
Kenneka Jenkins Conspiracy Theory Says Hotel Is In Organ Trafficking Ring


Conspiracy theories about how Kenneka Jenkins died ran rampant after she was found dead in a hotel freezer on the outskirts of Chicago over the weekend. The teen attended a party at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in the Village of Rosemont, Illinois, but never returned. She was found in the walk-in freezer in a desolate part of the hotel nearly 24 hours after she went missing.

Since then, one of the main theories is that Jenkins was set up by her friends, Monifah Shelton and Irene Roberts, to be raped and killed. Police said there was not enough evidence to indicate Jenkins’ death was a homicide and did not name Shelton or Roberts as suspects.

Still, the conspiracy theories continued to swirl. The latest rumor was that Jenkins was a victim of an organ trafficking ring — that's why she would found in a freezer, they said. While some people found the accusation dubious, others were convinced. Some of their comments have been posted below:

The hotel didn't respond to rumors that they were involved in an organ trafficking ring.

Convinced as some netizens might be, it doesn’t mean the amateur sleuths are on to anything.

“There are literally dozens of conspiracy theories that have been offered and countless people who are attempting to play detective and solve the case as to what happened over there,” Gary Mack, a spokesman for the Village of Rosemont, told the New York Times in a Wednesday phone interview. “Our police officers are leaving no stone unturned as far as trying to put all the pieces together.”

Jenkins’ mother, Tereasa Martin, openly criticized police and said someone at the hotel killed her daughter.

“They think that she walked into a cooler, intoxicated, barely able to hold herself up,” she said about authorities, noting doors to walk-in freezers are heavy and hard to open. “I believe it was foul play involved.”


Martin begged for anyone who knew what happened to her daughter to speak up. “Please, please, please, I beg you, let me know something,” she said. “Help me.”

“Help me” is apparently what some netizens heard Jenkins whisper in a video Roberts posted to Shelton’s Facebook page the night of their friend’s death. As of Thursday, the clip amassed millions of views before it was ultimately removed from her page.

While social media users wanted justice for Jenkins, their amateur detective work was hindering the investigation. “It's unfortunate that some of that stuff's convoluting the investigation because all those leads have got to be followed up on,” Rosemont Mayor Bradley Stephens said Wednesday. “As I'm sure you've seen, there's a lot of different, conflicting speculation out there, so (police) are doing their best to come to a quick resolution, obviously. I think everybody wants to know what happened.”

Jenkins’ mother was shown the surveillance video of Jenkins, but police did not release it to the public. “We're trying to be as understanding as we can to the mom and to be as compassionate as we can,” Rosemont spokesman Gary Mack told the Chicago Tribune Wednesday. “Now that our detectives have had the chance to look at it, we're hopeful it will be helpful to her.”

Mack wouldn’t reveal the contents of the video. It’s unclear how authorities found Jenkins’ body and they would not reveal if there were any lacerations discovered.

The hotel has offered to pay for Jenkins' funeral, spokesman Glenn Harston for the Crowne Plaza told the Chicago Tribune Thursday. “Our hearts go out to Kenneka's mother, her family and friends,” Harston said. “We hope covering the funeral costs provides a small bit of relief for them.”

A cause of death was still pending.

This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.
I've seen many people drunk on alcohol alone acting way more messed up than her in those videos

honestly...like, where's the vomit? where's the tumbling down a flight of stairs? where's is the drunken head smash against a wall?
people get drunk enough to not be able to walk or stand up at all; people pass out & go into comas, etc...

i don't know what happened or who was or was not involved - all i know is her behavior alone does not necessitate
being high on multiple substances...not that she wasn't...it just not necessary to produce someone acting drunk like that...
it's not about how you can personally hold your liquor or what makes you act like that
so about the organ theory - is she missing organs? is she an organ donor?

answers to those questions would really help to prove or disprove such a theory pretty quickly
which may be solely based on the freezer aspect of the story
so about the organ theory - is she missing organs? is she an organ donor?

answers to those questions would really help to prove or disprove such a theory pretty quickly
which may be solely based on the freezer aspect of the story

The mom said when they finally let her see her daughter it was only from the head up and the rest of her body was covered.
It's just f'ed up how her "friends" let her roam around drunk out her mind like that. Your people especially with females are supposed to look out for each other. Can't trust everybody you talk to.

This is part of my argument. For what varies between 1-2 hours, she roamed around. Not one soul is seen. Not one person runs into her.

