Justice for Jacob Blake


I remember when white people were saying Trayvon was a “thug” just for mean mugging for social media pics (something damn near every guy has done back in the day) . this guy has an ISIS propaganda pics and is considered a patriot...

I remember when people were saying Trayvon was a “thug” just for mean mugging for social media pics and smoking weed (something damn near every guy has done back in the day) . this guy has an ISIS propaganda style pic and is considered a patriot
Imagine, they shot a black man for entering into his vehicle at the "Fear" that he may be heading for a weapon, whereas this cretin is running around with a long rifle killing people and not a single bullet was fired. These police forces need to be dismantled.
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So what ever happened to this supposed “gun” he was getting out of his car?
Apparently "having a knife" is enough to unload seven shots.
Even if he did where do they train you that approaching someone with a short range weapon WALKING AWAY was the move? You're literally safe from an arms length away... Do they teach zero disarming techniques at the academy? It's madness.
Apparently "having a knife" is enough to unload seven shots.
Even if he did where do they train you that approaching someone with a short range weapon WALKING AWAY was the move? You're literally safe from an arms length away... Do they teach zero disarming techniques at the academy? It's madness.
Police training is ridiculously short in US.

quote from that article for my country
''Police are armed in Finland, but rarely use their guns — just roughly 10 times per year — because they are taught that they should only reach for their weapons in the most dire situations. Even after three years of college, including time spent working in a police internship-like setting, 30% of a student's final grade is a series of combination personal interviews and psychological tests intended to ensure that young Finnish cops can be trusted with their guns and power. Use of force training doesn't begin in Finland until four months into the curriculum, when a Minneapolis police rookie would already be awarded their badge and gun. ''

And you guys only have like 10-36 weeks of training for cops?? That's ******* crazy.

Not from here but look at the restraint they were able to use and he was on that type of energy.
they wouldnt want me on camera
after doing some **** like that to my family
i put that on everything i love
i aint forgiving nobody

I like what Robert Horry said yesterday. If you touch my kid, then ima come get you.

I would love to see a relative of the victim in a situation like this let the media and whoever know that the legal system isn’t the only way to achieve justice, and if the courts won’t do the job and render adequate punishment, they’ll achieve it through alternative means. If that pig gets off easy, he’s getting popped in the head multiple times, be it 5 years from now, 10 years from now or wherever.

Those animals only understand violence and accountability. If they’re not going to fear proper punishment from the legal system, they need to fear revenge from the victim’s families and loved ones.
A man with an automatic weapon open fired on cops but they had enough composure to shoot him below the waist. You gotta be kidding me.
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