
something interesting though...the autopsy said that they couldn't determine a cause of death....that's very strange. It means she wasn't strangled or beaten. They're waiting on toxicology. I highly doubt these idiots poisoned her.

Maybe she got alcohol poisoning or took a molly or something and died from that, but the people at the party thought they did it and panicked and hid her body in the freezer.

Trying to connect the dots. Once the autopsy came back inconclusive, all I heard was case dismissed.
This is so sad. RIP to the victim.

What such terrible people that were there and did that to the girl.

One of the ******* that was there when Kenneka Jenkins was raped and murdered tried to kill herself few minutes ago before the cops busted in. Something is fishy here ? Is she the killer? Why is she crying ? Share till they find those rapist and killers.

"Irene" at the police station



Kanneka's mom speaks out

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Such a sad story rip to baby girl and condolences 2 the family.

That 38min video of ratchet girl was probably spot on for the most part, maybe some details will be diff but that's prob how it went down shame
something interesting though...the autopsy said that they couldn't determine a cause of death....that's very strange. It means she wasn't strangled or beaten. They're waiting on toxicology. I highly doubt these idiots poisoned her.

Maybe she got alcohol poisoning or took a molly or something and died from that, but the people at the party thought they did it and panicked and hid her body in the freezer.

Trying to connect the dots. Once the autopsy came back inconclusive, all I heard was case dismissed.

Hate speculating, but yeah It was probably some sort of acute intoxication that killed her. The others freaked and tried to dispose of her. Disgusting.
I honestly believe her and her friend were high/drunk and were busting it open for those dudes..she got to ****** up and went into the freezer and fell asleep or she od in the room and they put her in the freezer out of fear
I'm not going to say or speculate anything, but I will wait until the full story unfolds.

I remember that thread on NT with those 4-5 black kids that supposedly raped a girl infront of her father by a park in Brooklyn, NY and everyone was calling for their heads and when the full story came out it turns out she was having sex with her dad and he and the girl was down with with everyone hitting it. Not 100% sure on the story but I remember all charges being dropped on those kids.
She pulled a Cherie Johnson from Punky Brewster and willingly went into the freezer? I don't know man.

I have heard of stranger things happening, but didn't they carry her out of the room?
What if she had taken a couple E pills mixed with alcohol started overheating and feeling hot then went into the freezer thinking that drop her body temperature down?

I just hope the truth comes out.
What if she had taken a couple E pills mixed with alcohol started overheating and feeling hot then went into the freezer thinking that drop her body temperature down?

I just hope the truth comes out.


All these kids be on all kinds of drugs and some of the hardest stuff is so easy to get.

Not saying that's what happened but it's def possible
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