Taking the hotel completely out of it...as a detective that doesn't strike you as strange? That the friends didn't search, top to bottom for her?
if she was raped, couldnt be she walking around like that maybe due to a concussion if she was attacked?
This is part of my argument. For what varies between 1-2 hours, she roamed around. Not one soul is seen. Not one person runs into her.

Taking the hotel completely out of it...as a detective that doesn't strike you as strange? That the friends didn't search, top to bottom for her?

This is my thing. If one of my boys just up and disappeared from a function and didn't drop a word with us beforehand we'd be searching top to bottom if we couldn't make contact via phone.

But all of your friends aren't really your friends, regardless of which theory is true... Her 'friends' were trash
This is my thing. If one of my boys just up and disappeared from a function and didn't drop a word with us beforehand we'd be searching top to bottom if we couldn't make contact via phone.

But all of your friends aren't really your friends, regardless of which theory is true... Her 'friends' were trash

True. Not everyone that talks to you is nice.
Been reading bits and pieces to the thread, but...

I will chime in as someone having to deal with drunk friends.

My girls cousin gets twisted sometimes and gets volatile and out of control and when you try to calm her down she gets physically violent with you.

When you try to calm her down she throws a fit and makes a scene and when you try to subdue her she bites, kicks, screams and/or digs her nails into your skin, I still have her nail marks that she dug into my wrists from an incident over by my families house. She had too much to drink and started acting up and I was telling her to chill and relax and take her outside and she dug her nails into my wrists so hard that the nails actually cut through me and all 4 of them stabbed me and it was really bad and bleeding but over the last 2-3 years they are just marks/scars with an indent.

Not saying this is the same situation at all whatsoever, but different people while under the influence of things behave differently. Some people like to fight, some like to f***, cry, cause a scene, left alone, etc.

I definitely think there was foul play and her friends could have prevented her from dying.
Chill, dude. I was just saying that is where the theory came from. Use some deductive reasoning.

I think people speculated that her body was in the freezer to keep the organs fresh as the prepared to harvest them, not that they had actually been removed. Seems very "out there".

It is strange that an illegal black market body part and organ harvesting operation was raided less than 8 miles from this hotel. People are saying there is some kind of connection between that illegal opperation and the owner of the hotel. I have yet to see any evidence of that but i havent really looked. That would certainly lend creedence to the theory but without that connection it seems pretty farfetched.

Also people saying some people in the party were connected to management at the hotel. No specifics there either.
I think people speculated that her body was in the freezer to keep the organs fresh as the prepared to harvest them, not that they had actually been removed. Seems very "out there".

It is strange that an illegal black market body part and organ harvesting operation was raided less than 8 miles from this hotel. People are saying there is some kind of connection between that illegal opperation and the owner of the hotel. I have yet to see any evidence of that but i havent really looked. That would certainly lend creedence to the theory but without that connection it seems pretty farfetched.

Also people saying some people in the party were connected to management at the hotel. No specifics there either.
Didn't two of her friends work there?
the body harvesting thing seems crazy but again, remember Kendrick Johnson and how they found him with his organs removed and tissue stuffed in his body but somehow he committed suicide, or actuall they say fell into the mat trying to retrieve his sneakers and got stuck

As for the Biological Resource Center of IL, it was part of investigation in 2015 tied to black market organ harvesting across several states (also Detroit and PHX) http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/...ue-over-cremation-remains-20150714-story.html There were allegations as recently of the same thing from April this yr http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-body-part-trafficking-lawsuit-0420-biz-20170419-story.html


Owners A. Greene and Donald A. Greene II

Can't find anything connecting them to being owners of the hotel other than that FB post and I dont remember their original source
edshoecator said the freezer wasn’t working or was room temp

At this point, I don't know what to believe.

Her sister said the freezer was warm cause it wasn't in use due to the construction.

At some point the hotel said it was out of use as well , but then all the fake stories about her being frozen solid one minute...hot the next...

I don't know what's a reliable source anymore.
At this point, I don't know what to believe.

Her sister said the freezer was warm cause it wasn't in use due to the construction.

At some point the hotel said it was out of use as well , but then all the fake stories about her being frozen solid one minute...hot the next...

I don't know what's a reliable source anymore.

Agreed. Didn’t doubt you since you’ve been invested in this more than anyone in here.

It’s a lot of he said she said and BS
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