Just quit my job vol. how did yall quit? UPDATE PAGE 5

Boreout is bless what do you mean :lol: getting paid to do other things? Shoooot ill take that over being stressed about a lot of work.

Handling your side income/business while on the clock and getting paid is bless. Its a game, gotta play it.

this is what I’m currently going through . I work maybe 3 hours a day . It sucks because we are always on site /in the office (even during covid). But I plan on moving out of state next year , so I’m hoping they ask me to stay on remote because I don’t need to be here to do my job
word man mental health is something I'm just getting familiar with so I can't speak that much about depression. i def was at a low point during that time at that job where friends were looking at me with a WTF face...like I visibly didn't look good. not sick, but...stressed and fatigued.

i feel like the worst thing is to let that bad experience dictate the rest of your life. speaking for myself, it wasn't the first racist workplace experience I've had, but it was the worst by far. and while i wish cancer upon this person (yea i said it, don't even @ me), the worst thing i can do not move on. I'm not depressed...maybe harbor anger? I'm just tired of these symptoms honestly, but otherwise, I'm just focused on my life to come, yolo.

BUT i don't wanna take away from what you going thru. that's real. and i hope you get that help you need that helps you breathe better ya dig? life too short to let **** hold you down from being happy. feel me?

man my girl would tell me, why do you look like ur not doing well.

and im like cuz im not :lol: !glad she encouraged me to get sum help or take a trip, if u reading this i love u girl <3

thats when i realized it aint no joke man, the mental health needs attention

i just copped this book
The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Depression: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Move Through Depression and Create a Life Worth Living (A New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)

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I had enough. Quit (e-commerce 6 years) and decided I'll figure it out myself. At this point, I can't waste anymore time with this nonsense. Saved up enough to live for almost 2 years and I'll take my chances, do something I want to do. What Corona made me realize is that no one knows what they are doing. Why are we following these rules? Who set them up exactly? I think I'm good on all this, really.

I'm in Berlin and the notice period is 3 months, lol. So you guys complaining about 2 weeks, try an entire quarter. We do get 30 days of vacation but that still doesn't matter. Europe really is no different when it comes to corporate life - long hours, highly demanding, soul draining, etc. Different countries, same game.

But f all that. First Monday unemployed. Glorious.
"Life. Real life. A thing that we have been denied for far too long."

When I was working for the government I got randomly selected for a drug test on a day I called in sick. I would’ve failed the drug test and I was planning to quit to start my own business in a couple months any way. So I sat down with my supervisor and basically told her I’ve smoked weed for the past 8 years while working for the government and was going to resign to start my own business, in the cannabis industry, in 2 months. I told her I’d still like to work until that point but if I have to reschedule this drug test soon I’m gonna fail. She was actually very interested and supportive in what I would be doing. I told her all this in private and asked her not to share my plans with anyone because the nature of the business and it’d be awkward if my coworkers found out I’ve been a big pothead this whole time and knew what I was about to do. Actually my supervisor was so chill she told me if I got pulled for another drug test I could just leave work and she would vouch for me and say I got sick.

So I finished my last two months and helped someone transition to my position. My coworkers started to resent me because I wouldn’t tel them where I’d be working next. It was very awkward. But I never got pulled for another drug test and the office had a big party for me at a restaurant, signed a frame picture of the building with good luck wishes, and I was out. My supervisor told me if I failed my business I could always come back within a year. That was almost 5 years ago. Buisness has been a success and I never spoke with anyone I worked with again.

I’d really like to catch up with my supervisor some time though. She was great.
I had enough. Quit (e-commerce 6 years) and decided I'll figure it out myself. At this point, I can't waste anymore time with this nonsense. Saved up enough to live for almost 2 years and I'll take my chances, do something I want to do. What Corona made me realize is that no one knows what they are doing. Why are we following these rules? Who set them up exactly? I think I'm good on all this, really.

