Just got a new puppy....Help me name it

King or Roscoe
I got a boxer too... a girl, name Marli (not after that book/movie, I didn't even know it existed when I thought of the name)...

Anyways, Check her out...




She's cool... lots of work and energy though... prepare yourself for a dog bouncing off the walls all the time. It's like they feel the need to alwaysbe doing something, this is even after long hours of running at the dog park, come home still has high energy!

As for names...

I had actually consider Brooklyn too! For a second, I was going to get a white dog (knowing that a decent % of them are deaf but I was willing to work withit) and was considering powder or powder donut or good coke. I wouldn't name him after a boxer because he is from the boxer breed because that is socommon... unless you just really happen to like a particular boxer but still, kinda wack imo.

Other names to consider off the top...
-Jordan (this is NT, right?)
-Maybe after one of your favorite musicians, in my case Marli is from Bob Marley, but you can do humm... I dunno, Miles, Jigga, Big, call him... I dunno basedon ya avy, "Game"
-Half Baked
-Maybe after something related to ya favorite sport or athelete, Lebron, Payton, GoSkins
-Lil Reggie
-Lil BowWow

-Snoop (personally based off The Wire char.), others off the Show, Marlo, Dukie
, Barksdale, Stringer (Bell), Wee-Bey, and my other personal favorite "Bodie"

Aiiiigggght, I got to do some work today, sooooo thats enough decent sugg. off the top for now... so pick one! Let us know what you decided (and feel free toPM/post if you have any questions on the breed)

Oh yea, ya pup is going to be big... long legs!
CAPONE or BAMBI because of his long legs
nice pup by the way. Let us know what you ended up naming him.....
Originally Posted by Reginald Noble



It's a boxer and a boy.....Hope that helps
Nice dog! My boxer turned a year old yesterday. Have fun training and taking care of him...They are a lot of work for the first year and makesure you get all his shots!

I don't have a name suggestion sorry. Haha.
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