
I meant for the pejorative view that this is specific to black people or black girls

What did you mean I better not like me specifically or?
^ o ok got you

Thought you were one of those that waits for subjects like this to judge a whole group of people like some NT'ers do
:smh: all these people knew what that chick was about before this happened and still let her cook
Like I said Bruh, girls love potentially dangerous situations if it seems fun enough. They don't think anything will happen to them, ESPECIALLY if they're young.

I have a daughter.

I'm more worried abou men being creeps then women finessing her to creeps.

women are taught from birth to repel a man's unwanted advances, what they aren't taught is peer pressure from other girls to do bone headed decisions.
Damn **** is absolutely disgusting.


Hotel still using old security surveillance equipment?

Doesn't seem like something one employee could do without anybody else noticing.

man i used to work at one that was kinda ****** and all the security footage was all digital. I wouldnt even know where to look to run the "tape" back. Musta been some raggedy **** hole hotel or something
In a perfect world :smh:
Basically. Savages are out there, ready to steal kill and rape when they catch someone slipping. If you can find a way to stop them PLEASE DO. Until then, we have to remain vigilant. I like to go running at night and I have the right to do so, but I put myself at risk for danger. Same with women in a lot of cases. You gotta be smart out here, B.
**** so sad man
always watch the company ur kids keep

So true. I don't have kids but I did play that protector role with my little sister. It was very frustrating to mentor her and show her the pitfalls of hanging with certain people. She put herself in dangerous situations but luckily she remained unharmed. What I couldn't stop was her having kids with an idiot....but that's her burden to bare. She's now in her 30's and understands what I tried to shield her from.
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