I'm in Berlin and the notice period is 3 months, lol. So you guys complaining about 2 weeks, try an entire quarter. We do get 30 days of vacation but that still doesn't matter. Europe really is no different when it comes to corporate life - long hours, highly demanding, soul draining, etc. Different countries, same game.

But f all that. First Monday unemployed. Glorious.
"Life. Real life. A thing that we have been denied for far too long."

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I once I started working at Best Buy in the beginning of November, tried to get employee discount for Christmas shopping.
Found out seasonal hires don’t get a discount until the next New Years, technically after probation period.
I asked the dude who was training me if my discount was effective a week before Black Friday and it was. Bought all kinds of **** for gifts and what not.
I called my manager on Monday, the week of Black Friday and said I was done working for y’all. He tried to give me some kind of spiel and I just hung up on him.
I had enough. Quit (e-commerce 6 years) and decided I'll figure it out myself. At this point, I can't waste anymore time with this nonsense. Saved up enough to live for almost 2 years and I'll take my chances, do something I want to do. What Corona made me realize is that no one knows what they are doing. Why are we following these rules? Who set them up exactly? I think I'm good on all this, really.

I'm in Berlin and the notice period is 3 months, lol. So you guys complaining about 2 weeks, try an entire quarter. We do get 30 days of vacation but that still doesn't matter. Europe really is no different when it comes to corporate life - long hours, highly demanding, soul draining, etc. Different countries, same game.

But f all that. First Monday unemployed. Glorious.
"Life. Real life. A thing that we have been denied for far too long."

congrats my boy excited for free dom
I got an update, sot he job I got that led to me quitting my current job. I think i will go ahead and quit that too as i got a better offer from another company.

So my question is, how do you quit a job that you haven't started yet but signed the offer letter for?
I got an update, sot he job I got that led to me quitting my current job. I think i will go ahead and quit that too as i got a better offer from another company.

So my question is, how do you quit a job that you haven't started yet but signed the offer letter for?

If it is a much better offer that you'd really rather pursue then just keep it real at that point. They can take it however they want, but at the end of the day, the way i see it at least, you haven't started yet and you'd be happier with the better offer so go with that.

this happens all the time.
If it is a much better offer that you'd really rather pursue then just keep it real at that point. They can take it however they want, but at the end of the day, the way i see it at least, you haven't started yet and you'd be happier with the better offer so go with that.

this happens all the time.
yeah its a job i originally was rejected by in may/june and the manager told me if he is able to create another position he will offer it to me

fast forward to last wednesday dude hits me up and is like can u talk? im like yah and hes like i wanna offer u this positions i just got approved.
sent me the offer the next dayh and i signed.

I just never quit a job i aint start
thnx fam finna read this
I once I started working at Best Buy in the beginning of November, tried to get employee discount for Christmas shopping.
Found out seasonal hires don’t get a discount until the next New Years, technically after probation period.
I asked the dude who was training me if my discount was effective a week before Black Friday and it was. Bought all kinds of **** for gifts and what not.
I called my manager on Monday, the week of Black Friday and said I was done working for y’all. He tried to give me some kind of spiel and I just hung up on him.

f Best Buy dude, I worked for them when I was 16. First job. They’d always be coming at me about not offering replacement plans.

what am I going to offer a 15 dollar replacement plan on a 30 dollar paper shredder for? you don’t even give me commission to have me out here looking stupid.

they fired me, I kept no call no showing because I was fishing and kept it real and told them I was fishing.
I got an update, sot he job I got that led to me quitting my current job. I think i will go ahead and quit that too as i got a better offer from another company.

So my question is, how do you quit a job that you haven't started yet but signed the offer letter for?
I did that before. I went to 2 interviews, the better paying one told me they went with someone else. The other one gave me an offer so i took it cuz i was unemployed at the time and tryna get back on my feet. Place was mad far too, and parking situation was super trash. 2hr bus/train/streetcar trip each way. Between commute and work 12hrs. So wack.

