Josh Childress...

May 19, 2004

More pictures of his collection:

Have fun.
Nike Air Jordan XI stands out in Childress' mind. He says, "It's my favorite shoe of all time."

he's one of us


dude really hasn't gotten a haircut since he was at Stanford..

he's basically looking like a young Don King right now
Josh, I know you're reading this.

First of all, nice collection.

Second of all, thanks for letting T-Mac and them get 20.
Originally Posted by jblackcat13

1. Childress
2. Colston

Childress over Colston?

they really need an age limit on these forums... kids these days don't know anything about Colston
Originally Posted by the hater boxden

Originally Posted by you big dummy

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

this pretty much confirms he is a nter

He confirmed that himself a few years ago


dont even start with that bs @ jb13


From Neil: Do you read NBA content(or sports content in general) online? If so, do you ever visit blogs(like TrueHoop, Deadspin) or Sports 2.0 sites to see what fans and people outside the traditional realm of sports journalism are saying? Have you ever considered having an account at something like ArmchairGM, FanNation, or YardBarker, to better communicate with fans?
For NBA content, RealGM and Hoopshype are sites that I like a lot. I visit them pretty much daily to see what's new around the league. I check out some of the forum postings to see what's out there. But for the most part, I try to stay away from reading into things like that because there is never an equal balance between the positive and negative.

Gregg asked: I'd like to know which web sites Josh visits most frequently. What are the "can't live without" places on the web for him?
There is no way I could live without I am a huge shoe fanatic so I log on to see what's new and hot. I like to get the new items before anyone else even knows about them. Another of my favorites is There are people on there whose lives are dedicated to shoes and they know 3-4 months in advance which kicks being released. Other than that, since I'm in the process of getting J. Chill Enterprises up and running I've been spending a lot of time on real estate websites. I'm looking for a spot to open my shoe store in Atlanta. Did I mention I am really into shoes? Haha.

And Jason asked: Any thoughts about starting your own blog?
Actually this is my first online blog [entry]. The only other blogs I've done were in magazines(a rookie diary in Inside Stuff and this year my tech review in Hoop). Hopefully Earthling will continue this one with me -- it's been cool so far. A lot of athletes are starting personal blogs as a way to communicate with fans and give a behind the scenes view of their lives. I've considered adding a blog to my MySpace page but I'd rather use more of an open forum, with access to a mass audience(like Earthling).
[Blogger's note: Josh, I look forward to working with you again, and you're always welcome to pick up a guest blogging stint here

Update: Wanted to share Josh's answers to a few more nerd questions that came from me:

What's your platform of choice: Xbox360, PS3, or Wii?

What game(s) are you currently playing?
Right now I'm into Lost Planet. I bought it when it first came out but just opened the package yesterday. So far its been a little frustrating because I can't stay alive but I really like the game and I am getting better.

Mac or PC?
That's a hard question because I like both a lot for different reasons. The Mac is cool for its simplicity, features and accessories. It's also easy to use. But I've always used a PC and I'm accustomed to it. I have a Mac laptop and desktop. But I mostly use the PC laptop because it has fingerprint security. Just in case I lose it I know my info is secure.
Isn't Ben Gorden a member of NT as well?

Anyway Josh Childress is the best player in the NBA
if he really is reading this. i can tell you right now that you have the ugliest, most horrible jump shot in the history of BASKETBALL!!
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