Just Keep Going, You Got Nothin To Lose (Powerful vid)

filmed on a canon dsrl
Originally Posted by KanyeWest101

Cool video but LMFAO @ the last asian dude in the closing of the video.
Why is that funny? The man obviously did not know English very well, and then to add him as "bloopers" as comedic relief, I thought was pretty sad. Imagine yourself in a foreign country and being asked questions in a language you didn't know. !*%!.
Originally Posted by KanyeWest101

Cool video but LMFAO @ the last asian dude in the closing of the video.
Why is that funny? The man obviously did not know English very well, and then to add him as "bloopers" as comedic relief, I thought was pretty sad. Imagine yourself in a foreign country and being asked questions in a language you didn't know. !*%!.
great video.
What is the meaning of life?
people got real hung up on that one.

awesome song too...

great video.
What is the meaning of life?
people got real hung up on that one.

awesome song too...

the meaning of life is, when you're about to take that last breath.

you see the person you could have been standing next to the person you are.

there is when you realize whether you did your best or could have been better.

Without continuous personal development, you are now all that you will ever become, and hell starts when the person you are meets the person you could have been.
(Eli Cohen)
the meaning of life is, when you're about to take that last breath.

you see the person you could have been standing next to the person you are.

there is when you realize whether you did your best or could have been better.

Without continuous personal development, you are now all that you will ever become, and hell starts when the person you are meets the person you could have been.
(Eli Cohen)
Im suppose to do a project like this for my sociology final, my topic is about homeless people.
I am suppose to interview them and question the norms of how its normal for people to just pass by a homeless person.
It should be good and exciting but i have no type of camera like the guy in the video.
Im suppose to do a project like this for my sociology final, my topic is about homeless people.
I am suppose to interview them and question the norms of how its normal for people to just pass by a homeless person.
It should be good and exciting but i have no type of camera like the guy in the video.
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