My 2nd day im otw home i get a call, other job wanted me. Person they offered the job to declined so i was next up. Quit the next day. Started the new one the following week.
My boy is a savage, he takes his paid times off and goes and gets better paying jobs at other places and gets the offer in writing and shows his boss and says he’s gone unless they pay him more than that offer. He straight up turns the companies on each other. :rofl:

he’s done this like 5 times now. I found a better paying job and left. He just sticks around and gets them for all their bread.

he makes 3x what he started at 5 years ago by doing this.:rofl:
f Best Buy dude, I worked for them when I was 16. First job. They’d always be coming at me about not offering replacement plans.

what am I going to offer a 15 dollar replacement plan on a 30 dollar paper shredder for? you don’t even give me commission to have me out here looking stupid.

they fired me, I kept no call no showing because I was fishing and kept it real and told them I was fishing.


i fking HATED GAP for this. worked at gap in college for like 1 semester. this was like 2008. they wanted us to push gap cards mad hard, and the managers were gassing up the comms over who was putting in work to get people to sign up.

like yo **** u want me to find wild success to sell people on credit for clothes during a financial crisis?! yo gap can SMD lol. i was seasonal hire so they let me go while i was on vacation lol.

never touched retail again
My boy is a savage, he takes his paid times off and goes and gets better paying jobs at other places and gets the offer in writing and shows his boss and says he’s gone unless they pay him more than that offer. He straight up turns the companies on each other. :rofl:

he’s done this like 5 times now. I found a better paying job and left. He just sticks around and gets them for all their bread.

he makes 3x what he started at 5 years ago by doing this.:rofl:
:lol: i used to use my PTO on rainy/snowy days back when Uber was actually good $ and drive Uber and get the surge pricing :lol: get paid for my 7hrs at my regular job + another 2-300 from uber for a few hrs then go back home.
congrats papis
ty fambz i really do appreciate it

f Best Buy dude, I worked for them when I was 16. First job. They’d always be coming at me about not offering replacement plans.

what am I going to offer a 15 dollar replacement plan on a 30 dollar paper shredder for? you don’t even give me commission to have me out here looking stupid.

they fired me, I kept no call no showing because I was fishing and kept it real and told them I was fishing.

bruh ihated best buy with a passion

i worked there and was working before the store opened had lil b playing in the warehouse manager comes thru tells me to turn it off smhf.seen him a couple years later working at apple smh
I did that before. I went to 2 interviews, the better paying one told me they went with someone else. The other one gave me an offer so i took it cuz i was unemployed at the time and tryna get back on my feet. Place was mad far too, and parking situation was super trash. 2hr bus/train/streetcar trip each way. Between commute and work 12hrs. So wack.

My 2nd day im otw home i get a call, other job wanted me. Person they offered the job to declined so i was next up. Quit the next day. Started the new one the following week.
damn thats finna be me
yeah its a job i originally was rejected by in may/june and the manager told me if he is able to create another position he will offer it to me

fast forward to last wednesday dude hits me up and is like can u talk? im like yah and hes like i wanna offer u this positions i just got approved.
sent me the offer the next dayh and i signed.

I just never quit a job i aint start

thnx fam finna read this

exact same thing happened to me a few weeks back I told them thanks but no thanks and went with the offer that was paying 8 racks more a year
:lol: i used to use my PTO on rainy/snowy days back when Uber was actually good $ and drive Uber and get the surge pricing :lol: get paid for my 7hrs at my regular job + another 2-300 from uber for a few hrs then go back home.

i gotta respect the hustle, on days like that i wouldn't wanna do much except eat and PlayStation, Netflix, etc
How tf you gonna ask someone to turn off the based god? Should have asked you to turn it up if you ask me.
exactly mane! i believe he was cursed
exact same thing happened to me a few weeks back I told them thanks but no thanks and went with the offer that was paying 8 racks more a year
thats what i love to hear mane! congrats bud!
Lol y’all know. F Best Buy. Trash *** place to work.
Congrats MakeNTGreatAgain MakeNTGreatAgain for landing the gig
preciate taht mane <3
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