?

You may be of the opinion that Kanye is a genius. I'm not and never was.
You will never be able to "prove" that Kanye is a genius like you can prove that someone is good at sports, which was the post I was initially replying to. You may think that Usain Bolt's running syle is ugly. But his world record time, which is not based on opinion, cannot be disputed like one person can say Kanye is overrated and another one cannot.

Does this logic apply to people who can perfectly reproduce music on an instrument after just hearing it by ear? Or people who can look at an object and draw an exact replica down to the last detail?

Are those things not proof of ability?

Creativity in itself is part of the literal definition of genius. Synonymous with gifted which involves natural ability or talent. I agree that people considering Kanye a genius is very iffy though. He kinda just takes what's already there and puts his own spin on it.

I think that's why he's so obsessed with Steve Jobs.
I don't see how that definition of genius shows that being a genius isn't a matter of opinion.

Whether certain people are geniuses or not will always be debated. Quincy Jones recently said that The Beatles were "the worst musicians in the world". That's his opinion. And I can't really provide any real proof that he is objectively wrong, other than pointing out Beatles' record sales, which are again based on people's opinions of their music.
you can have a consensus of experts in the field, and the vantage afforded by time, to say with some confidence if someone was a genius at their craft.
Wasn’t Beethoven still writing music after going completely deaf?

Son was dropping bangers b
genius might not be the word but Kanye still has the best discography in hip hop

Yea it blows that Kanye changed up on us, but it's whatever, man. I'ma still bump his music. We been rockin with R. Kelly's music the whole time. We been knew he was a pedobear for 20 years and we JUST cancelled him last week. We'll get over Kanye's antics in no time.
Guy has ghost writers and ghost producers, has dropped duds and is going all out for promo.....sounds like a genius to me.
Outkast is an valid argument.

Biggie has only 2 albums.

& Kendrick... are we really gonna act like his discography had the impact that Kanye’s first 5 albums had? TPAB maybe.
To me, a musical genius is someone like Jimi Hendrix. The man learned how to play on a one stringed ukelele when he was 13 and played Elvis covers.

One string b.

Then when he did get a full guitar, it was right handed. Jimi was left handed. He flipped the guitar and learned to play it in reverse. ALL WHILE also learnign to play with his right hand as well.

He was self taught. He taught himself to play with one string, then how to play right handed.

:lol: So don't tell me Kanye is a musical genius b. Especially considering half of his rhymes aren't his, and half of his production was a group effort. Kanye didn't invent new sounds. Kanye took elements from other genre's and incorporated them into hip hop. He wasn't the first to sample a soul beat, he wasn't the first to experiment with 808's, and he wasn't the first to dabble in electronic, acid house, and punk sounds. He just packaged that **** up and made it new to YOU :lol:

Trent Reznor, Daft Punk, 808 State.... There have been prople doing these sounds long before Kanye. He didn't make this stuff up. He borrowed that style.

He made good music, great music. But a lot of ya'll be trippin with the "genius" term getting thrown around. Just like how once upon a time everyone was calling Lil Wayne the best rapper alive.

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